Chapter 3: Gossip

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                                                                                (Kellin's POV)

 I feel someone jump on me. "Morning gorgeous." Vic smiles.

 "We're seniors! And its our first day of classes and being in our new dorm." I state.

 He gets off of me. "I'm aware. Last night was such a blast. I loved every minute of it." He smirks.

 "I love you, but we really need to get going." I say, getting up and starting to get dressed.

  He grins while getting dressed. "And our sex keeps getting better and better. I want to know who our roommates are. I'm ready for this."

  I kiss him. "It'll probably be our bandmates or yours. I'm glad that you'll be my roommates again. I love you so much."

  He grabs my hand. "Let's do this." We walk out to the car with all of our boxes in the trunk of his car. It's going to be an interesting year. After getting to the college we grab our boxes and head into our new dorm. When we get inside Nick, Jack, and Hayley are standing there. Jack smiles. "Yay! You guys are my roommates!"

  I hug them. "Thank you so much. I'm glad we're roommates too." I smile. "We're picking out our room."

 "there's only one room left so really it's yours." Nick grins. "I have a class to get to." Nick leaves.

 I check the time. "I don't have anywhere to be until an hour from now."

 He smiles. "Awe yay. I'm so glad that we're able to cuddle for a while before you go off to class."

 "Yay. I'm so glad that we're engaged. I want to set a wedding date." I state.

 He grins. "I do too. I know we said that we aren't going to rush it but I want us to set a date."

 "April. Does that sound like a great month to get married?" I ask.

 He grins. "April does sound lovely. But what about February?" he states.

 "February?" I ask. "Like a Valentine's Day wedding?"

  He grins. "I like that idea. That sounds like a perfect idea but you're not afraid that its too cheesy?" he nods.

  I smile. "It's cheesy but its also adorable. I love you. Valentine's Day it is. We should have dinner with our friends tonight to tell them." I state, kissing him deeply.

  He kisses back and smiles. "That sounds like a great idea. That also means that we should start planning our wedding."

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