Chapter 19

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                                                                                       (Vic's POV)

  Tour starts tomorrow and I'm excited but I don't want to leave Kellin. We've been home from our honeymoon two days and we have been busy with band practices.

  Jaime won't shut up. "That's insane! We can't do that many songs because we don't have that many originals to do!"

  I nod. "that may be true but we can do covers because covers are a thing we can do! We're headlining this so we have to have at least fifteen songs."

 "he's right!" Tony finally sanps. "hime, stop being a jackass and help us decide on our set list."

 Mike sighs. "Guys! Stop arguing! Let's be civil."

  I nod in agreement. "We need to be civil about this or I'm going to end up shoving my foot up someone's ass!" I state.

 "Someone is in a mood today!" Jaime says.

  I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry if I seem a little off and being an ass." I say. "Its been hard for me to be away from my husband."

  "you're gone for two hours a day at the most." Tony crosses his arms. "There are going to be months when you two are on separate tours. Please get used to it." He explains.

  "that was harsh but you're right." I say. "Now let's get back to figuring out our setlists." We all agree to that and starting to decide songs for our setlists. This tour is our first headlining tour ever. It's a huge deal for us that's part of why I'm being a slight ass about it. "We're all agreed then." I smile at my bandmates.

 "that we are. Now that we have an official set, let's start practicing." Mike says.

 Jiame grabs his bass. "that sounds like a great idea."

 I grab my guitar and microphone. "let's get started."

 Mike grabs his drumsticks. "yay let's do this."

  We start our band practice. We play our set in order so we can get our rhythm going on tour. We go through the full set three times before stopping for the day. We're renting a tour bus to travel. It's going to be an interesting situation. There's probably going to be a lot of arguing.

  "Welp, that's a wrap. I'll see you all in the morning." I tell my bandmates goodbye and head home to my husband. We stopped living on campus. We also took all our final early and we decided on not going to our graduation instead, we're celebrating when we get back from our tours.

                                                                   (Kellin's POV)

 "I'm nervous for this tour." I tell my bandmates.

 Gabe smiles. "I'm excited for this tour too. It's a huge deal for us as a band."

 Justin smiles. "that's true."

 Nick grins. "let's continue our rehearsal."

  I nod. "That we should." I say. They grab their instruments and we continue practicing our band rehearsal. I love making music with them. They're extremely talented which is nice. I love being in a band with amazing people.

  "If you can't hang then there's the door. I don't wanna take your precious time. Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty face. But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time." I sing out a song I wrote about my ex. Our set is full of originals and covers. The song finishes and I wipe my face.

 "that was a great band practice." I state.

 "That it was. Are we running it again?" Jack asks.

 "No, we've run it three times and I have to get home to my husband." I state.

 Nick smiles. "That's sweet. Go home to Vic."

  I hug them all goodbye and go to my car. I turn up the radio as I drive home to my husband. Vic and I are going on separate tours which will be hard. It will be our first time away from each other in years. I'll call him every day to check in on him and see how he's doing. I unlock the door to our house and go inside. I smile as I see flower petals and candles in the living room. "Whats all this?" I ask.

  Vic hugs my waist. "I wanted to do something special for us since we both leave early in the morning."

 I kiss him. "This is so romantic. I love you."

  He kisses back. "I love you too." He grins. "I also made us dinner. It might not be that good but I tried."

 I giggle. "You tried. I'm glad that you tried."

 He leads me to dinner. "Come on." I follow after him. "This is really sweet."

 We start eating our dinner and I grin. "This is actually pretty good. Thank you for doing this."

 He squeezes my hand. "I wanted to. We both deserve a lovely night before going on tour."

  I smile. "That it is because I'm with you." I lean over and kiss him. After finishing eating, we head into the living room where we sit on the couch, cuddling. We spend the night watching Netflix and cuddling each other as we enjoy being in each other's company.

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