Chapter 21

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                                                                                  (Vic's POV)

  My bandmates are driving me nuts. Its only day two of tour and they're already driving me crazy. I love them but they can be frustrating. We're at the venue doing our soundcheck. "We sound great." I state.

 "That we do. I'm glad that it's going well so far." Mike says.

 "I am too. Oh my god! Guys we're sold out!" Jaime says.

 I raise an eyebrow. "you're lying! There's no way that we're sold out!"

 Tony shows me the ticket sales. "he's bot lying. We're sold out!"

  I grin. "Yay! Group hug." We all gather together in a group hug. I'm so proud of us for selling out on only our second day of tour. Its amazing.

  I grab my phone and call Kellin as I walk into the dressing room. "Hey babe. What's up?" Kellin asks on the other end.

 "I have amazing news that I want to tell you. We're sold out tonight." I tell him.

  "that's amazing. I'm so proud of you. You deserve this. It's incredible. My man is making his dreams come true." Kellin says.

  "How is everything going for you? I'm glad that things are going good for us. I'm shocked that we're sold out tonight." I explain.

  "I'm not surprised that you are. You guys are insanely talented. I'm proud of you. I'm sorry that I can't be there." He states.

 I grin even though he can't see me. "I love you."

 "I love you too. I have to go. Have an amazing show." he says.

  I hang up and then walk out of the dressing room. I walk back to the back stage area where they're waiting for me.

 "Why are you staring at me?" I ask them.

 "No reason. Let's go have dinner." Tony responds to my question.

 Mike smiles. "I like that idea. I'm so hungry."

 Jaime laughs. "I think we all are."

  The four of us walk to a small restaurant. It's nice enough for us to enjoy it. I love spending time with my friends, they moan a lot to me. They're like family to me. After dinner we go back to the venue to meet our fans even though we only have one album out.

  I change after that before we go onstage. It's our first time ever performing in front of a sold out crowd. It feels amazing to be showing off our music. I love every minute of singing my heart out onstage. I also love doing this with my best friends.

                                                       (Kellin's POV)

  "You're in a good mood." Nick states as we sit at dinner.

  "Vic called to let me know what's going on with him." I grin and play with my wedding ring. I really love Vic with everything I have.

  "Since Jack is currently in the restroom, I wanted to talk to you. I'm thinking about proposing." Nick says.

 Justin smiles. "Go for it. I know that he loves you."

 Gabe nods. "he does, all of us see it. But only propose if its entirely what you want."

 Nick smiles. "It is what I want."

 "Whats what you want?" Jack asks as he comes back to the table.

 "Nothing to be concerned with." Nick kisses his boyfriend's cheek.

 Jack nods. "I believe you."

 Justin grins. "I still can't believe that we're on this tour."

 I nod. "I can't either. It's shocking but at the same time it's awesome." I say.

 "that's true." Gabe smiles.

 Jack grins. "I'm happy to be here with my best friends."

 Justin laughs. "That sounded cliché."

  I nod. "I love being here with you guys as well. I love having you guys as friends. This band wouldn't exist without all of us working together." I state.

  Nick grins. "You're so right. Music is changing our lives. I'm grateful to be making music with you."

 I wipe away fake tears. "Stop it you'll make me cry."

 "Oh my god we're all cliché." Justin states.

 Gabe smiles and raises a glass. "cheers to Sleeping With Sirens' first headlining tour." He says.

 Jack grins. "Cheers."

  We clink our glasses together and take sips from our glasses. Spending time with my friends is absolutely incredible.

 I laugh. "I'm so glad to be living our dreams with you talented musicians."

  After dinner we head to the venue to meet our fans even though there's probably not very many. It's nice to know that there are people out there that love our music.

  I text Vic quickly before we start our set. I go onstage and speak into the mic. "Hello everyone. For those who don't know who we are, we're Sleeping With Sirens!" at that we start our set. I run around stage as I sing my heart out. I love this feeling, this rush that I get while I'm onstage. It's amazing and I want to spend my life doing this with my band.

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