What Is Her Name?

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After feeding me a sumptuous breakfast, Ryuko-san and the rest of my team helped me start my day. They helped me out of my sleeping robe and assisted me in my bath. Their skilled hands scrubbed and washed my body. They then proceeded to dressing me up. I looked at the pile of clothing they prepared and was immediately reminded of my geisha experience in Gion. The process of wearing a kimono is long and slow, thankfully I had them to assist me. First, they helped me put on my tabi, then a white cotton slip called nagajuban. Next came the actual kimono and the sash called obi.

"Make sure that it is centered," Ryuko-san reminded Nanami. "The nagajuban's collar must show evenly around the neck."

As the women fussed around me, I thought of ways on how to make Ryuko-san help me escape this place. While I did agree to be his woman, it was only on the surface. I had no intentions of staying and becoming Kaname's slave.

As my mind was somewhere else, I didn't notice that they were done dressing me up. It wasn't until I felt myself being seated and my hair being brushed and expertly tied into a bun that I noticed how beautiful and luxurious the robe they dressed me in was. On closer look, the red silk had exquisitely embroidered plum blossoms and birds. The stitches were so meticulously done, I wondered how long it took to make. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that my hair had been lightly oiled and arranged so that the partings formed loops that draped over my shoulders. Ryuko-san stepped back and surveyed every detail of their work.

"You look beautiful, my lady," the old woman said with a hint of pride. She then motioned for Tsubasa to bring over the box containing makeup.

"Wait," I stopped her. "May I have my bag? It's the one I had with me last night."

Nanami bowed and went to retrieve it. All six women eyed the bag curiously. The bag is a medium sized backpack made of vegan leather with hummingbirds and flowers printed on it. When I unzipped the main opening, everyone in the room except for me gasped. My mouth twitched, I wanted to laugh so bad but I managed to suppress it. Were zippers still nonexistent during this time? I wondered.

I carefully placed all the contents of my bag on the low table: cellphone, powerbank, portable WiFi, small medicine kit, makeup pouch, folding umbrella, guidebook, and water bottle. They all eyed the items with apparent interest. I was impressed that despite their curiosity, none of them asked me what the items were. The Japanese really are the epitome of patience and respect.

I took my makeup pouch then started applying cosmetics on my face. I opted for a fresh look: pink lips, lightly tinted cheeks, mascara, a few dabs of concealer on my under eye area, and a light dusting of powder to set it. As my brows were naturally full and arched, I didn't do anything to them. Satisfied with the end result, I closed my compact powder shut.

"The young madam looks.. Fresh." Nanami said, Ryuko-san and the rest echoed her sentiments. I didn't catch the hint that the compliment was forced and that to them, my lightly made up face looked crude.

"Thank you," I said shyly. "So what's next?"

"Kaname-sama has instructed Taneyuki-san to give you a tour of the palace and its grounds. Afterwards, you are to join him in his study," the old woman informed me.


"The shogun apologizes for not being around to accompany you, my lady. He had to hold an emergency meeting with the daimyos[1] and the samurais[2] of the northern region," Taneyuki-san bowed apologetically at me.

"No need to apologize. I understand that, erm," I stopped as I realized I had no idea how to address Kaname. In my mind, he was just.. Kaname. No honorific whatsoever followed his name. I racked my brain for the appropriate word but failed. Damn the Japanese and their honorifics! "Umm.. uh.."

I suddenly remembered watching a bit of noontime drama at a convenience store days ago. The woman addressed her husband as 'my dearest.' Without thinking much of it, I decided to go with that. I cleared my throat, "I understand that my dearest is a busy man. His priority should always be the country."

Taneyuki-san nodded and started the tour.

Kaname's castle was an enormous complex of buildings, it reminded me so much of the ones I saw in books and on television.. Only this was, of course, the Japanese version. Hidden inside the impressive walls were three palaces – the outer palace where he gave audiences, the middle where he lived with his male attendants, and then there was the vast inner palace, separated from the other buildings by a solid wall which sliced right through the complex. This was where he housed his beloved females and naturally, where my room was located. I was told that I represented one third of his women, I tried my best to hide my disgust when I heard Taneyuki-san say that. I had very strong opinions against polygamy.

The castle grounds had several ponds where koi and other ornamental fish swam. The gardens rolled endlessly and the autumnal colors gave it the final touch of perfection. The sun was up but it was still a cold morning. As we crossed a bridge, the cheerful banter and laughter of women floated in the air. I looked to my left to find a pavilion with several ladies in it.

"It seems like Lady Mami and Lady Ayaka are having another poetry writing contest," Taneyuki-san mused. "Does Lady Hinata intend to join them?"

I shook my head in response. "Let's continue with the tour."

Our little excursion attracted the females' attention, I was being escorted by plenty of servants after all. One woman in particular caught my attention. She was beautiful in the sense that she looked like a fragile flower, however, this was overshadowed by the supercilious aura she emanated. The woman's expression beneath her painted face added to her holier-than-thou demeanor. As what I later on learned was the trend, her teeth were painted black, she had smudged feathery charcoal eyebrows painted high on her forehead, and her powdered face was stark white but her lips were tinted a bright red. She looked like she came out of the paintings I saw on the museums I visited earlier that week. As we left the area, my sixth sense told me that she was still looking at me.


When I returned to my quarters, I examined my personal belongings on the low table. All of them seemed to have survived the river last night unscathed, I sighed in relief. A light knock alerted me of Ryuko-san's presence.

"My lady, it's almost two in the afternoon. May I suggest we now head to the Bell Corridor?"

I tilted my head to the side. "What for?"

"The shogun will arrive and have his lunch with you."

I nodded and tried my best not to let my dread show.

I went to where Kaname was supposed to enter and knelt there patiently. After a short while, the two ladies from the pavilion earlier and their maids joined us.

Reminding me of a grandfather clock, the castle drums sounded the time. It was finally two in the afternoon and Kaname was once again coming to the women's palace. With the pounding of the drum came the sound of the bells announcing his arrival. I watched in awe as the ritual unfolded:

Bald nuns hurried to unlock the door that connected the third palace to the shogun's residence. Once the bolts were drawn aside and the door slid open, I saw him nod to Taneyuki-san and a couple of men. As soon as he entered the third palace, the sliding door was once again bolted shut as Kaname was the only man allowed inside the inner palace.

Kaname looked around, smiling at the faces full of anticipation and eagerness to be with him. When he saw me, his smile became brighter.

"What is her name?" he asked one of the high ranking hairless officials while pointing at me, completely catching me off guard.


[1] Powerful Japanese feudal lords who, until their decline in the early Meiji period, ruled most of Japan from their vast, hereditary land holdings. (Source: Wikipedia.com)

[2] Warriors of premodern Japan. (Source: Wikipedia.com)

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