An Achievement I Want To Unlock

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I sat by the window overlooking the rolling gardens of the palace, I was feeling pensive. Ever since I got back from the woods, I couldn't brush the thought of Ayaka's pregnancy aside. I learned from Ryuko-san that she is eight years younger than me, making her only twenty-two. When I was her age, I was very busy trying to prove myself in the corporate world.. A defense mechanism I used to move on from what Tyler did to me.

I didn't date anyone and just buried myself in work. A year later, I got promoted and held a supervisory position. On my third year of tenure, I became the youngest person to hold the position of a department head in the company. It was also unfortunately during that year when Rachelle and Joan decided to invade my once peaceful kingdom by becoming part of Moraza Equity Ventures. I'd like to believe that they joined MEV because it's the biggest and best company in the country and not because they just wanted to pester me.

All these years I never once thought of dating someone and starting over. I was content with doing my best whilst earning a lot. When I planned this trip for my birthday, I was never bothered by the fact that I was entering my third decade of existence. It didn't bug me that I was at that age when women would start to get worried about whether they'd be able healthily conceive a baby. I thought I was living a perfect life. Ayaka and her unborn child has proven that I was not.

Seeing her protectively cover her stomach earlier made me jealous. For me, her life is now complete because she is experiencing the wonders of motherhood. I wanted to be in her situation. I wanted to carry a child in my womb for nine months, feel it kick, and make me cry out in pain as I deliver it to the world. I want to experience having little to no sleep because my baby is being fussy. I wanted to be pregnant. It was like an achievement that I wanted to unlock.

"Lady Hinata, are you okay?" Megumi asked as she offered me a cup of tea.

"I'm fine. Don't mind me."

"But you've been sighing nonstop ever since we got back. Is something bothering you?"

I took a sip of the tea and shook my head. "I guess I'm just bored. Could you prepare the futon? I'd like to take an afternoon nap."


During my afternoon nap, I dreamt of Kaname. In my dream, he immediately went to my room the moment he got back.

"Get out, all of you," he told the maids. As soon as the door slid shut, he carried me to the bedroom and started undressing me.

I immediately got the hint and helped him peel our robes off. In less than a few minutes, we were energetically exploring each other's bodies.

After claiming both my breasts with his mouth, Kaname's lips traveled downwards until he reached the apex between my thighs. He parted my legs and, without breaking eye contact, started kissing me down there.

His eyes held a sexy and hungry look. The sounds his mouth made as he teased me down there added to the pleasure of the moment. I arched my back and closed my eyes while I indulged in the feel of his tongue and expert fingers inside me.

"Ahh," I gasped when his thumb circled my sensitive knob. "Kaname, that.. Not there.."

"Mmm," he continued to lick me as the calloused pad of the short first digit of his right hand traced my pearl.

"Ahh!" I sat up and pulled his hair. "Please.. No.. I might be able to take it anymore.."

Kaname looked up and grinned at me mischievously. "I love the sounds you make, how can I stop?" when he said the word stop, he gently pressed my sensitive spot. I felt my eyes roll back as my body convulsed.

I collapsed in the futon as I was wracked by my sudden orgasm. My inner muscles were still quivering when he suddenly hoisted my legs over his shoulders before pounding into me. His thrusts were slow and deep at first, as if letting me acclimatize to the feel of him inside me. Once he's satisfied, he grabbed my hips for leverage and possessed me with such urgency and need.

"Kaname.. Kaname.." I called out his name. I was nearing my second release when I heard a knock on the door.

"Hinata," his thrusts became quicker, as if his life depended on it. "Lady Hinata.."

I opened my eyes in confusion, Kaname sounded weird. He's never addressed me as Lady Hinata, has he? It was either just Hinata, my lady or when he's being adorable, Hina-chan. As I focused my eyes on him, I felt him let go of my legs and stop.

He opened his mouth to speak, "Lady Hinata, please wake up."

"K-Kaname? What happened to your voice?" gone was his deep baritone voice. It was now replaced by an ultra feminine one.

"Wake up, Lady Hinata," I felt someone tap my shoulder gently as they called my name.

I opened my eyes for real this time to find Megumi's anxious face inches away from mine. "Megumi?"

She let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, you're awake."

"What's wrong?" I looked around, still disoriented. I swear my body was still entangled with my husband's moments ago. What happened, where did he go?

"Lady Ayaka has paid you a visit, my lady," she replied. "Ryuko-san is currently brewing her tea."

"Ayaka? What does she want?" Was it just a dream? Where is Kaname?

"We told her that you were sleeping and to come back later but she said it's imperative that she sees you right now."

So it was all a dream? Kaname is still in Kai? Our coupling just now wasn't real? I got up and rubbed my face with one hand. I felt frustrated and angry, for some reason.

"My lady?"

"Yes, I heard you. Give me a few minutes," I almost wanted to snap at her.

"Would you like to change into a different Kimono?" Megumi continued to fuss around me. "I'll fix your hair based on your robe's design."

I just nodded my head in response. Thankfully, that shut her up. If not, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to contain my anger and vent it all out to her.

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