Stay The Night

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Kaname pounced at me like a panther, using both speed and strength. As I was already curled up on the floor, it wasn't difficult for him to trap me beneath him.

"You find it so funny, huh," he half snarled, half laughed.

"You should.. Have seen.. Your.. Face!" I was wheezing from laughing so hard and from the weight of his body. "It was.. Priceless!"

"Was it now?" he wiped the tears of mirth from my eyes as he asked softly.

"It was. I got you good, my dear shogun."

"Okay, I get it. I looked really funny. Now stop it."

"Hahaha!" laughter bubbled from my chest once again. "Sorry, can't do that at the moment.. Hahaha! Please try again later!"

"Stop laughing, Hinata," his words held warning but he was grinning.

"I can't!" I giggled. "My stomach already hurts but I can't erase the memory of your frightened face in my head! And the way you threw my phone! You got seriously punked!"

"It is impolite and unseemly to laugh at other people's moments of disgrace," he criticized. "If you won't cease this unladylike behavior, then you leave me no choice but to use underhanded means to make you stop."

"Please, help me," I didn't take him seriously. I thought his words were just empty threats.

He sighed. "You asked for it, don't blame me for what I'm about to do." He lowered his head and captured my still open mouth with his. I froze. He took advantage of my immobility as he wrapped me in his warm embrace. As the seconds passed, the kiss deepened.

Before I knew it, my eyes were closed and I was clinging to his muscular forearms. Kaname's kiss was neither hurried nor aggressive, instead, it was soft and gentle.. As if we have all the time in the world. His mouth and tongue explored every curve and crevice of mine. My heart pounded in my ears.

When the kiss ended, we were both out of breath. I opened my eyes and found him staring at me with a tenderness that made my chest feel like bursting.

"Hinata," he whispered while running his hand on my hair. "Be mine.."

I stared at him wide-eyed and in disbelief. I opened my mouth but not a word came out.

"Hinata.. Please?" his voice was husky and frankly, panty-melting sexy[1].

I think my heart stopped. His words coupled with the full intensity of his unique eyes were like venom. It paralyzed and left me incoherent. However, unlike all venoms, it neither hurt nor harmed me. My body welcomed it. A rush of some unknown feeling engulfed my senses.

I was surprised, needless to say. I didn't expect to hear those words for two reasons. First, because he has been labeling me as his property since this morning without caring about how I felt, I never thought he'd suddenly change tactic and actually ask for 'permission.' Second, he used the magic word. He said 'please.' Indeed, he's quick to learn and knows which moves to make. The shogun is both shrewd and wise.

"But you don't even know me.." I said. "And I also don't know you that well."

"Then let's get to know each other. Let's fight and argue and laugh together until we start predicting what the other will do next."

"Kaname, why do you want this?"

"It's simple but it goes beyond just wanting to add another woman in the inner palace. I know what I want and I do every possible thing to get it. I can't force you so I'm asking you. I'm willing to do things in your own terms."

"But I'm just some girl you met in a forest. A forest of all places!" I pushed him lightly to free myself from his arms. He just loosened his embrace in response, he didn't intend to let me go. "As the ruler of this country, you should know better than trust me so easily."

"I don't care if you're an obake[2] or a woman hired by the emperor to extinguish me, I am not afraid. My instincts tell me that I need you. I always trust my gut feeling. It's what has put and kept me in the position I am in right now."


"Hinata, I am not a tyrannical and unreasonable despot. I apologize if my actions earlier frightened you. To be honest, I didn't know what got into me." He shook his head, a confused and frightened look clouded his beautiful face. "It was the first time I abused my power to make someone bend to my liking. When I stormed out of your room, I was so furious. I wasn't in my right mind when I met with the daimyos of the north."

"I'm sorry for affecting you so."

He laughed. "Yes, you should apologize. I think the northerners think I have gone insane."

I looked away, not knowing what to say. His confessions confused me.

"Let's get to know each other. We can take it slow. I can be a very patient man if I want to. What say you?" he pressed.

"I.. Let me think about it."

He stared at me for a long time before letting me go. "As you wish." He stood up and smoothened his yukata[3]. He turned and walked towards the sliding door.

Perplexed, I asked him, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to my sleeping quarters," he explained with equal confusion.

"You don't have to go. You may stay the night," I said shyly.

"Are you sure?" he looked afraid that I would say yes.

"Of course."

"I might not be able to control myself," he confessed.

My lips twitched. "Then I'd have to do my best to teach you another lesson."

He sighed but still went back to the futon next to mine. "Don't say I didn't warn you. I am a virile man, after all."

"Don't worry, I won't." I went to snuff out the candles and settled into the waiting mattress.


[1] Sorry. I just had to use that adjective. Otherwise, I don't think you guys will believe Hina-chan. (▰˘◡˘▰)

[2] A type of youkai (supernatural monsters, spirits, or demons in Japanese folklore), its closest English equivalent is shape shifter.

[3] A simpler, casual form of kimono.

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