You Miss Me, Don't You?

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Both Kaname and the twins were sleeping so I decided to take a long, relaxing bath. When the bathwater was ready, I told the maids that I needed some me time and that I won't be needing their assistance. I got out of my robe and scrubbed my skin thoroughly. As I was doing so, I noticed the significant changes in my body: my breasts were full and heavy, my stomach is a bit flabby and lined with some stretchmark; not to mention that my hair was falling at ridiculous quantities and that my feet have become one size bigger. I rinsed myself, stood up, and poked my midsection.

"I need to exercise, this simply won't do," I said, vowing to get rid of this baby weight.

I got inside the tub and adjusted myself until the water reached my shoulders. As I was enjoying the bathwater temperature, I silently wished that I was in our villa in Gunma and soaking in the onsen instead. I stayed long enough to relax my muscles without letting my skin go all wrinkly. I then got dressed and checked on both my babies and slumbering husband.


That evening, Kaname reminded me that it was almost my birthday again. I was slurping my soba when he asked me what I wanted as a birthday present, reminding me that he hasn't forgotten about the birthday traditions in the modern world.

"New footwear," I answered after finishing my bowl of noodles. "My feet have gotten bigger after I had the twins so I'd love to have new ones."

"You don't have to have your birthday to ask for those. Think of something else; the more expensive, the better," he said.

"Then I want a red Mercedes-Benz Maybach Exelero," I said flippantly.

"What's that and where can I buy it?" he asked seriously.

I giggled. "It's the most expensive car in the world and it's only available in the modern world."

"So you want a horse?" he said, immediately converting the car into its nearest equivalent in this era. "And it's not just any kind of horse, it has to be of top quality, like Kuro."

"Anata, I was just kidding. I don't want a horse, I don't even know how to ride one on my own. Besides, where will I use it? I don't have any reason to leave the castle."

"I can teach you how to ride one. Also, when the kids are older, I want Jin-san to make a comeback. His tenure in the omote and naka-oku was quite short."

"You plan to make me work?" I asked jokingly. "And here I thought you love me the most."

"I do love you the most," he said softly before reaching out to caress my face. "That's why I want to spend every hour with you."

I leaned my face on his warm hand, "You miss me, don't you?"

His eyes widened slightly, he then nodded after a while. "I do. I miss you even when we're together most of the time."

My heart skipped a few beats at his confession. I understand what he means because I kind of feel the same way. Since giving birth, my focus were one hundred percent on making sure our children, this includes Riku of course, were happy and healthy. Although we sleep beside each other every night, we rarely get to be affectionate towards each other anymore. We don't kiss and hug as much, it also didn't help that I was just not in the mood for sex recently. For someone who obviously shows his love through physical touch, I was surprised that Kaname never complained about our current situation. It's been six months but he's been totally understanding and patient. We're both parents now so our priorities no longer just revolve on making each other happy.

I got up from the cushion to sit on his lap. "I miss you, too," I whispered while rubbing my nose against his.

He wrapped his arms around me and began kissing my forehead, nose, cheeks, and finally, my lips. The kiss was slow and long, reminding me of the time when we first kissed while mutually wanting it. I didn't want it to end. When our lips parted, my chest didn't feel as heavy as before. I untied his hair and ran my fingers through it, it was soft and silky.

"I'm sorry for neglecting you, my love," I whispered.

"Hush, don't say such foolish things. Touya and Miyako should be your top priority," he said. "They rely on you so much, it is I who should apologize for not being of much help."

"But you miss me..."

"It's only natural that I do. However, I understand that it would be foolish of me to compete with my own children for your attention. I love them, too."

"You're so understanding," I smiled helplessly and gave him a quick kiss. "That just makes me guilty even more."

"For being such a great mother to my three children? My beloved, you always worry about the silliest things," he chuckled then pinched my cheek playfully.

"I just don't feel like I'm giving you enough..."

"Hina, I do miss you but that doesn't mean I'm unhappy."

"Are you sure? Like, really and truly sure?"

"Absolutely. There's no need for you to worry."

"A-alright, if you say so."

"I'm always here to support you," he said as he took my hand and kissed its fingers. "We've been through so much, Hinata. This is nothing compared to all of those combined."

His words assured and warmed my heart. Because I couldn't help myself, I kissed him until we were both breathless.

"I love you, Kaname. You will always and forever have my heart."

"I love you more, my beloved. You are my life."


In the blink of an eye, it was already my birthday. Kaname organized a lavish dinner for me and showered me with all sorts of gifts, including a majestic buckskin stallion. Mami was there and she, too, gave me gifts that were also obviously expensive and of top quality. They were mostly hair accessories, silk scarves, and jewelry. Just when I thought I was already given the best birthday I could ever have, Kaname surprised me with yet another delightful gift. It was so unexpected that I literally jumped in his arms happily. The shogun truly knows how to be romantic.

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