Chapter 2: Pass The Torch Ceremony

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                                                                                  (Vic's POV)

  Today's the ceremony where the seniors officially become seniors. The graduates from last year pass the torch onto us. Sophomores are already named juniors but they come to the ceremony anyway. Juniors wear red and seniors wear blue. I'm grateful that I'm finally finishing my music degree even though my band's music career has started really well. We have released two albums already and have done two tours. I love my bandmates like brothers.

 "What are you so happy about?" I ask my fiancé, who seems to be in a lovely mood.

  "I'm happy because tonight we'll officially be seniors. I'm excited for the ceremony tonight." He explains and kisses my cheek.

  "There's something else that you're not telling me." I cross my arms. I know he's hiding something.

 He smiles. "It's a surprise for you that I can't tell you about."

 I relax. "But you know I don't like surprises. I'm sure whatever it is, I'll love it."

 He nods. "I love you. You always do surprises for me so I'm doing one for you." He kisses me.

 I kiss back. "That's sweet. I love you so much. What are you wearing for the ceremony?"

 He sighs. "I haven't decided yet because I don't know if its supposed to be fancy or casual."

 "How about I show you what I'm wearing?" I ask.

 He smiles. "Yes, that sounds like a great idea."

 I kiss him and grab my outfit for the ceremony, a blue polo shirt, jeans, and my favorite vans.

 He grins. "You're handsome."

 I hug him. "Does this help you decide what you're wearing?"

 He hugs me. "I figured it out. Thanks so much. Have you written your speech yet?"

  The speech he's referring to is the one I am making as I was class representative. This year I'm going to run for class president. And Kellin is going to help me out. "Yes, I finished it. I told you that I'm ready for this year." I tell him.

 He grins. "I love you. Can I hear the speech?" he asks me.

  I shake my head. "No, you can't. you'll hear it with everyone else. But you are my fiancé so you get other special treatment." I lean close to him to kiss him deeply. He kisses me back and relaxes into me.

 He pulls away and smiles. "I love you too. And your kisses always are amazing." He states.

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