Chapter 10

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                                                                                 (Jack's POV)

  Nick has been going crazy because it's October which means fall decorations. I love him but he's driving me insane. "Babe, we don't need all this stuff." I tell him.

 "Oh come on. But this is so pretty." He begs me.

 "you do realize that our R.A rep does the decorating right?" I ask.

  "I know but he's missing pumpkins and leaves." He whines. "I want to do some decorating myself."

 I kiss him. "I know that but we don't have to."

  "I didn't say that." he sighs. "I like seeing fall things everywhere. You're the one who agreed to come with me."

  "I know. I am coming with you to spend time with you. With my amazing boyfriend, who I love." I state.

 He smiles. "I love you too. I'm sorry if I'm driving you crazy."

  "You might be a little bit but you're excited and I should be too. You know its hard for me right now." I state.

 He hugs me. "I'm so sorry. I forgot. Its okay to be sad. I'm here if you need me, I always will be."

  "Fall is my favorite time of year even if its hard on me. My dad loved it. He would've decorated the whole house. I miss him. We were so close to each other. He's not here to see me start living out my dreams. And that really sucks." I state. My dad died last year and I'm still grieving.

  "He would be so proud of you for living you dreams and following your heart. I bet he's looking down on you, smiling. Maybe putting out some pumpkins might cheer you up. Ii love the strong person you are." He kisses me.

 I wipe the tears form my eyes. "I think it might."

  We head home to our dorm building, with at least twenty different fall decorations. I love being with Nick and he always knows how to cheer me up.

 "I love you." I kiss him.

 "I love you too." He kisses back. I love him a lot. I plan on marrying him someday.

                                                       (Tony's POV)

 "Mike put it down!" I yell at my fiancé.

 "its so pretty!" he states, he currently is holding an engagement ring.

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