Chapter 22

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                                                                                 (Kellin's POV)

  Two weeks into tour and I'm exhausted. Plus, today's show date is in Orlando, Florida where the band formed. It's our hometown which makes it that much more special. "Its weird being back after being gone for college." I say.

 "that it is but it feels nostalgic at the same time." Nick says.

 Justin nods. "This is where we got our start as a band."

 Jack smiles. "Yeah it is. I can't believe we're back here. It's honestly crazy."

 Gabe nods. "Wow its as amazing as I remember it."

 I grab my phone. "Let's take a picture."

  We gather together to take a picture in front of the place where we played our first show ever and we're playing here tonight, The Plaza Live. We take the photo and then laugh. "This place is just how I remembered as well." Nick states.

 "That's true." Jack says.

 "I'm so happy to be back here with you guys." Gabe says.

  "It's awesome." Justin grins and heads inside the venue. I smile at Nick when we were left behind. "This would be the perfect place." I drop him a hint.

 Nick smirks. "I'm already one step ahead of you on that. After we play James Dean."

 I hug him. "That's great. And I hope that I'll be your best man."

 Nick giggles. "Fine. I was planning on asking you anyway."

 I grin. "Let's join our friends inside."

  We both walk inside to start our soundcheck. It feels the same way that it has the first time we played here. Calm but at night it comes alive. Before we played here I went to a bunch of concerts here. This venue means a lot to us.

 "I'm so happy to be here." I state. "I think we all are." Jack grins.

 Gabe twirls his drumsticks. "This show is going to be epic."

  Justin nods. "That it is. I know where we should go for dinner tonight. The burger place that's around the corner."

 I smile. "That sounds perfect. It's the one that we had our first performance binge at."

 "I remember that night. It was incredible." Nick explains.

  We continue setting up our equipment while talking about that night. I love that we're playing here again tonight. When the concert starts I can feel the love in the crowd. I run around stage enjoying every moment. Nick and Jack got engaged during the show. We go to a bar to celebrate. It was a lovely night.

                                                                 (Vic's POV)

  I hear my phone ring, its Kellin. I smile as I answer it. "Hey gorgeous. I missed your voice. So, what's going on with the band?"

  He laughs. "Everything is going really well. I have news that I am allowed to share with you. Nick and Jack are engaged!"

 I grin. "That's great. Tell them congrats! I think that's a record as well."

 He laughs. "It might be. I'm glad that they're happy. How's everything going with your band?"

 I smile even if he can't see it. "Good. They can get on my nerves at times but I love them."

 He giggles. "We're in Orlando today for an off day and its odd." He states.

 "How so?" I ask.

  "Odd because we're back where the band formed and we played at The Plaza Live last night. It was great to play there again. We're actually at Universal right now. I'm talking to you while I'm in line for the Harry Potter ride." He explains.

  I laugh. "Oh my god you're such a geek. That's part of why I love you. Enjoy your day at the theme park. I miss and love you." I state.

 He giggles. "I love you too and miss you." He makes a kissing sound.

 I laugh. "I love you. I have to go." I state.

 He pouts. "Go. I love you too." He says.

  I hang up and sigh. I hate that I had to go but I do. We're about to go onstage. Talking to Kellin always calms my nerves.

 "That was adorable." Jaime says.

  I roll my eyes. "Thanks. Now let's do this shit!" My nerves are no longer make me shake right now. I'm relaxed enough to hype myself for the show. We start our show circle. We put our hands in and cheers. "Pierce The Veil!"

 I grab my guitar. I smile at my bandmates. "We've got this." With that statement we go onstage.

  I start strumming my guitar and singing my heart out. I love music, it was there for me when nobody else was. It's saved me on multiple occasions.

 "That was epic." Mike says as we get on the bus.

  "It really was. I can't believe how epic that was and how insane the audience was." I state as I head to my bunk.

 Tony nods. "True. The energy was amazing and infectious. That audience was awesome."

  "They really were tonight. Each city so far has brought their own energy which is incredible." I state as I crawl into my bunk.

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