I Never Seem To Bore Him

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I ate my breakfast with little to no gusto, as if Kaname brought with him my appetite. Why did he have to leave now when things were starting to progress beautifully between us? I dropped my chopsticks and was about to tell the maids that I no longer wanted to eat when I remembered what he said about food being scarce in this era. That effectively guilted me into eating all of the food on the table in the end.

As they helped me dress, I asked the maids for activities that women from the inner palace may do without breaking any of Kaname's rules. Ryuko-san suggested three things: mushroom picking at the woodlands near the palace, she said they were plump and juicy during this time of the year; going to the practice hall and learning how to use the naginata[1] from the female guards to help protect Kaname whenever we're together, although he's a very capable man, many of his predecessors were still assassinated; or we may visit the temple to pray for his good health while hinting subtly at going to a kabuki theater to watch a play afterwards.

All three activities appealed to me. However, praying for Kaname's good health and safe return sounded the most important at the moment. Although he did not mention it, I understood how dangerous and critical his undercover missions were. Plus, there's the added threat from the countless people that coveted his position. I may not practice the same religion as the people in this time and country, but prayers are prayers. The Big Guy Up In The Sky will hear me.


At the opposite end of the palace from the shogun's entrance was a heavily-guarded gate which led to a bridge across the moat. This was where the women of the palace came and went on the few occasions we were allowed to go out. We were nearing the gate when I noticed a commotion outside.

"What's going on?" I looked at Ryuko-san.

"It appears that the merchants have arrived. My lady, perhaps you might be interested in some silk items and cosmetics?" she replied.

"Oh?" my interest was piqued. "Let's have a look then." I gathered my robes and hurried to the gate.

Outside, four female merchants were proudly displaying their goods. Thronging together were Mami and Ayaka as well as their servants. An air of excitement and laughter that only women could understand permeated the surroundings. This was the impact of retail therapy.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a fifth trader. She looked sad and depressed as she slowly replaced her goods in her little cart. Her miserable appearance tugged at my heartstrings, so instead of joining the rest of the palace women, I went to her.

"Hello," I greeted the female merchant. She looked up from what she was doing, a look of surprise instantaneously appeared on her teenage face. "Mind showing me your goods?"

"N-no, definitely not!" she hurriedly untied the strings of her bags and showcased her goods. Right then and there, I understood why the rest of the women were ignoring her, her goods were what you'd call 'men stuff.' Daggers, leather belts, bows, arrows, and gloves.

"My lady," Megumi gave my sleeve a soft tug. "I saw some really pretty trinkets from one of the sellers there, let's take a look!"

I shook my head. "I'm not really interested in those at the moment. I want to buy something for my dearest."

"Oh," she was surprised. "As expected of her ladyship. The shogun is always her top priority."

"The shogun?" the teenage seller's eyes shone. "The beautiful lady is planning to gift something from my shop to the shogun?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yes. Which one would you suggest?"

"My lady, this one. Choose this one," she presented me a sharp pointed knife the size of my palm. "It's small but my father took extra effort to make this. It is made of a special material; it is lightweight but sturdy. The hilt is designed to be a dragon's head to signify strength and royalty."

I studied the dagger and was not disappointed. She wasn't lying, the dagger was indeed well-made.

A few years ago, I enrolled myself in a self-defense class out of curiosity. I initially only wanted to learn the basics but the rush and sense of triumph I felt whenever I was able to take down my very buff and very tall trainer made me pursue it seriously. When I told Kaname that I knew basic self-defense, I was bluffing. I am actually very adept at it. I didn't learn a specific discipline, my trainer taught me mixed martial arts instead. Then, after seeing my enthusiasm, my master introduced me to several handheld weapons and taught me how to use them.

"It also has a pair," she handed me a box lined with silk. True enough, it had a twin.

"That's perfect!" I beamed. "How much for both?"

She named her price. I nodded and gave her the exact amount. After a moment's thought, I decided to give her a little extra.

"My lady, this is too much," the young girl said. "I cannot possibly take more than the asking price."

"The daggers are of high quality and I'm sure the shogun will love them. Those alone are enough for me to pay you more," I handed the boxes containing the daggers to Ryuko-san for safekeeping.

"But the fact that my father's work will become Tenka-bito's property..."

"Young lady, if you always think that way then you will never be successful in life. You must learn to accept the unexpected blessings that are borne out of your hard work," Ryuko-san interrupted. "Lady Hinata is a sincere person, please do not humiliate her ladyship by declining her offer."

The young girl bit her lower lip and accepted the rest of the money. "Thank you, Lady Hinata."

"No, I should be the one who should thank you. I'm certain the shogun will love these. I can't wait to show these to him when he gets back." I felt my anticipation rise as I imagined him study the daggers appreciatively. Would he mind having a 'couple dagger'? Is the concept of owning 'couple' stuff even a thing in this era? Wait, are we even officially a couple now?

I was still chewing over this when I heard a disconcertingly familiar nasal voice interrupt my thoughts..

"So this is how the new concubine in the palace was able to manipulate Kaname-sama," the voice sneered at the words 'new concubine.'

I looked to my left to find Mami looking at me haughtily with her arms crossed on her chest.

"Lady Mami," I nodded my head at her in acknowledgment. "A pleasant day to you."

"A pleasant day?" she smirked. "Indeed, it was a pleasant day. Until you went out of the castle and joined us here, that is.."

I smiled, not at all affected by her weak gibe. "Well, if that's the case then I'll get going then. Forgive me for ruining your day."

"Hmph!" she tossed her head. "It's a good thing that you are quick to understand."

"Of course," I signaled for Ryuko-san and the rest to follow me. When I was only a few centimeters away from her, I stopped and said in a low voice, "That is why Kaname has been spending his visits with me. I never seem to bore him."


[1] Long-handled spears with curved blades fitted to a staff. The naginata is the preferred weapon by the women of the palace.

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