Chapter 17

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                                                                                   (Vic's POV)

 "Vic!!" Kellin grunts as I enter him.

 "Yes, my love?" I ask as I fuck him.

 "I love you." He tries to get more comfortable as I pause for a second.

 "I love you too." I say, kissing him.

 He screams out as I cum in him. "Fuck!"

 I pull out. "Fuck that was a great way to wake up."

 He cuddles into my side. "That it was. I don't want to get up." He states.

  I pull him closer to me. "We don't have to get up cause its our honeymoon so we can go at our own pace."

 He grins. "That's true." He puts his head on my chest.

 I play with his hair. "It is. This moment is so perfect."

 He grins. "It is perfect, nothing can ruin this moment." He states.

  "I am so happy. You are amazing." I tell him. Kellin is my husband who's been by my side through a lot and I love him for it.

 "I feel amazing, you're amazingly wonderful." He kisses me.

 I kiss back. "You are too, I'm grateful for us." I say.

 He nods. "You're gorgeous." He grins.

 I kiss his cheek. "I'm aware. We should probably get up." I say, getting up.

 "But you're my pillow." He complains.

 "We have a day to get started." I say.

 He gets up and starts getting dressed. "Fair enough. What's the plan for today?"

 I shrug. "I don't know. I was thinking we could go see some of the major sites."

 He smiles. "That sounds like a great idea."

 I nod. "I'm glad you like that idea. I'm so happy to be here with you." I state, getting dressed.

 He grins. "I'm proud to be your husband."

 I nod. "You're my amazing husband who I love."

 He grins. "Shall we go then?" I take his hand in mine. "That we shall."

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