Chapter 23

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                                                                                   (Vic's POV)

  It's the last day of tour and its been amazing. Every minute that I'm onstage I've loved. Doing this with my best friends is amazing. I love making music with them. "I'm sad." Tony states.

 "Why are you sad?" I ask him.

 "Because it's the last day of tour." Tony states. "that means that we go back to college."

 "Correction, we go back to college to graduate. And then continue our music." I explain.

  Mike nods. "he's right. As soon as we graduate we'll get our degrees. Then we can focus on our music career."

 Tony grins. "That's very true."

 Jaime smirks. "I'm sad that its ending but I get to go home to my boyfriend."

 I nod. "And I get to go home to my husband."

 Mike laughs. "That's cute. How is my brother-in-law?"

  I giggle. "He's doing good. I miss him and he misses me. We're both ready to be back home." I state.

 Tony smiles. "That's great. I'm so happy that this tour has gone really well."

 Jaime nods. "I'm so glad that we've had a blast so far. One last night of this tour."

 I grin. "It has been a blast. We've been enjoying every second of it." I state.

  It's weird to be doing something incredible while trying to live our dreams which is what's happening. I love doing this with my best friends, there's no one else that I want to make music with.

 "Give me that!" Jaime takes back his phone from Tony.

 Tony smirks. "Yeah."

 Mike rolls his eyes. "I am ready for this."

 ~Hours Later~

  The tour is officially over. We went to a bar to celebrate and then head home. We're already two hours out from the college where the bus will drop us off and then I'll drive home. This tour was amazing and such a blast. I hope we can do this for the rest of our lives. Music means a lot to us as a band.

  I sigh and hope for us to get to the college soon. "How much farther out are we?" I ask the bus driver.

 "We'll be arriving soon." He tells us.

  I text Kellin to let him know when I'll be home. Hopefully he's already home. I miss him every second that I'm not with him. Kellin really is the biggest love of my life. I can't wait to get home and give him a big kiss. We get to the college, grab our stuff, get off the bus, and I drive home.

                                                                           (Kellin's POV)

  I feel someone kissing my forehead. I smile as I immediately realize who it is, Vic. I fell asleep almost immediately when I got home from exhaustion.

  I open my eyes and see my husband standing next to me. He grins at me. "I'm home." I giggle at his comment. "I missed you." I sit up one the couch.

 He giggles. "Love, if you're tired you should sleep."

  I shake my head. "You just got home from being away for two months and you still haven't kissed me."

  He laughs and connects our lips together, running his fingers through my hair. I close my eyes and relax into him as we kiss. I missed him like crazy. This kiss feels amazing and special.

 I blush after pulling back. "I love you."

 He kisses me again. "I love you too."

 I cuddle into him. "I'm so happy to be back home with you. I missed you so much."

  He kisses my forehead. "I missed you too. Phone calls aren't the same as being here with you in person."

  I nod. "yes, it's not the same." I put my head on his shoulder. I love Vic and being away from him for so long was so hard.

  He gets up. "I'm sorry I want to go to bed." I'm honestly exhausted. I know you probably are too."

 I smile and get off the couch. "I'm exhausted too. Let's go to sleep."

  We walk upstairs and change into our PJs. Vic cuddles into me and wraps his arms around me. I kiss him. "Goodnight my love."

 He kisses back. "Goodnight. I love you."

 "I love you too."

  The next day I wake up to the smell of bacon, eggs, waffles, and pancakes being made. Standing there in only his boxers is my man. I walk over to him and kiss his neck. "Morning my gorgeous love."

 He kisses me, tilting his head to do so. "Morning. How did you sleep last night?"

  I grin. "I slept better then I have in two months thanks to you being with me. How did you sleep?"

 "I slept well and my back no longer feels sore." He plates our breakfast.

  "Thanks for making us breakfast this morning. You didn't have to." I kiss him as we sit down on the kitchen counter.

  "you're welcome. I wanted to do something special for you. Plus all we've had for two months was fast food." He laughs. I grin. "true." We spend the day talking about our tours and watching TV while cuddling.

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