Genuine Happiness

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I woke up to feeling two hands rubbing my protruding belly lovingly. While waiting for Kaname (he sent me a note that he will be sleeping in my quarters once Ayaka has calmed down), I decided to finish the little writing activity Mami gave me to pass the time. I was feeling better thanks to the ginger tea Megumi made me. Although I never meant to fall asleep in such an uncomfortable position, I didn't complain when Kaname lightly scolded me for doing so.

"What am I going to do with you?" from the tone of his voice, it was obvious that he was trying to contain his irritation.

I groaned inwardly, is this what they call super protective husband mode?

"Mami gave me a homework, I decided to finish it while waiting for you," I explained.

When I saw that his face was still rigid with displeasure, I decided to use a tactic that I know will definitely calm him down: I hooked my arms on his neck and rained him kisses on the face. I felt him slowly relax but I didn't stop.

"You're so cunning," he accused helplessly while pulling me close.

"But you clearly love it," I purred and kissed the tip of his nose. "Besides, it's your fault for asking me to wait."

"Sorry, I didn't expect that I would take this long," he explained as he lifted me in his arms.

"How is she?" I asked.

"She's sleeping and the baby has also stabilized," he said. "By the way, she's having a boy."

"That's nice," I smiled as I imagined him playing with my own little ones. I silently prayed that despite the enmity between me and his mother, he would grow up being in good terms with his brother and sister.

"I know what you're thinking," Kaname smiled. "I'm praying for it, too."

"Are you excited?" I asked. "In a few months, the castle will be filled with baby giggles and laughter."

"Definitely, I have waited for this moment for a long time I thought I was incapable of fathering children," he said.

I laughed. "Anata, with the number of times we've done it alone, it would be impossible for you to not be a father! Look, we're even expecting twins."

"True," he laid me on the futon and kissed my belly. "You've begun to show, I like it."

I gasped and joked, "Don't tell me you have a weird fetish for pregnant women!"

"I only have an unappeasable obsession with you," he chuckled while taking off his robe. "Go to sleep now, I'll join you once I'm done taking a bath."


The months went by in a flash and it was already May. Walking has become quite difficult for me and I always had back pains; Ayaka, on the other hand, was only counting the days before she gave birth. Kaname did his best to balance his time for both Ayaka and I, which calmed my heart a bit because deep down, I never wanted to be unfair towards her.

The entire city was currently full of commotion due to the much awaited Kanda Matsuri[1]. I was told that it was one of the only two festivals that could enter the castle grounds aside from Sanno Matsuri[2]. However, due to the festival's extravagant preparations, Kaname's father decided to celebrate the week-long holiday in odd-numbered years. This tradition has stuck, further enhancing the anticipation and excitement of everyone.

"Would you like to join me in the viewing pavilion tomorrow?" Kaname asked while deboning a fish for me. "Mami will be there but I'd love it if you would be there as well."

"Will it be very crowded?" I took a sip of the warm miso soup.

"The main event will be held tomorrow so it will be," he placed the perfectly deboned fish on my bowl. "But security will be tight, no one will have access to the pavilion aside from us and a few guards and servants."

"Is Ayaka coming? If she is then I guess it's best for me to stay here."

"She has already declined," Kaname shook his head. "When I asked her earlier, she said she'd rather stay here in the ooku and rest."

"I honestly want to take part of the festivities, too. And since you said it's safe, then I'll go."

"Alright, it's settled then," he smiled.


Dressed in a red and gold kimono, I sat beside Kaname as the mikoshi or portable shrines, various kinds of floats, and priests mounted on horses entered the castle grounds. Thousands of people dressed in colorful attires, musicians playing traditional instruments, and dancers moving along with the floats followed them and made the atmosphere extra merry. I was smiling and feeling proud the entire time. These people, all of them, were here to demonstrate the prosperity Kaname and his father has brought the entire country.

"This year's floats are even more beautiful!" Mami exclaimed. As she is the official wife, she was seated on Kaname's left.

"I heard that they always try to surpass the ones from the other year," I said just as excitedly.

"Yes," she confirmed. "And because the former shogun didn't want the two festivals to rival each other, he made it so that Kanda Matsuri and Sanno Matsuri are celebrated alternatively."

"I see," I glanced at Kaname and saw that there was also a smile plastered on his lips. "Papa," I whispered. "thank you for inviting me here today."

He turned to look at me, "Silly mama, you don't have to thank me. You're always part of every single thing that involves me."

I reached out to grab one of his hands discreetly, I squeezed it gently as my way of letting him know that his words touched me. However, Kaname would never let an opportunity to flaunt his affection for me pass. He lifted my hand to his lips and gave its back a kiss. Suddenly, the crowd below erupted into a chorus of cheers. I tore my gaze from him and saw that the festival's participants were looking at us with huge grins on their faces! They saw what happened just now and were cheering us on, I felt my cheeks warm as I flushed. Kaname stood and pulled me up gently to gather me in his arms. He then slowly lowered his head to capture my lips in a slow yet passionate kiss. I initially planned to just let him kiss me and not respond but then...

"Lady Hinata, don't embarrass the shogun," Mami whispered, supportive as ever.

As everyone in the country recently found out how much Kaname dotes on and favors his third wife, I belatedly realized that my reaction could be misinterpreted and that what Mami said could possibly come true. If I remained as stiff as a board in his arms, people might say that he is just forcing me and that I don't feel the same for him. So without caring that there were thousands of people watching us at the moment, I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him back with all the tenderness I have for him. I felt him smile against my lips as soon as I responded. When our kiss ended, he caressed my cheek before proudly bringing Mami and I to the front of the pavilion with him to wave at the people below. The crowd's cheers became louder and the tune the musicians were playing changed into something more celebratory.

"Good job, you two!" Mami said teasingly, not minding at all that she was overshadowed by me. "Now isn't the right time to be emotional, Lady Hinata. Save your tears for later and just enjoy the moment!"

"Okay," I took a deep breath to stop myself from crying; but when Kaname whispered one word in my ear, I almost burst into tears. This was genuine happiness.


[1] Religious festival celebrated as a demonstration of prosperity under the new regime. (

[2] A celebration of the nation's new political center and its rulers. (

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