Where Is The Shogun's Firstborn!?

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We were almost at the outskirts of the city but the man still didn't show any sign of slowing down. I racked my brain for ideas on how to stop him without hurting Riku. Seeing a familiar fork on the road, I prayed that he'd take the path on the left. When he did, I smiled and took the other way.

The path on the right was a newly made road, Kaname had it built as a shortcut to the imperial capital. The two roads will merge some time along the way and because the one I took is the shortcut, I'll have plenty of time to think of a way to catch Riku's abductor. I didn't need to rush so I slowed the horse into a canter, I was also expecting Kaname and his men to join me so I purposely slowed down.

I stopped by an ever red Japanese maple tree and waited for both Kaname and the man there. When I heard the sounds of horse hooves coming, I immediately stood up, expecting my husband and a couple of his men. I was prepared to tell him my plan but was shocked to see the people who just arrived.

"Looks like your plan worked, my lady," said the man whose face will forever disgust me.

Nagahito rode aside on a horse with a muscular and attractive man holding the reins. His face was powdered and his smile revealed blackened teeth. He was sporting the ohaguro makeup; this, coupled with a gold and black fan that matched his kimono and an artificially high pitched voice made him all the more repulsive to me. On another horse rode Ayaka. My eyes widened when I saw how much she's aged in just three years. Gone was the healthy and beautiful glow that her skin held; right now, it looked tanned and rough, revealing the tough life she lived in banishment. She smirked at the crown prince's words then eyed me with a hint of curiosity.

"What is the meaning of this, kotaishi?" I asked, my hands ready to attack with my katana.

"Exactly what you're seeing, Jin-san," he replied, still speaking in an annoying falsetto. "I have sided with the former second wife to get what I want."

I furrowed my bows. "What do you want?"

"You," he said simply while giving me a sweet smile.

"Huh? Me?"

He made a hand gesture and the muscular man hurriedly got off the horse to help him down.

"Yes. You," he said, coquettishly hiding his face behind the fan he was holding. "You have no idea how much you changed my views when I first met you."

"What the hell are you talking about!?" I unsheathed my sword and held it in front of me. "Where is the shogun's firstborn!? What did you do to him!?"

Nagahito played with a tendril of his hair that escaped from his bun. "This is why I hate riding on horseback, it ruins my perfection."

Upon hearing this, the two other men that were with him gathered around him to fix his hair. They even brought a handheld mirror for him to check their work at!

"Marvelous," he tossed the mirror after looking a himself there. One of his men caught it and placed it in a saddlebag.

"Did you hear what I said!?" I yelled despite feeling scared deep down.

"Oh, right," Nagahito gave me a smile. "The little brat is still with one of my men. I don't care about the child, my main target was you."

"So you used the child to catch me?" I asked incredulously. "What did I do to you for you to go through such lengths?"

He walked to where I was while fanning himself. I held my ground and silently recalled the sword practices I had with Kaname. Since I was almost always with him as Jin-san in public, he realized that I should learn how to use the katana. Kaikens and naginatas each had their own advantages, but the katana is still the weapon of choice in feudal Japan. It was only right that I learned how to use it.

"Like I said, you changed my views!" he said mysteriously while continuing to walk towards me, totally unbothered by my glinting sword. "I've longed so much for this day to come. Finally, you're mine."

"Come any closer and I will kill you," I warned, absolutely meaning it.

"Such bravery," he sighed and stopped. "As expected of the shogun's personal guard!"

The rustling of leaves could suddenly be heard behind me. As my instincts told me to look behind my back, I did. I was only supposed to take a quick glance, move out of the way if necessary, and continue to defend myself with the sword but it was unfortunate that the rustling was actually caused by one of his men.

"Oh no," Nagahito folded his fan and covered his mouth with it. "Looks like you've been caught by Saru[1], Jin-san!"

The man behind the bushes looked and moved like a monkey. He looked calm and appeared to just be leaping at me but was actually a submission-hungry beast that, even with my mixed martial arts knowledge, I was unable to dodge. He leapt out of the bushes and effortlessly held me in a leg lock!

"Argh!" I exclaimed while pain shot through my leg.

Saru's left leg was placed over my right leg and under my other leg. He then hooked his right leg over the shin of my left leg, giving him complete control over both my legs. He then proceeded to a heel hook, targeting the small ligaments of my knee and my ankle. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, the pain was just too much.

"Saru, be careful. I don't want my precious property damaged," Nagahito warned.

Saru didn't say anything but slightly loosened his grip. I was panting heavily, my brain focused on nothing but the pain. Heel locks are dangerous and those who mastered it could very easily cripple their opponent with it.

"Your highness," came a man's voice.

I craned my neck to see that it was Riku's abductor. My son was resting limply on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I struggled underneath Saru's grip but failed miserably.

"What did you do to the shogun's firstborn!" I roared, although my voice sounded hoarse.

"Don't worry, he'll wake up soon," the man carrying Riku sneered. "He was moving too much I had to pinch the base of his neck."

I thought he was talking to me but when Ayaka threw a stone at him, I realized his words were meant for her. The man got angry and started calling her words.

"That's enough, Kirihito!" Nagahito intervened. "The rest of your companions won't be able to keep the shogun and his troops busy for too long. We better go and leave."

Ayaka made a moaning sound, the crown prince rolled his eyes at her and signaled for Kirihito to hand over Riku to her. Once done, the both of them got back on their horses. Ayaka's apparent care for Riku left me confused and suspicious. I didn't have time to dwell on it, though. Saru let go of me, got up, and led my horse to where I was lying. I tried to move but the pain on my leg shin was excruciating. When the horse was near enough, Saru squatted in front of me and, without warning, batted my nape with his hand. Almost immediately, I lost consciousness.


[1] Monkey

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