Chapter 20

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                                                                                  (Kellin's POV)

  My alarm goes off as I get up to grab my suitcase. I get dressed and kiss Vic goodbye. "I love you. I'll call you when I get to the first tour stop." I say.

 "I love you too." He kisses me back. "I'll call you when I get to the first tour stop."

 I grin. "I hate that we're going on separate tours."

 He sighs. "I hate it too. You have to go." He kisses me again.

 I kiss back. "Bye. I love you too."

  He kisses me again. "I love you." I sigh and go downstairs with my suitcase. Its seven a.m. and I'm exhausted. "I need coffee in my system." I tell my bandmates.

  Nick hands me a cup of coffee as soon as I get on the bus. "here. We'll have to stop some place for breakfast at some point."

 I nod. "yeah. Why did we have to leave this early?" I ask, drinking some of my coffee.

 "because we have to get there by a certain time today." Jack responds.

 I roll my eyes. "I know that." I say.

  Justin grins. "Kellin, we're officially on our first tour!" he's rather excited for early in the morning.

 Gabe nods. "We are on our first tour and its going to be amazing." He says.

  I grin, drinking my coffee. "I'm glad we're doing this. Even if its annoyingly early in the morning. I'm doing this with my four best friends. I love you guys."

 Nick smiles. "I love you guys too. We're making music together and starting to live our dreams."

 Jack nods. "Agreed. We're lucky to be headlining our first tour." He says.

 I smile. "Agreed. When do we get to food?"

 Justin grins. "Soon probably at the next exit because we're all really hungry."

 Nick nods. "Yup, pretty much. How is Vic?"

  I smile and play with my ring. "he's doing good. Both of us are sad to be a part for the first time in years."

 Jack kisses Nick's cheek. "That must be hard but you'll call him every day."

 I grin. "I'm sad though. Yes, I'll call him every day." I check my phone, no text from Vic.

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