Sorry, I Can't Do This

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We both looked at each other while I waited for his reply. He seemed to be seriously thinking of a way to answer me because his brows were a bit knitted. After God knows how long, he said..

"I know how much I hurt you. A thousand sorries will never be enough. I will do anything to make it up to you. I'll gain your trust again," his voice was firm and sure.

"I really hope so," I moved my hands a bit, he understood and let go of them. "You said you'll do anything. Right now, all I ask is for you to give me some alone time. I need a break from the two of us. The current me can never act the way my older self acted around you. I hope you understand this and won't bother me as I heal."

Tyler looked as though he wanted to protest; fortunately he understood what I needed to do and albeit reluctantly, he nodded. I stood and grabbed my purse. "I'll get in touch with you soon." As for when 'soon' was, I had no idea.

"Wait," he grabbed my arm as I prepared to leave. "At least let me take you home. Please."

I saw nothing wrong with his proposal so I agreed. The ride home was silent. Neither of us tried to liven up the mood in the car. I think it was because we were physically present but mentally elsewhere. After almost thirty minutes, we arrived at my street. I noticed that the lights were off in the living room and only the porch light was on. Mum was out, probably still helping aunt Wilma in babysitting baby Kristabelle.

"Thank you," I unfastened my seatbelt and opened the car door but was immediately pulled back inside the tinted car. Before what happened even registered in my brain, Tyler was crushing his mouth down on mine, forcing my lips open. His tongue explored my mouth, deepening the kiss. I think I froze for a solid five seconds before I could react. I tried to push him away but his strong arms pulled me closer to his chest, trapping my arms.

As his mouth grew hungrier, I felt my traitorous body surrender. How could it not? It recognized the skin against mine, it acknowledged the person who awakened things within it that it has never experienced before..

I closed my eyes and began to return his kisses, even moaning when he bit my lower lip.. A signal which meant he loved what I was doing. He loosened his embrace a bit and my arms immediately wrapped around his neck. One of his hands then started to move from my back to my chest. The next thing I knew, my top was unbuttoned and he was cupping my left breast inside my bra. I moaned again.

"Nat," he breathed in between kisses. Tyler's other hand unhooked my bra, completely exposing my breasts. His mouth left mine and started raining kisses down my jaw and neck. Both his hands were fondling my breasts now and I bit my lip in pleasure. I fumbled for the seat recline handle and lowered the back of my seat; I was now half sitting, half lying down on my back. He wasted no time and took advantage of our position. He sucked my breast while playing with the other one's nipple with his fingers.

"Ahh," I gasped, my body was burning with desire. I ran my fingers through his hair, sometimes pulling. He alternated between my two breasts; he sucked and licked them. Twice, he gave my sensitive nipples playful bites which almost made me climax. He knew my body well and now it was aching for him.

He suddenly stopped and looked up from what he was doing. I frowned, opened my eyes, and met his gaze. His eyes were burning with passion, I shuddered as another wave of desire overcame me. He lifted my skirt and lowered my panties. He stared at me again, his eyes traced every curve of my body.

"You're so beautiful," he said, his fingers teasing the apex of my thighs.

My eyes rolled back as he expertly teased me there. "Please.." I managed to beg.

"Yes," he whispered, his voice thick with passion. "Open for me."

I slowly parted my legs wider, my cheeks burned as I did. No matter how many times we've done it, I always felt shy whenever he tells me to help him welcome him. He quickly unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. A few seconds more and he was ready to penetrate me..

How many times have I seen his throbbing membrane? Of course this wasn't the first time. As it stood proud and erect before me, I suddenly felt my heated body turn cold. All the blinding desire I felt earlier suddenly evaporated. I sat up and pushed him back to his seat. I hastily pulled up my underwear and hooked my bra into place.

"Nat?" Tyler asked, confused.

"Sorry, I can't do this," I said as I straightened my blouse and skirt.

"But why? You were as into it as I was just now."

I grabbed my bag and looked at him. I wanted to tell him that I couldn't bring myself to make love to him right then because I suddenly remembered what happened the day after graduation. It killed my buzz, so to speak.

"Don't call me, I'll call you." I got out of the car and ran straight to my house.

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