Chapter 8

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                                                                                   (Nick's POV)

  Today is the gig that both bands has been losing our minds on. "Its tonight." Jack, my amazing boyfriend reminds me.

 I hug him. "Yes, I know. Thank you for the lovely reminder."

 He grins. "I love you. What time do we have to be there?"

 I smile. "We don't have to be there until six. Show starts at seven but we're not openers."

  "True. What did you want to do until then?" he smirks. He has an evil plan in mind. He states. "I do have an idea."

  "I know you do. Does this plan involve clothes?" I ask. I know him way too well to not know what that look in his eyes mean.

 "Maybe not." He smirks.

 "The look in your eyes gave it away. You're gorgeously beautiful eyes." I lean in closer to him.

  He grins and connects our lips together. I am insanely in love with him. Every little thing about him makes me shiver. I love all of him, every piece of him.

 I pull back. "I love you too. And I wouldn't mind our clothes coming off at some point." I smirk.

 He takes his shirt off. "I wouldn't mind either."

 I smile. "Good. But not in the middle of the dorm living room." I state.

  We move off the couch and into our dorm bedroom. "Have I mentioned the fact that I love you?" I say, kissing him.

  "You have numerous times. I love you too." He kisses back as he pulls my shirt and my pants off as we kiss. I love being with him and he makes me feel amazing. Even in ways he shouldn't be but he is.

 "I love you." I state as our clothes keep coming off.

  An hour later, we're cuddling in our bed, enjoying being together. He kisses my cheek. "I'm so happy to be with you."

 "As am I." I state. I love being with my incredible, amazing boyfriend.

 "I love this moment too." He grins, kissing my forehead.

 I grin. "Me too. I'm so lucky." I state.

                                                                       (Mike's POV)

  Tony and I have been insanely in love. We're engaged but we are taking our time with everything. Today is also the huge gig. The gig that has been driving everyone crazy preparing for it.

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