Chapter 11

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                                                                                  (Justin's POV)

  Gabe has been amazing to me lately. Tonight, Vic and Kellin are hosting a fall get together. It's nice to have someone by my side even if he can some timed drive me nuts. "I'm glad to have you." I tell my amazing boyfriend.

 He nods. "I'm lucky to have you too. We can't keep avoiding the subject."

  I sigh. "I know. Fine let's talk. I want a baby as much as you do. But our band is taking off and its our last year of college."

 He nods. "I know that. Plus, are we even ready for a baby?" he states.

 I sigh. "Yeah I don't think we're ready for a baby."

 He kisses me. "I love you."

 I kiss back. "I love you too."

 He smiles. "Do we have to go to the gathering tonight?" he asks.

 "Yes. You don't want to go?" I ask. "Why don't you want to go?"

 He sighs. "I want to go, it's just gonna be awkward."

 "Why?" I ask him. He seems tense about this gathering. "Why is it gonna be awkward?" I say.

 "Because we're meeting one of our rivals." He says. "My ex is gonna be there."

 I hug him. "That maybe but you have me now." I say.

 "I know I do. It's still gonna be awkward." He sighs.

 "I know. Come on. Let's enjoy the time we have alone." I smile, kissing him.

 He kisses back and smiles. "I know. It's amazing, you're amazing."

 "Thank you. You keep telling me that but its great." I state. I smile. "Gabe, you're amazing."

 He grins. "I love you. I love you so much."

 I grin. "I love you too. I'm so proud of us."

 He grins. "let's cuddle. I like cuddling."

 I smile. "I love being close to my boyfriend as well." I say.

 He nods. "Things are great. I don't want to lose you."

 I kiss him. "You won't."

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