Three Days Later

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"Don't ask," Kaname placed a finger on my lips. "I won't tell you."

"I trust in you," I said instead. I know he wants me to wait patiently so that's what I'll do.

He kissed me again before carrying me to the futon. He undid my obi and parted my robe to kiss my belly, "Touya, Miyako, papa missed you so much."

I smiled. "I'm sure they missed hearing your voice, too," as if to agree with me, I felt some movements in my belly.

Kaname's eyes were like saucers as he watched the twins move inside me. His eyes had a twinkle in them that I've never seen before. He slowly placed his big hands on my belly and rubbed the areas that were moving.

"You really missed papa, huh?" be chuckled as they continued to react to his voice. "Papa really missed you. That's why he didn't bother to change first before coming here."

"Oof," I half-grimaced, half-smiled. "That was quite a kick."

"They take after their mama in that department," he said happily while caressing the part where I felt the kick.

I laughed. "I love you, papa."

"I love you more, mama," he replied.


Three days later, Kaname went to the ooku through the osuzu roka. He was garbed in one of his shogun uniforms, reminding me of his status in society. As I was heavily pregnant, I didn't welcome him by kneeling. I just lowered my head respectfully while the rest were on their knees.

"All my wives will be joining me in the omote grounds in half an hour," he announced. "I have prepared a show for everyone to see."

Mami looked at me, her eyes were asking me what was happening. I shook my head in response to tell her that I have no idea as well. It wasn't a complete lie, I knew what was going to happen but how it will pan out and its other details were completely unknown to me. Only Ayaka seemed to be excited as she instructed one of her maids to prepare her best robe.


Back in my room, the maids asked me if I wish to change as well. I said no and asked for my loose hair to be styled instead. From the moment he announced his visit's purpose until the moment I joined him and the other wives in the viewing pavilion, my heart had not stopped thumping loudly in my chest. I was nervous and angry at the same time. Finally, the ones responsible for endangering my children's lives and Mami's disfigurement will be unmasked!


The scene before me reminded me of the festival. Many people from the lower class were in attendance and it looked like Kaname invited all the officials of the country as well. However, unlike the festival, the people looked solemn and wore simple clothing. The bureaucrats were in their usual uniforms. There wasn't a hint of celebration in the way the people below looked and acted.

"When we celebrated the Kanda Matsuri, I was very pleased to formally introduce to everyone the latest addition to my little family. She is known to all as Lady Hinata," Kaname said with a smile. "Although I have not formally given her the ceremony that she deserves, she is my beloved third wife. Very few people know how we met, but those who do witnessed how she has made an impulsive decision the best decision I have ever made. In less than a year of being together, she has blessed me with twins."

Upon hearing this, the crowd erupted into a cheerful applause. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ayaka's face struggle to form a smile as she clapped along weakly.

"Of course, this is nothing new. Everyone in this great nation has known this wonderful piece of information for quite some time now," he glanced at me and smiled. "Thank you all for coming here today. As you all know, I have always been a fair and just leader. I protect those that need protecting and punish those that need to be punished regardless of their social standing."

He paused and scanned the crowd before continuing, his voice and the occasional neighing of horses were the only things that could be heard.

"It is because of this that I have accumulated quite a number of supporters and opponents over the years. Most people admire my fairness while some prefer to stick to their wicked ways and silently test me."

The crowd began to murmur and discuss what Kaname just said. He raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"During the festival, someone tried to take advantage of the crowd and planned to kidnap and kill my third wife," there were gasps of shock and horror from the people below. "My second wife went to labor as we were returning to the palace so I had to part with my other wives and attend to her. On their way back, my two wives were stopped by armed men. These men targeted Lady Hinata but Lady Mami was thankfully there to lead them to safety. Unfortunately, they both didn't survive the failed abduction unscathed. Lady Mami was severely wounded while Lady Hinata almost gave birth to our children early. Thankfully, the gods listened to my prayers and kept them safe."

"For weeks I worked my men until they almost quit on me. I was desperate to find out who was behind all of this! Three days ago, I finally found the answer and today, I will show you what it means to challenge Kirishima Kaname, the current tenka bito."

I looked at Kaname to see that frightening bloodlust again, it emanated from every pore in his body. Although I was not going to be at the receiving end of it, I still felt a chill run down my spine while looking at him. He can be very scary when you get on his bad side, I realized.

"Please join me in the execution grounds as I personally demonstrate what happens when foolish men try to go against the shogun and his family."

With that, Kaname instructed the servants to assist us to our respective palanquins before leaving the pavilion to get on his horse. Meanwhile, the people below were scrambling to get to the place he mentioned. Those who had horses immediately mounted theirs while those who didn't prepared to walk there. As he was the shogun, Kaname was the first one to leave the castle with his guards.

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