Thumbelina: Shin-chan Edition 2

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Shinichi laid awake for a long time, even after the KID had fallen asleep. Dawn was closing in...
He breathed out a quiet sigh and turned towards the phantom thief. KID, being an extremly calm sleeper, had reassured him enough beforehand for the detective to share the bed. Currently, Shinichi laid on Kaito's pillow, covered by the thief's personal handkerchief with monogram. He knew the blanket was too heavy for him and had made sure Shinichi was able to sleep properly.

Kind of... nice? Polite? Shinichi wasn't even sure if the magician still believed he was a cursed doll. He folded his arms below his head and stared up at the ceiling, falling into deep thoughts. Instead of being scared or angry the thief had welcomed him with such ease it nearly scared him. To mention cared for...
Hattori. He had no idea where Shinichi was and the boy couldn't contact him either. In his condition he needed to rely on KID for now, and that pervert definitely wouldn't give him any chance to make a phone call. Slowly but surely, he drifted into a dreamless sleep.

The detective came to his senses as Kaito poked him the next morning, earning a kick of his against his finger.
"What?!" Shinichi hissed, pissed about being awake again. The magician rolled his eyes and motioned over to the small clothes he had worn the day before.
"Hurry up Meitantei, you're going to school with me. And I'll stuff you with or without your clothes into my pocket, it's alone your choice."
Shinichi froze for good two seconds before he began to dress himself, murmuring all kinds of curses.
"You owe me a coffee."
"Geesh you can just sleep in my pocket! But I can't leave you all alone here, there's barely a risk my doves are going to attack you but... better be careful~ Don't want my lively Shin-chan doll ruined."
Shinichi could feel his eye twitching.
"I. Am. Not. A. Doll."
"Hai hai, hurry now."

He must have fallen asleep in the thief's comfortable breast pocket, because as he woke up, his world was twirling around him.
"Oi oi Ahoko! Settle down! There's nothing against a naughty red~!"
Shinichi allowed himself to sneak a peak outside and gasped in horror, he saw a gigantic mop aiming at him and a furious girl behind it. Obviously, KID hung from the ceiling and this girl had chased him through the classroom. Naughty red? What could that possibly-
Shinichi felt his face growing hot. KID had taken a glance at this girl's panties. That damned pervert... Shinichi scoffed but greedily took his new surroundings in.

A classroom of normal highschool niveau, lots of students, a desperate teacher at the front... Hakuba?!
Shinichi rubbed his eyes, glad that the Kaitou wasn't moving anymore. Yes, on that seat definitely sat the arrogant halfbrit. The chibi couldn't help but snicker at his ticked off expression, he used to be like that, too, until matters with the Black Organization hat forced him to step into the shadows.
"Something funny, Meitantei~?" a voice quietly purred and Shinichi noted with relief that KID settled down on his seat.
"Not really," he answered, glancing again at Hakuba, "I was just surprised you're actually Hakuba-san's classmate."
Kaito smirked and stuck his tongue out to the still staring halfbrit, irritating him with that.
"Oh, he does know I'm KID. Just nobody believes him and he has literally no proof~"
"WHAT?!" Shinichi gasped, earning the attention of all the others. Kuroba immediately bent over to hide him and grinned.
"Sorry! Just a cough! I'm fine!"
With a quiet whine he hissed at Shinichi to keep quiet and looked relieved to see he actually complied.

Shinichi found it quite interesting to take part in Kaito's class. He almost felt like studying an animal's behavior in its common habitat. Pranks over pranks, most of the directed at Hakuba, and Shinichi always was in the middle of it without falling victim to them.
If he could, he would have filmed the whole school day.
But oh dear, his curiosity brought trouble...

"What is that?"
Hakuba had bent over KID and snatched the tiny Shinichi from the table, examining it.
"A Kudo-san doll? That is nearly crossing the line of obsession, don't you think so?"
Shinichi had to act calm, one move, a single twitch of his muscles would have been enough to alert Hakuba. Kaito made a noise which came near a screech as he yanked Shinichi back and slipped him into his breast pocket.
"Are you insane?! Don't break it Hakubastard!! D-despite that, it was a present of Akako."
Akako next to them frowned and shook her head, butting into the argument.
"I'm sorry Kuroba-kun but I didn't make anything."

Kaito turned silent while Hakuba looked only more confused. His gears started to turn, first slow but fastening with every second, and finally horror spreaded over his face.
"...oh damn."
He stormed out the classroom with his bag, ignoring the calls of his friends. He first stopped a few streets further and, desperately trying to catch his breath, Kaito gently pulled Shinichi out and sat him onto his hand.
"Y-you... you're the real Meitantei, aren't you? God I'm such an idiot..."
Shinichi breathed out a deep sigh and crossed his arms, staring up at Kaito.
"I've been telling you that the entire time, dimwit!! Ah, fine."
Kaito slowly started to walk again, his eyes fixed onto the tiny highschooler inside his hand.
"So... What are you going to do?"
"Patience. Haibara said it's a prototype. If it hasn't got the wished effect it'll wear off."
One again, silence fell upon them. It didn't last long for Kaito to break it again.
"I know this sounds pretty hilarious and desperate, but please don't tell anybody what you found out about me," he helplessly began, despair gnawing at his guts but Shinichi interrupted him.
"Hai hai. It's not fair anyway... I've discovered you because of a stupid situation, not on a heist. I'm going to catch you on a heist, KID. Or should I say 'Kuroba Kaito'~?" he answered with a smug expression and Kaito nearly facepalmed.
"...thanks, Meitantei."

After a lazy evening and a night full of good sleep for Shinichi, he was surprised to find Kaito staring at him the next morning, blood dripping from his nose. Shinichi gasped and sat up right away, feeling his forehead.
"Kuroba-kun! Are you okay?"
In the same second he realized that his hand was back to normal and in conclusion, the rest of his body too.
The rest?
He was fully grown and naked. Shinichi flashed a glance backwards, yes, his tiny boxershorts laid there, bursted through his growthspurt.


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