My Little Snake

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On the third day of the new year, Kaname and I returned to the palace. The ride back home felt shorter, although we still spent twelve hours on the road. When I returned to my room, my double already left. Kaname went straight to the omote to meet with Taneyuki-san on what happened during his absence.

The next morning, I was informed by my head maid that Ayaka sent word that she intended to visit me. My kagemusha had been rejecting her the past few days and didn't even bother to face her on her first few visits. Now, it seemed like the snake grew tired of knocking on my door and sent me a note instead. I wanted to know what she wanted so I told Ryuko-san that I'll see her on the third division of the hour of the sheep.


Ayaka sat on the cushion in front of me carefully with her head maid Mitsuki assisting her. The layers of kimono she was wearing made her look like a burrito, I would have found her cute if she didn't betray me.

"Thank you for finally letting me visit," her smile looked so pure and innocent, I almost believed it.

"Let's spare each other the insincere pleasantries and go straight to the point," I told her. "What is the reason behind your visit, Lady Ayaka?"

She flinched as if I hit her, my hand itched to make it a reality.

"Nee-chan," she reached out to take my hand but I quickly hid it inside my sleeves. Her eyes watered, she looked so hurt.

"You're such a great actress," I said sarcastically. "Your tears won't fool me anymore. I already know your true colors."

She covered her face with her hands, when her shoulders shook I thought she was crying. However, when she removed her hands, she was actually laughing.

"Hahaha," she laughed. "I commend you for your quick-wittedness! You are far more superior in this area than the official wife!"

I didn't say anything and just continued to look at her with a bored expression. Seeing that I did not plan to say anything, she stopped laughing.

"I came here because I thought I could still continue with my charade," she finally turned serious. "Well, now that I've been exposed, I shall use this visit to tell you that I intend to get rid of you. I will do everything I can to remove you in this palace!"

It was my turn to laugh. "I'd like to see you try, my little snake."

"What did you just call me!?"

"My little snake," I repeated. "Although there are other names I could think of like vile serpent, limbless scaled reptile, fake bitch, desperate concubine..."

"How dare you!" her face was red and her eyes were furious.

"Why?" I smirked at her. "The truth hurts, doesn't it?"

"You will regret setting foot in this castle!" she shrieked before signaling her maid to help her stand up. "Your days as Kaname-sama's favorite wife is numbered!"

I stood up and walked towards her. With the most threatening voice I could muster, I told her, "We'll see about that, Ayaka. Sure, I don't know you but you also don't know me. Do not underestimate me, my little snake, for I am not backing down! You said it so yourself, I am quick-witted, so make sure to give me a fight worthy of my time!"

"You're just a slut the shogun picked up somewhere!" she screamed. "You can't win against the daughter of a daimyo!"

I lifted my hand to slap her thrice! She was so shocked she couldn't speak. However, I wasn't done yet. I've been wanting to do this for a long time! I yanked her hair ferociously, she tried to fight back but I grabbed her small wrists with my other hand.

"Just because you are with child doesn't mean I will back down," I was seething.

"Lady Hinata—" Mitsuki tried to part us but I glared at her.

"You're in my territory, my little snake," I spat at Ayaka. "No one humiliates me in my territory!"

I let go of her so forcefully her hair looked like a mess. I was not going to play nice to her, I will make sure she knows I'm not someone who will willingly let herself be trampled over!

"Get out!" I yelled. "Don't show yourself in front of me ever again!"

Seeing that she could not retaliate in her current state, Ayaka left my quarters in a huff. Mitsuki looked at me with a complex look on her face before following her mistress outside.


Ten minutes after they left, I was still shaking. I was so angry I was having a hard time calming down. Ryuko-san offered me a cup of water which I gratefully drank.

"I've heard about her temper but I never knew she was this vile," my head maid said as she shook her head repeatedly.

"She fooled me as well," I replied.

"My lady, you should inform the shogun about this. Threats like that should never be taken lightly," she advised.

"Don't worry, I'll let him know tonight," I assured her.


I was massaging Kaname's back when I decided to broach the subject. He looked tired from catching up with his work but since we decided not to hide anything from each other, I had to tell him.

"Anata," I started while pouring more oil on my hand. "I have something to tell you..."

He shifted so he was lying on his back and facing me. "What is it?"

"It's about what happened earlier," I began kneading his chest. "Ayaka came to confront me."

"What did she say?"

I recounted what happened up to the last detail, I didn't hide the fact that she threatened me.

"She did, huh?" he looked amused. "So, did you manage to give her a few slaps?"

My lips twitched, only he would have this kind of reaction. "Yes."

"How many?" his eyes reflected his curiosity.



"I also pulled her hair."

He grabbed my nape to kiss me on the lips. "That's my wife," he said proudly.

"She's also your wife," I reminded him.

"But I don't love her," he replied simply.

Touched by his words, I gave his cheek a playful pinch. "Smooth talker!"


Before he returned to the naka-oku the next day, Kaname told the maids to be extra vigilant especially when preparing my food. Although a part of him was slightly amused by what transpired yesterday, it didn't mean that he was going to take it lightly.

"Let's not underestimate Ayaka. We're not sure what she's capable of doing."

"What if she makes a move?" I asked.

"Prioritize your safety, whatever happens you must protect yourself," he looked at me seriously. "Don't initiate an attack, let her come at you first."

I nodded my head, "Hai, it's better to be on the defensive than the opposite."

"I'm going to keep a sharp eye on this matter, don't worry. I'll also have female shadow guards stationed inside the ooku for your added security," he kissed my forehead and left.

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