Chapter 15

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                                                                                        (Vic's POV)

  Today's my wedding day! I'm so happy to be getting married to Kellin Quinn. He's my everything and I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him. He's amazing and I love him. "Why am I nervous?" I ask myself as I get up to take a shower. I need to look my absolute best today. I let the water hit my body as I wash my body with soap and then shampoo my hair. I'm nervous but excited and I feel so clean.

  There's a knock on the door. I finish putting on my boxers and head to answer the door. Standing there are my groomsmen; Jaime, Tony, Mike, Evan, and Patrick Stump.

 I let them come inside. "Come on in."

 Mike nods. "I'm helping you get ready."

  I nod. "Alright." Mike and I go to my room. I start getting dressed into my tuxedo. "I'm so nervous that I'm shaking." I state.

 Mike smiles. "Its natural to be nervous. You're getting married, it's a huge deal." He explains.

 I put on my dress pants. "This is life changing."

 Tony joins us. "Yes, it is but you'll love every minute."

 "I will." I state as I put on my undershirt for the tuxedo. "Kellin is perfect."

 Jaime smiles. "We're happy for you. Kellin is a lucky guy."

  I grin. "I'm proud of myself for proposing and getting to this point." I say, putting on my jacket and tie.

 Mike helps me with my tie. "I love you, brother." He states.

 I check the time. "We have to go."

  The six of us head out to the venue. I get out and get inside. I look around, taking it all in when I stand where I'm supposed to be. Now all I do is wait for the music to play. When the music starts I walk down the aisle with Mike.

  I stand there waiting for Kellin to meet me at the altar. I know he's going to be handsomely gorgeous. A few minutes later Kellin walks down the aisle. He's the most beautifully gorgeous person I've ever seen. He's absolutely breathtaking as well. The ceremony officially starts. "We are gathered here today.." The officiator starts the normal script for weddings.

  I grin as I start my vows. "Kellin, you have been by my side for years. You're my best friend who's always shown me the light when I was depressed. You are the one that I found when I needed you. I didn't even know I needed you. I love you more than anything. You are my sunshine on a rainy day I love you now and forever. You are my everything. I love you." I cry happy tears as I say my vows. I mean every word of it. He's the best thing to ever happen to me.

  I know in my heart that we're meant to be. Kellin has given me so much and he's the best thing to happen to me. I look into his eyes. "Its your turn." I mouth to him. I know he's nervous cause he's nervous. I squeeze his hand because that usually calms him down.

                                                                             (Kellin's POV)

  "Vic, I love you. You are the light whenever a dark cloud comes my way. You're not just my soulmate. You're also my best friend. You've given me so much love. we share something amazing. No one can take away what we have. You are the person who always saves me from drowning. When I lose my way, you guide me along. You are my everything. I love you now and forever." I say my vows, almost crying happy tears. His vows were beautiful and I really do love him.

  The officiator announces us husband and husband as we exchange rings. Vic dips me as we connect our lips together. This kiss is a lot different then all the others. It's our first kiss as a married couple. Its perfect. It feels so much more intimate and passionate as ever.

 I smirk as we pull apart. "I love you, Mr. Quinn."

  He smiles. "I love you too, Mr. Fuentes. I also love the sound of that." we walk hand in hand out of the venue hall. We walk to the dressing room to change.

 "That was perfect." I state as I change.

 "It was. Kellin, we're married! You're officially my husband." He says as he changes.

 "We're married. Oh my god we're married." I state.

  He kisses me. "That we are. You're my husband. That's wonderful to say. That kiss was magical."

  I kiss back. "That it was." We finish changing and head to the reception hall entrance. Mike's voice rings through the room. "For the first time as husband and husband, Mr. and Mr. Fuentes!"

  We walk into the room with massive grins on our faces. We're happy as you should be on your wedding day. We sit down at the head table then the best men speeches begin. Nick goes first. "Where do I begin? I've known Kellin since high school and I've seen him go through different relationships. But I've never seen him this in love before or happy. Kellin, you are like a brother to me. I'm happy for you. Vic welcome to the crazy family. Congrats to you both."

  I thank him. Mike stands up next. "Vic is my brother soo I've seen him go through many ups and downs. But the one person who's been by his side for years is Kellin. I'm so happy for both of you. Congrats." We cheers. I get up. "I love you."

 Vic whines. "I told you no performing at our wedding. I love you too."

  I get onstage. "This song is my wedding gift to my husband. Vic this is for you." We play the song that I wrote for my husband. Vic means the world to me and I wrote this song about how much I love him.

  After that we do our first dance. It's so nice to be this close with my husband. It's beautiful. We enjoy the rest of the reception before going home and packing to go on our very short honeymoon.

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