Chapter 9

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                                                                              (Gabe's POV)

  I'm still buzzed from last night's event but it was a blast. I loved performing with my band and our own music. I loved it.; I think Justin is buzzed from it as well.

 "Oh my god. We have to go suit hunting today." I slightly complain.

 "Yes, we are. As groomsmen that's part of the job. Besides I like seeing you in a tux." He smirks.

 "I bet you do. Kellin is lucky that I love him like a brother." I state, looking for my wallet.

 He rubs my shoulders. "That he is. Relax it's going to be okay."

 I nod. "I'm still buzzed from last night. But I think we have to go." I check the time.

  He smiles. "Love, we have time before we have to meet Kellin. Let's go to breakfast. We haven't done that in a long time." He states.

 "I love that idea." I agree with him. "let's go then. That café that we love?" I ask.

  He giggles. "That sounds lovely. I know how stressed you've been lately. But you've got to relax."

 I smile. "yeah you're right. I do need to relax."

  He gets in the car. "Things are going really well for the band. I'm proud of us. And how far we've come as people too."

  I smile. "I'm proud of us too. Everything is going great for us. Kellin is getting married and I'm happy to see him happy."

 "I am too. He has a glow about him and has since Vic and him started dating." He agrees.

 I pull into the parking lot of the café. "here we are."

 He gets out of the car. "I'm so happy to be with you. And to call you my boyfriend."

 I take his hand in mine as we walk into the café. "I love you, Justin Hills."

 He kisses me. "I love you too, Gabe Barham."

 I smile. "Good." I state.

 He finds our usual table. "This is nice."

 I nod. "Yes, that it is. I'm so happy and lucky to have you as my amazing boyfriend."

                                                             (Evan's POV)

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