Kousai Ishokushou

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Drip. Drip. Drip.


I felt cold drops of water fall on my face and roll down to my neck followed by a crisp breeze. I shivered. Slowly, I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was a dark and angry sky. It looked like rain. I placed an arm on my forehead. Trying to remember what happened, not caring that I was lying on the ground.

Nothing. My mind was blank.

Still feeling disoriented, I closed my eyes for a few minutes. When I opened them again, I was once again greeted by grey clouds. I tried to get up but an intense discomfort on my left knee made me gasp. Memories of what happened before I fainted flashed before my eyes. I slowly eased myself into a sitting position, grimacing as the skin on my knee stretched and moved.

Another gust of cold wind blew, making me hug myself. "How long had I been out for the temperature to drop this much?" I asked myself. I looked around to check my surroundings. I frowned, the place looked different. The moss that I had so greatly appreciated just a while ago has turned into yellow flowers and tall grass. I was no longer in a manicured garden, I realized. Instead, I was in some sort of meadow. A clap of thunder interrupted my thoughts, frightening me. Forgetting my wound, I stood up abruptly.

"Argh," I gasped at the pain. "I need to get out of here lest I become the target of lightning." I tried to walk but ended up limping instead. The broken strap of my sandal added to my difficulty. I limped aimlessly, I was clueless where to go. With every step my mind warred against itself. I was scared, alone, and lost. I had no idea where I was. At the same time, I had to move. I needed to go somewhere safe.

I didn't know what I got myself into. I was just chasing after a cat earlier but now I was in an unfamiliar place. After some time, I saw the silhouette of what seemed like a pine forest. The wind howled in my ears while thunder and lightning made me force myself to go faster. When I reached the forest, I picked up a piece of branch from the ground and turned it into a cane. With the added support, I was able to walk better.

When it started to drizzle, I immediately looked for some sort of shelter. Thoughts of hypothermia and dying in this unknown place almost paralyzed me. My clothes didn't provide much protection. I was wearing a long sleeved white blouse, a knee length flounce black skirt, and a pair of black strappy sandals. Inside my bag were my makeup and medicine kits, powerbank, my Rove water flask, small folding umbrella, and cellphone.

Umbrella.. Cellphone.

A light bulb came on over my head. Why didn't I think of this sooner!? Under the shade of a particularly bushy pine, I rummaged my bag for both items and almost kissed them when I found them. First, I unfolded and opened my umbrella then I placed my right index finger on the fingerprint sensor of my phone to unlock it. Hurriedly, I called the number Asami gave us before the tour.

Toot toot. Toot toot. The call got disconnected. I was about to check if I got the number wrong when, to my utter horror, I saw the signal bar empty. The place had no reception! I was screwed!

"No, no.." I shook my head a few times before taking a couple of deep breaths. "Hinata, don't panic. You've got this! This isn't the end of the world."

I placed my phone in the pocket of my skirt then grabbed my walking stick. With forced courage (what choice did I have?), I went deep into the forest. I checked my watch, it was half past five in the afternoon. It will be dark soon and the temperature would drop even further. I wanted to cry but I stiffened my resolve. I had to look for a cave or some sort of shelter for the night.

After what seemed like an eternity, I heard the sounds of horses. I stopped, focusing on the direction the sounds came from. "I am saved!" I rejoiced. I turned to the left, following the sounds of the equine hooves.

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