Chapter 7

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                                                                                  (Justin's POV)

  Everyone is getting engaged and it's amazing. Gabe and I are taking things slowly. I love him and I'm happy to be with him. He's wonderful and an incredible person. "Babe, you know I love you." Gabe smirks.

 I smile. "I love you too. You're acting strange." I state.

 He smiles. "I am not. I've just thinking." He states. "I've been thinking about us."

 "So, have I. Gabe you are the perfect boyfriend." I state, kissing him.

 "So, are you." He kisses back. "We have band rehearsal today."

 I sigh and smack his arm. "Thanks for the reminder." I get up. "I wanted to cuddle beforehand."

 He sighs. "I want to cuddle too. But we do have to go soon."

 "Things are going great. I don't want you to think that I don't care." I say.

 He grins. "babe, I know you care. I love you."

  "I love you too. We're stalling and we shouldn't be." I state. "This rehearsal is going to be an interesting one." I state.

 "I know it will be." He agrees. "And that's because it's our band and Vic's band." He states.

  I nod as we head out of our dorm building to go to band rehearsal. "I like Vic and his bandmates. It's just odd to be rehearsing with them." I state.

 He smiles. "Yeah we are. I know happy you are. I like seeing you happy. It makes me happy."

  I smile. "Seeing you happy makes me happy. I drive us to our band practice at Vic's and Kellin's house.

 He turns the radio up. "Yeah. So, you've been quiet lately."

 "I beg to dipper. I'm never quiet. One of our best friends is getting married." I state.

 "If you're hinting something tell me." He suggests.

 "I'm not. I'm just making a statement. Although I wouldn't mind marrying you someday." I say.

  He grins. "I'll make a note." He states as I park the car. We get out and knock on the door. Let the day begin.

                                                             (Jaime's POV)

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