Is It Such A Huge Secret?

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I was still wrapped around Kaname's warm embrace when I woke up. The room had darkened and gotten much colder. I snuggled closer to him, his soft snores stopped then I felt his arms tighten around me.

"Can we stay like this forever?" he murmured. "I don't want to move at all."

"Mmm," I lifted my head a bit and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Oh, Hina..." he growled while positioning me beneath him.

I know what he was about to do so I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to reach mine. Our first kiss after that dreadful episode contained all the longing and pent up emotions we have for each other. Every brush of our lips and every meeting of our tongues said 'I missed you.' We were neither taking it slow nor hungrily devouring each other, we were both simply lost and in complete surrender to this wonderful moment. When our lips parted, Kaname rested his forehead on mine. Our warm, quick breaths mingled together.

"Thank you, Hina," he sounded so happy and contented. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I whispered. "I love you so much."


Dinner was a fun affair as Kaname decided to eat with everyone. Several low tables were pushed together to accommodate every single person in the villa; the caretaker, his shadow guards as well as the two women from earlier joined us for our evening meal. The table was full of different types of food but what I liked the most was the okkirikomi Yasumori-san personally made for me. He was not kidding when he said that it will warm me to the bones. The seasonal vegetables and the hot broth were delicious; in fact, the udon was so good it almost took the spot of my all-time favorite, arroz caldo. Laughter and playful banters echoed in the dining room. The men talked about some of their personal experiences, they were either funny or heroic.

When the food on the table was replaced with sake and some sakana[1], almost everyone left the table. The guards knew that it was one thing to eat with the shogun, but drinking with him was on a whole different level. So one by one, they excused themselves. Kaname just nodded his head in acknowledgment.

The two women poured the drinks and refilled the drinking snacks when needed. Yasumori-san and Kaname continued to talk while I listened and spoke from time to time. Occasionally, Kaname would pause and turn towards me to ask if I was bored. One of his hands remained clasped with mine the whole time as if he was afraid I'd suddenly vanish.

When it got too late, Kaname and I returned to our room. Mirei and the other girl whose name was Fumi helped old man Yasumori go back to his. I expect he wouldn't like waking up tomorrow, I predict a pounding headache and nausea would greet him in the morning as he was currently drunk out of his wits.

"Did you have fun?" Kaname asked as he changed into his sleeping robe.

"I did," I smiled as I warmed myself by the hibachi. "Your guards surprisingly tell good stories."

"Most of them were the things they experienced with me," he replied.

"I especially liked the one where you actually rendered a man temporarily paralyzed for hurting a cat," I said. "Cats have a soft spot in my heart, you know."

"Right, I do remember you mentioning that you have a cat back home."

"Yup," I removed the clip that held my hair in place so it fell on my back. Kaname sat beside me to comb it with his fingers.

"Your hair is black as ink," he commented before hugging me from behind. He then swept my tresses to the side, exposing a portion of my neck and nape. When he began kissing me there, I felt his hands begin to wander. "Hina..."

"Kaname," I whispered his name back, he was cupping my breasts inside my robe now.

"I want you, Hina," he murmured seductively behind my ear. "Please, can we..."

"Yes," I arched my back to press my breasts closer to the hands that were now squeezing them.

He nibbled my earlobe before saying, "Your breasts are one of my favorite parts of your body, Hina.... I love how they fill my big hands perfectly."

My breath hitched when his fingers found my peaks, I felt them harden as he played with them.

"They're so round and soft. Your nipples provide a good contrast," he let go of them temporarily to peel of my robe. When he caught my breasts again, he expertly massaged them while kissing my back.


"I miss that sound," his lips went back to where he started. Suddenly, I felt his teeth on my exposed shoulder.

"I didn't know you have vampiric tendencies," I giggled.

"I suddenly got so excited," he chuckled. "Forgive me."

I moved so I was now facing him. "Why are you still in your robe?" I pouted.

"I seem to have a problem with removing them," he sighed dramatically. "I think I need your help in taking them off."

He hasn't finished speaking yet but I already got the job done. I saw that he was prepared for this moment because he wore nothing else. When I caught a glimpse of his erect member, my pleasure hole responded. As our eyes met, he looked just about ready to pounce at me.

I threw his robe aside, sat astride his lap, and initiated our kiss. I wanted to take things slow and steady, he seemed to understand as he matched my pace. Kaname gently pushed me down on the floor and positioned himself between my legs without parting our lips. His hands were all over me, caressing every part of my body as if reacquainting himself to it. I felt his fingers on the apex of thighs, exciting me even more. He was about to start teasing me there when someone knocked on the door. I felt his fingers pause for a bit, when no one spoke he stroked my curls.

"Ryoji-san?" it was Mirei! "Is your wife already sleeping? May I come in?"

Her words woke me from my sexual bliss, I pushed Kaname off me while glaring at the door.

"Tell her to come in!" I whispered to him viciously before covering myself.

"Come in," Kaname said after a while, he was now back in his robes.

The shoji slowly opened, Mirei was so careful that it didn't make a sound at all. When she saw me standing, obviously awake and furious, beside an anxious Kaname, she almost dropped the lamp in her hands.

"Don't you dare burn this house down!" I warned her.

"I—" she looked at my husband imploringly for help.

"Oh, look, anata," I spoke the third word with derision. "She wants you to help her."

Kaname just shook his head and said nothing.

I crossed my hands on my chest and walked towards the woman. "What do you want from my husband?" I asked her, my tone seething. "What is so important that you'd go so far as to disturb us? Is it such a huge secret that you had to make sure that I was already asleep?"


[1] Snack food that accompany sake.

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