Chapter 25

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                                                                                  (Vic's POV)

  We finally are focusing on our music which is amazing. Kellin is also focusing on music too. We're also trying to start a family. We ant to adopt but Kellin and I agreed that we should wait at least a year. We want to be stable as musicians as well. Kellin kisses my cheek. "you're hard at work."

 I smile. "That I am. I see you're not working."

 He laughs. "I was earlier. I need a break."

 I nod. "That's great I'm almost to the point where I need a break. I'm proud of us." I state.

 He smiles and sits down next to me on the couch. "Maybe you should take a break and kiss me."

 I put down my guitar. "Agreed. But first I should put his away in our studio." I say.

 "You can leave it down here. We are the only ones who live here." He says.

  I kiss his cheek. "I'm putting my stuff in the studio." I get off the couch, grabbing my guitar and journal. I head upstairs to our studio/office. We transformed one of the spare rooms into a music studio. We wanted to have a place that was our own to work on our music. After putting my guitar and journal away, I head back downstairs.

 Kellin smiles. "I was worried that I would have to come pull you out."

 I laughs as I sit next to him. "No, I just put my stuff away."

 He nods. "I'm aware. But the last time you went up there I had to pull you out."

 I grin. "I know. That was a fun day."

 "You were so sucked into your work. I was afraid you would fight me." He states.

 "Yeah well I came down, didn't I?" I state, being snarky.

 He kisses me on the lips. "You did. I'm so grateful that you married me."

 I smile. "I'm grateful that you said yes to marrying me." I say.

  He blushes. "when you came into my life my life changed. I married you because I love you more than anything." He explains.

 I wrap my arms around him and kiss him. "I love you too."

 He kisses back. "I know. I'm glad that you tell me that every day." He says.

  "You need to know that. How are you doing with all of this? Not going to college and just focusing on the music." I ask him.

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