That Is If You Can Kill Him!

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I squirmed and used whatever strength I had left to stop Nagahito but he just laughed and proceeded to molesting me down there. Tears flowed from my eyes as I felt his hands and mouth on the apex of my thighs. At first I was unresponsive but as he continued his assault, my traitorous body started to melt and want more.

"See? I told you, you will enjoy this," he said when I let out a moan. His tongue invaded my lower lips once more and I felt a familiar quickening on my belly.

I gritted my teeth and squeezed my eyes shut, willing myself to stop responding to his touch.

"God, please don't let this happen to me!" I prayed silently. "Please bring Kaname here to save me!"

"Don't fight it," he coaxed as he inserted two fingers on my quim before curling them upwards inside me. "Let it go, my lady."

I felt like I was so close to coming undone but I refused to climax in his hands. That was only reserved for Kaname... To the man I will love for the rest of my life....

As if to answer my prayer, three urgent knocks on the door came, interrupting his merciless act.

"What is it!" he shouted, his eyes staring daggers at the direction of the screen door.

"Your highness, we just received news that the shogun has infiltrated the imperial palace!" it was Saru.

"So? My father's men can protect my family. Now be gone and don't interrupt me anymore!"

"But the messenger said that the mikado and the rest of your family are currently being held hostage by Lord Kirishima! Lord Kirishima also announced that he will cut off a finger of his majesty for every hour that will pass without you surrendering."

"What!?" Nagahito hurriedly got up.

"If all of his fingers have been cut off and you're still not back, he will proceed with chopping off the emperor's legs!"

Nagahito cursed and straightened his robe. Before he turned to leave, he sneered, "Your husband thinks he can easily catch me, we'll see about that!"

"Didn't I tell you that your plans won't work?" it was my turn to smirk now, the fear I was feeling just moments ago was replaced by pride and courage. "Don't forget that he has been ruling this country for almost two decades now! While you were busy chasing skirts and violating women, he was honing his battle and ruling skills! You are simply no match to him!"

"Shut up!" he grabbed me by the hair and slapped me.

I laughed at him mockingly, ignoring the pain on my cheek. "What? Did I hit a sore spot? Even if you hurt me, it still won't change the fact that you're a good for nothing and spoiled aristocrat! Aside from bringing your family shame, what achievements do you have? Nothing!"

"Remember what you said!" he let go of my hair without warning, causing me to fall back on the futon. "When I kill your husband, I want you to say those words again!"

He took angry strides to towards the door, before he was able to open it, I spoke again.

"That is if you can kill him!"

His back stiffened. I saw him clench his fists before finally leaving the room. I shakily rolled to my side and curled into a fetal position when he left. While hugging myself, I silently uttered a prayer of thanks. He was interrupted, thank God. I could endure his mouth and hands on my skin but never his genitalia. I made the sign of the cross, that news came in the nick of time.

After calming down, I crawled to where my robe was discarded and slowly put it on. I tore a piece of my obi and made it into a makeshift mask. I then went to the brazier and threw its contents on the floor with the hopes of starting a fire. I waited and wore the mask until I heard footsteps coming. When the two women from earlier entered the room, the tatami-lined floor was already burning.

"My lady!" the older woman gasped, she helped me up as I pretended to stagger.

"I can't breathe," I wheezed, continuing with my act. "Please, I need some fresh air!"

The two women looked at each other before deciding to bring me outside. When a guard on a horse passed by, they both hurriedly pulled me to hide in the nearby shrubs. As we crouched in the bushes, I watched in silent glee at the pandemonium before me. Nagahito's men were in a panic, they were all preparing to return to the castle to fight with Kaname's troops. His high ranking officials yelled orders nonstop, not even noticing that their most important captive had set fire and left their leader's quarters. When faced with a difficult situation, the crown prince loses control and acts impulsively. The difference between him and Kaname is stark.

"Please take me to my son," I whispered urgently when the coast was clear. "He is a very fragile boy, I'm worried about his safety."

"Please stay here while I check the situation in the former wife's location," the younger woman said then left.

I felt something warm cover my clasped hands, I looked at the other woman and saw that she was watching me with an apologetic look.

"Forgive us for our inadequacies, my lady," she knelt and lowered her head in apology. "We really didn't want to abandon you earlier but our hands were tied."

I smiled at her. "As a mother myself, I cannot fault you for putting your children's safety first. Please clear your worried mind, I totally understand."

"Thank you, my lady," she said. "By the way, I am Yuu and the woman earlier is Rie."

"And I am Hinata, the shogun's second wife," I told her to formally introduce myself.

"So the tenka bito has retaliated," Yuu said, a pained expression on her face. "When I saw how much he loves you during the kanda matsuri years ago, I knew he will do anything for you. The way he proudly displayed his affection for you touched many women's hearts, including mine. It's not everyday that one meets a man who is willing to admit, let alone show, how highly he values his better half. He kind of reminds me of my husband in that aspect."

"I'm sorry for your loss," I couldn't imagine how painful losing a husband would be. My brain shies away at the thought of a world without Kaname.

"My lady, please help us avenge the deaths in our village."

"You don't have to ask because that is what I intend to do," I promised her. "As soon as my son and I are reunited with my husband, I will personally inform him about what happened to your village."

"Thank you, Lady Hinata," she blinked back her tears. "I'm glad that the rumors are true, you and the great leader indeed have hearts of gold."

I was about to reply but someone suddenly shouted.

"Fire! The crown prince's house is on fire!" a guard shouted, alarming his colleagues.

"Is the woman still there?" Iori asked the man. "Did you check?"

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