How to ruin a Phantom's day

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That was all Kaito heard as all his great work landed inside his own face, cooling it this instant. Oh boy, that hurted. Not physical of course, Kaito was the strong type of guy and wouldn't ever be hurt thanks to such an act. But remembering he took so much effort to... ah, from the beginning.

"Meitantei, you are quite a challenge today. Enough of simply chasing after me~?"
Kaito triumphally smiled at the chibi detective down below, savoring every bit of his frustrated expression. He stood on a high fence, holding his balance with ease and kept on watching the boy running back and forth like a predator impatient for its prey. As always, the litte boy wasn't able to reach him no matter how much he stretched out his arms and hitting him with his watch wasn't an option, KID made sure this time to cover all of his remaining skin up. How could he reach the damned phantom thief?!
"Don't push your luck KID, I'll get you behind bars today!"
The magician smiled and tipped his hat, just as usual not the slightest bit impressed by his threats. In fact he found it rather cute to see the chibi raging in front of him, unable to arrest him.
"Hush, settle down. I am not here to match wits with you."
"Is that so?"
The chibi detective froze upon his words; curiosity overcame him and his eyebrows narrowed.

Finally considering the atmosphere as safe between these two rivals, Kaito jumped off of the fence and back onto the roof. He crouched down and fixed his rival's eyes, his voice as carefree as always.
"Say, Meitantei... which day is today?"
Said one tilted his head in a manner which clearly explained he had no idea where KID tried to guide his trail of thoughts.
"Uhm... Saturday?"
"Yes. And...?"
Conan stared at him, his utterly confused expression revealing everything. KID facepalmed, a groan emitting from his throat and with a soft cough right afterwards he snapped his fingers.

A small poof resounded and a cloud of soft blue smoke covered the thief's hands, instantly blown away by the chilling breeze surrounding these two and revealing a full and obviously selfmade lemon pie for the detective, candles lit which exactly showed an eightteen. Of course KID knew about Shinichi's true age and made sure to properly celebrate it, too.
"Happy birthday Meitantei."
Edogawa Conan turned absolutely priceless as he stared back and forth between the cake and KID, visibly speechless... Until the thief started to break out into amused giggles.
"Oh come on you knew I'd pull something like that."
"That... was..."
"Unexpected? Perhaps. But I wouldn't ever forget the birthday of my favorite critic~"
Finally showing a smile, Conan bent forward and softly blew the candles out, a happy expression on his face with his cheeks tinted in red; he clearly was embarassed. After all, he truly forgot about his own birthday... in front of his friends that wouldn't have been a problem but in front of Kaito KID... bad luck.

"How cute, Meitantei~ A blush really suits you. Do I get a kiss~?"
That forced Conan to grow a few shades darker as he cried out, smashing the cake full force into KID's face in reflex, fury sprawled across his cheeks.
As both realized what just happened, Conan somehow felt guilty. After all KID took all the effort to present him a cake. Perhaps he even made it himself?
"K-KID... I'm sorry... I..."
KID sighed and raised himself again, beginning to wipe his hard work out of his face, his white gloves painted with lemon cake. As soon as Conan saw the expression he made he immediately felt ten times worse. Oh god what had he done...

The thief already turned to leave but Conan hugged his left leg, letting out a soft whimper as he clung onto the last hope of earning the thief's good will again.
"D-don't go... I'm sorry... I really am... It was a reflex..."
Kaito sighed once more as he flashed a glance down onto the begging child which usually could compare his mind with ease to his own one. Fighting with himself he finally nodded and sat down again, weakly smiling. He knew he was hopelessly captivated by his cute little child's play.
"Guess you don't like cakes..."
"I-I do! Lemon pie is my favorite!"
Conan grinned and inched closer, wiping bit of the sweet creme off of Kaito's cheek, licking it off and shooting an innocent smile towards the surprised male.
"It's tasty. Thanks KID... you really made my day."
"I'm glad to hear that Meitantei."

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