I Know I Would Do The Same If I Were Him

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"The smoke is too thick and the fire has spread too much for me to check," the guard told Iori while coughing.

"Damn! I was instructed to watch over her!" Iori threw his helmet on the ground in frustration. "Now I'm really done for!"

"That young man is the son of a village elder," Yuu whispered. "He used to be a good lad but when he started working for the crown prince he's become corrupt. He was the one who killed our husbands. He neither hesitated nor showed sympathy when he sliced their heads off. He was just a farm boy, now he thinks he's born from the samurai class."

"So not only did he deceive me and Ryouta, he also betrayed the village he grew up in," I said grimly. "He will suffer a long and painful death in my hands as punishment."

"My lady..."

"Me ni wa me o, ha ni wa ha o," I told her one of my favorite Japanese proverbs. "He will regret every single bad deed he's done."

More shouting could suddenly be heard as another fire apparently broke out. Iori left his colleague to take care of the situation in Nagahito's house before running to where the noises were. Seeing that there was nothing he can do to stop the house from burning down, the guard left the place and followed Iori. As soon as they were no longer around, Rie came back with a sleeping Riku in her hands.

"My baby!" I said as soon as I held him. We were only separated for a few hours but it already felt like forever.

"He's cried himself to sleep. The women in the area said that the former second wife left with the crown prince earlier," Rie reported. "My lady, who was the man that accompanied you earlier? I heard he escaped as soon as the soldiers were not paying attention and that he's the one who started all the fires."

"His name is Ryouta," I replied, cradling Riku in my arms. He stirred and opened his eyes.

"Mama?" he whispered.

"Yes, baby, it's mama. I'm sorry I couldn't save you earlier."

He shook his head and just hugged me. I noticed that his clothes were changed and it looked like he was also given a bath.

"Are you okay? Is my baby hurt anywhere?" I asked while inspecting his arms and legs.

"Ri-tan is okay, mama," he frowned when he saw my swollen cheek. "But mama has a booboo."

"Mama's alright, baby. Don't mind me."

He squirmed so I loosened my arms around him. He then patted my cheek gently and said, "Pain, pain go away. Don't come back another day!"

"Thank you, baby," I smiled when he kissed me. "Mama's face feels a thousand times better now."

He grinned happily at my words. After a while, Yuu and Rie left us to look for Ryouta. He's the only person I could trust to escort us to the home of the region's highest ranking daimyo, Lord Arima. An hour passed before Rie returned with Ryouta.

"My lady, I am glad that you and the young lord are safe!" Ryouta bowed.

I smiled and gave him the piece of cloth that I tore from my obi. "Wipe your face, Ryouta-kun. It's all black with soot."

"Pardon my appearance!" he turned away in embarrassment and wiped his face vigorously.

"Be gentle, there's no need for you to hurry," I laughed.

When he finished, he told me that the village has been abandoned by Nagahito's men. It turns out that the imperial army was already understaffed and him taking men with him everyday left the palace susceptible to attack.

"He's really angered the shogun. The great liege will definitely make him suffer for sure!" Ryouta said.

Knowing Kaname's temper, he will surely punish Nagahito in the worst possible way. He is not someone you should cross because when he retaliates, he will leave you no chance to escape.

"Ryouta-kun, I need someone to escort me and my son to Lord Arima's residence in the capital. Are you willing to take the responsibility?" I asked him. "I cannot risk traveling alone anymore as it might cost me my son's safety."

"My lady, it would be an honor!"

Yuu and an adolescent male who looked just like her joined us. The young man led a horse while she carried a bag.

"This is the only horse we have," Yuu gestured for her son to hand over the reins to Ryouta. "Please take it so you can arrive in Kyoto faster. I have also filled this bag with some food and water for you three to share. There's not much food in here but the water supply is enough to last until your journey. The water in the rivers you'll pass are not safe for drinking during this time of the year so please don't touch them."

"Please take these with you, too," Rie loosened her obi to remove the cotton robes tied on her back. "These will shield you from the sun and provide you with some disguise."

"Thank you, Yuu-san, Rie-san. I will never forget your kindness," I gave both women a hug, surprising them. "This won't be the last time we'll see each other. I will return to this village with my husband soon. And as for my promise, rest assured that I will keep it. Your loved ones' deaths will not be for naught."

After a tearful goodbye, we left the village and set off to the country's capital with the robes covering our heads. Riku was sandwiched between us because he refused to ride in front of Ryouta, he claimed that "papa is the only man that mama is allowed to hug." His innocent words flustered me and the poor young man at first, but then we decided to laugh it off so as not to add more to the awkwardness.

By midnight, we arrived in Kyoto without a hitch. As I've been to his residence more than a dozen times, I knew the way to Kaname's most trusted daimyo's home like the back of my hand. By the gates, we were stopped by his men.

"Halt! Who goes there?" a man in complete army uniform lifted a torch and swung it up to our faces.

I lowered the robe on my head so he could clearly see my face. With a smile, I said, "Kotaro-san, how have you been?"

Kotaro took a step forward and peered at me. He was Lord Arima's second in command. "L-lady Hinata?"

"Hai, it is I. Long time no see."

Kotaro went down on his knees and so did the rest of the soldiers. "My lady, thank goodness you're safe! The shogun has turned every house and corner in the capital upside down but still failed to find you and the young lord."

"We are both safe, thanks to this young man and the people of the village of Takayama," I replied while motioning for them to rise.

"When we caught Kotaishi Nagahito and his men, they said that his secret residence has caught fire and that you weren't able to escape! As a result, the shogun sent some men to verify this information and to retrieve his firstborn son," he paused, looking as if he wanted to say more. He sighed then took a few steps closer to me so only I could hear what he was going to say next. "Forgive me for being so bold, my lady, but I believe the tenka bito actually wanted to go and personally confirm this piece of information but he was just too scared to do so."

I nodded my head. Even if Kotaro didn't say it, I would have understood the meaning behind Kaname's decision simply because I know I would do the same if I were him. It would be difficult to go and confirm the death of a loved one yourself as it would be like plunging a dagger to one's heart. Oh, how worried he must be right now...

"Actually, it was me who started the fire in the crown prince's house. The rest were done by Ryouta-kun here."

Kotaro eyed Ryouta with hawk eyes, making him uncomfortable. "I see."

"Where is the shogun?" I asked, I wanted to see my husband so bad. Only when I'm finally in his arms will I feel totally safe.

"He's still in the imperial palace. Lord Arima and a few other daimyos are with him. I will immediately send word of your safe arrival with the young lord to him as soon as you are received by my mistress." He turned to the men behind him and ordered them to let us through. He then got on his own horse to lead us to the Arima villa.

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