The Perfect Boyfriend

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I considered the two and a half years that we spent together as one of the happiest chapters of my life. Tyler was the perfect boyfriend and we rarely argued, if we did, he'd always be the first to apologize even when I was the one at fault. He hated letting things drag and would always make sure we made up as soon as possible. Everything was fine and I was content with my life, I thanked the heavens every single day for bringing him into my world.

Sadly, like all things, everything must come to an end. Even the good ones. The end came in the form of my worst enemy who I mentioned earlier: Rachelle. I have known Rachelle and her lackey Joan since we were in high school. She came from a well-off and known family. Many would say that she has it all: beauty, body, brains, breeding. I transferred to St. Agnes Academy on my junior year in high school. Prior to my appearance, she ruled the school. She was the top of her classes, she excelled in tennis; although she was kind (on the surface), she was the type of beauty one could only look at because she was unreachable and she made sure you knew it.

Not to be boastful or anything but I also excelled in school and I also happen to love tennis. I have been a scholar ever since I entered primary school and if it weren't for my father's job relocation, I wouldn't have transferred to St. Agnes. My arrival at Rachelle's turf caused her to drop down to second place. I beat her in both sports and academics, causing her shock. I heard she studied and practiced harder after she realized that I meant business. She even tried to use her family's influence to put her back to the top by asking her father to donate a few computers to the academy. Despite all these, though, I still ended up as the tennis ace, prom queen, and class valedictorian. During our high school graduation, she approached me and swore that she will take everything I took from her back. I neither mocked nor took her seriously, I just looked at her then went to my waiting parents.

When I heard that she was going to the same university and was even taking the same major as I was in college, I didn't mind. I continued with my life and tried to live it without any drama. I had Tyler, I was sure that I would graduate with the highest honors, and I had a job waiting for me after university... Why should I concern myself with another woman's pettiness, right?


It turns out, Rachelle has been trying to get her hands on Tyler ever since we got together. Maybe I was too uninterested in her that I didn't see my boyfriend's infidelity coming. When Tyler's parents migrated to Canada on his freshman year in college, he decided to rent an apartment near the university as his family's house was quite far from college town. His parents unfortunately couldn't make it to our graduation because his dad met an accident the week before and had difficulties walking so mum and I decided to invite him to our little celebratory dinner in our favorite restaurant. When dinner ended, he asked if it was okay for him to join his frat brothers in a bar nearby. I didn't see anything wrong and I knew his circle of friends well so I agreed. He promised he won't stay out so late and that he'll just have a couple of beers as we were leaving for Coron the next day, his parents were very generous and gifted us a three-day vacation package in one of our country's top beach destinations.

That night I slept with the biggest smile on my face. When I woke up, I didn't find it odd that I didn't receive any text message from my boyfriend. Maybe he's busy packing, I thought. I knew how he always does things the last minute. However, when it was almost three hours before our flight and I still haven't heard a peep from him, I started to worry. I tried calling his cellphone but the voice on the other line says it was unavailable, so instead of waiting for him to fetch me, I decided to drive to his apartment.

When I reached his apartment, I was surprised that the person who opened the door for me was his best buddy and cousin, Charles. The moment he saw who the person at the door was, his already worried face turned more anxious.

"Nat!" he exclaimed, surprise evident in his voice.

"Good morning, Charles," I greeted him. "Is Tyler still here? I couldn't reach his phone and our flight is in three hours. I was worried so I came here instead of waiting for him at home."

"Ah, yes! Yes, he's still here but he's currently—"

Charles wasn't able to finish his sentence because an unpleasant nasal voice suddenly cried out, "How could you say it was a mistake, Ty! Last night was magical, you even said I was the most beautiful woman you have ever laid your eyes on!"

The man in front of me suddenly stiffened and slowly met my bewildered eyes. Before he could even say a word, I pushed him and entered Tyler's apartment.

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