Chapter 6

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                                                                               (Jack's POV)

  I live in a dorm with Vic, Kellin, Nick, and Hayley. Living with Vic and Kellin is one interesting situation, they're almost always making out. I love them and I'm glad they're happy.

 "You're making the face." Nick, my boyfriend asks me.

 "Am I?" I sigh. "Its still weird being in a dorm with them."

 Nick hugs me. "We don't have to live on campus." He states.

 I smile. "True but I like living on campus cause we're close to our classes."

  He kisses my forehead. "When the semester or year ends, I want you to move in with me. Would you move in with me?"

 I kiss him. "Nick, yes. I would love that. You know what else I love? You. I love you."

 He kisses back. "I love you too, Jack Fowler."

  "I can't believe we all went to the same high school and just started the band two years ago. Or just became friends." I state.

  He laughs. "The band started two years ago but we've been friends since freshmen year of high school." He states.

 I smile. "That's true. I love you. I just am in shock."

 "I have an awfully insane idea." He says.

 I raise an eyebrow. "Whats your insane idea?"

 He grins. "We should go swimming or do something fun."

 I smile. "Swimming sounds great. We do have that meeting today too."

 He laughs. "Yeah we do. But we have time to enjoy ourselves first." He then smirks.

  We both change into our swimming trunks and then head out to the pool that's on campus. As soon as we get there, he pushes me into the pool.

 I splash him. "That was an asshole move." I state.

 He smirks. "Damn." He splashes me back.

  I splash back. "You're lucky that I love you the way I do." We spend at least two hours splashing each other and swimming around. I hope to marry him someday. I know he's the only one for me.

                                                                       (Tony's POV)

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