Forbidden Love

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Kaito knew from the first moment he had seen Edogawa Conan that he was someone very special. Intelligent, smug and sly. He had no idea how right he was until he challenged the KID killer face to face. The piercing glare of his was able to melt his soul and god, it made him shrudder. The boy was his destined mate, and he was perfect. Except one small aspect.

Conan was a child.

An alpha child for an omega KID.

He was screwed.

And the worst of all, just as he could smell this inseperable bond KID knew Conan could smell this, too. At least he never said anything about it.


Conan felt himself near insanity. All those following heists, he could smell him so clear and sweet, it broke his usual little child's act.
Shinichi wasn't called Tokyo's bloodhound just for the heck of it. Only because the Black Organisation kicked him a few years back didn't mean he lost the ability. He wanted to grab KID and smash him into the next wall, just to ravish the cheeky thief. But he was a child.

Saliva began to fill his mouth on the windy rooftop, face to face with the one and only Kaitou KID. Something smelled off today.
Conan inched a step closer, his nose guiding his way towards the gentleman thief. All of a sudden, his eyes shot up wide in realization.
"Y-you are going into heat!!" the chibi exclaimed, his finger aimed accusingly at the flinching KID.
"What are you doing?! Holding a heist like that, are you insane?!"
KID kept a polite silence but Conan knew he just tried to play it cool. As closer Conan came as intoxicating the smell became. Soon enough, it flooded the whole rooftop and the child could make out the flushed cheeks of his rival.
"KID... Go home... S-seriously..."

The phantom didn't budge.

"GO HOME KID!!" Conan screamed now, he couldn't leave unless KID disappeared first. Said one flinched again but just like before, he didn't move a muscle.
"...w-who are you?" he muttered, his eyebrows narrowing onto the child as he sat down on the roof, stubborn as ever. It was risky, but now he had Conan where he wanted him to be. Conan knew about the bond, and he knew as well that his instincts would prevent him from leaving KID alone in his heat. Not even speaking about leaving him to a hungry task force.
It was the instinct of an alpha to protect what is his, and that was the urge KID pokered on today. He just hoped for Conan to control himself well enough, because he knew for sure his omega instincts would deny any control over his paralyzed body.

Conan seemed to realize what KID wanted and what he bet on, he fought himself but knew he had lost.
" real name is Kudo Shinichi, highschool detective. A poison made me like this."
He wasn't willing to tell more than that and the Kaitou accepted it. In fact, he breathed out a chuckle in relief and leaned back against the edge.
"Phew. So I'm not going into jail for pedophilia."
"You're going to jail anyway KID! Can you please leave now?!"
The magician gently tipped his top hat and raised himself onto shaky legs, then stared down into the for him now blurry mass of cheering fans. His arousement overcame him like a wave trying to drown him; he had underestimated the effects of his heat in near of his mate.

"...I'm sorry, but I guess I have to admite I'm unable to fly in my condition... The chance I crash into something or just plainly fall down is too high."
Conan turned pale and started to flail with his arms in horror, his voice an octave higher.
"What?! What do you mean you can't fly?! You know just well that the task force is here any second!! And I can't come any closer to you!"
The male took a shaky inhale and squeezed his eyes shut, then stepped onto the edge seperating them from a fall into death.
"Oi wait! KID what's that gonna be?! If you plan on dropping yourself into a tree I'll kill you!!"
"Well whatelse should I do?! It's not like I don't survive it!" the thief hissed unintended, his heat gnawing at his nerves.

Conan fell silent and finally, he nodded to himself. That plan was crazy and he wanted to slap himself for the thought alone, but what was he trying to fight these urges?
"L-look KID, why don't you send one dummy off amd hide here? I'll lead the task force astray and meet you in one hour at my house. Shinichi's house."
Kaito nearly purred to hear the real name of his mate again but pulled himself together.
"S-sounds like a-a plan. But... Why meet up? I still feel uncomfortable enough even looking at you like that in this body."
"Just do it. You'll see."

The same night, Conan entered his house and took the steps upstairs. This plan was crazy enough and he had done a lot of work convincing Haibara to hand him the temporary antidote.
Conan didn't have to ask for KID, he smelled him all over his house. His mind began to spin, he was full of want and the thought of KID waiting upstairs for him let his blood run cold. The smell of heat filled the hallways and Conan was ready, armed with a red/white pill and a glass of water he entered the bathroom.
The effects of the pill didn't burn more than the impatient primal urges ready to consume him.

Finally as Shinichi, he stormed his bedroom covered by a mere towel.

Let the week of mating begin.

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