Chapter 5: With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear

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                                                                        (Kellin's POV)

  Three months. That's how long we've been back at college for. It's been crazy. We also have been planning on the wedding.

 "But what about this color palette?" Vic asks.

 I look at it closely. "I actually like those colors together. I just don't want red or pink."

  He laughs. "I don't want red or pink either. We agreed on these colors." He states. the colors that we're thinking about are blue and white.

 I hug him. "Can we take a break for a minute?" I smile. "Please?"

  He puts the color palettes down. "Yes, we can take a break. I love that we're planning our wedding. I get chills just saying that."

 I cuddle into him. "I love you too. Vic, I don't know where I would be without you."

  He connects our lips together. I kiss back as I smile like the lovestruck person I am. I love the taste of his lips on mine. Hell, I love him. I love him so much. I pull back. "Amazing."

 He grins. "I know. Our kisses are always magical."

 I cuddle into him more. "I know we're so in love. I think it makes some people jealous of us."

  He wraps an arm around me. "They should be. Kells, I love you so much. We're getting married. It's so wonderful to have you in my life."

 "Vic, are you craving?" I ask my very sexy fiancé.

 "No, I'm not craving but its fine if you are." He says.

 "I am craving. Mainly ice cream." I state. "Actually no, I want a milkshake and hamburger."

  He gets up. "I'll go pick us up some steak and shake. I'll be quick." He kisses me on the lips before leaving to go get us lunch.

 I grin. "I love you."

 He smirks. "I love you too."

 I turn on the TV as I wait for Vic to get back from his lunch retrieval.

 "Oh, hey Kellin." Hayley says looking nice.

 "Hey. You're all dressed up. Going on a date?" I playfully ask her.

  She sticks her tongue out. "Very funny. I am going on a lunch date. I'm also slightly nervous because I really like her."

  I grin. "Lynn is an awesome girl. Just be yourself. Vic and I have always been ourselves with each other. Now, we're planning our wedding."

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