I Love You Forever

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Just as she said, Mirei left the next day. After speaking with Kaname for the last time, she bade Yasumori-san and Fumi goodbye.


I spent my free time learning how to ride a horse under Kaname's guidance. At first I was confused why he started my lessons with how to tie, groom, and lead my stallion but when he explained that these were imperative in horseback riding, I did my best in learning them.

"These are the basic essentials of riding a horse," he said while helping me brush my stallion's mane. "It will help you understand your mount, keep yourself safe, and, of course, form a bond with it. You should treat your horse well. Personally, Kuro has saved my neck countless times during my undercover missions. If it weren't for the mutual understanding we have, I would have been dead by now. He knows when I'm in extreme danger and he does his best to help me get out of it safely."

"Noted, sensei," I told him, making him laugh.

"Before we continue, have you decided on what to name your mount?"

"His temperament reminds me of my cat when he was still young so I shall call him Panther," I replied.

"Panther," he repeated the English word. "Alright. Your horse is now safely tied and groomed, it's time to saddle up for your ride."

After tying the cinch in a knot similar to a necktie's, I then proceeded to putting the saddle in the right spot. Kaname guided me to the rest of the process until finally it was time for me to mount the horse. He held Panther's head so he stood steadily. Holding both reins in my left hand, I gathered them with a tuft of mane. I then held the right side rein a tad tighter to help prevent the horse from swinging away from me as I got on.

"Lift your left foot into the stirrup so the ball of your foot is resting comfortably on its bottom," Kaname instructed. "You already have the reins and tuft of mane grasped in your left hand so use your other hand to grip the cantle of your saddle."

When I finished following his instructions, he then told me to use my right leg to balance my weight as I lift myself up to my horse's back. I did a few tentative springs to help gain upwards momentum before using my right leg to push myself up. I let go of the cantle as I balanced over the horse's withers and moved my free hand up to grasp the reins.

"Swing your right leg up and over the cantle of the saddle," he said while watching my every move with alert eyes. "Be sure to lift your leg high enough so that you don't kick your horse in the haunch or hit your leg on the back of the saddle."

I followed his directives then gently settled into the saddle as best as I could to avoid startling Panther. After arranging the reins and stirrups, I beamed at Kaname. He smiled when he saw the look of accomplishment on my face.

"Well done, my love," he gave my thigh two congratulatory pats. "Now it's time to teach you how to walk and halt as well as turn the horse using a direct rein."

He was extremely patient with me and taught me several techniques that made learning easier; so by the fifth day, Kaname and I were both confident that I could travel back to the castle riding Panther. Of course, I was still in no way an expert but I was also quite good for a beginner.


On our eighth night in the villa, I invited him for a quick dip at the outdoor bath. It was already evening and the three little rice balls were sleeping with the maids in the room next to ours. Although it was my idea, I was suddenly nervous. My body has changed a lot since I gave birth and these changes were making me self-conscious.

"Come here," Kaname said after stripping. His body was still the perfectly toned and muscular body that I remembered, whereas mine...

I walked lowly to where he was standing. When we were already standing face to face, he started to untie my obi. I watched his face with rapt attention, making sure that I did not miss a single change in it. From start to finish, the small smile on his face never altered. He then pulled me to the bathroom to wash our bodies before carrying me to the open-air hot spring bath.

The moon was full and bright outside. When he put me down, I noticed the plate of dango and bottle of sake he prepared beforehand.

"Dango and sake?" I asked while sitting down on the manmade step in the pool.

"Mmm," he sat down beside me and poured each of us a cup of the liquor. "I remember how much you loved dango when you were pregnant and since it's been a while since we last had some alone time, I figured why not make this evening a night of celebration?"

I took my cup and sipped. "Thank you."

He smiled and took a sip from his own cup. "Hina, it's been quite a year, huh? I can't believe we went through so much in such a short time."

"Indeed," I leaned on his shoulder and sighed happily. "After all that we've been through, I believe we can weather any storm together."

He emptied his cup and placed it on the edge of the pool. He then shifted so he could encircle his arms around my waist. "I believe so, too. We are each other's strength after all."

I finished my own drink and set aside my cup. I leaned my entire body weight on his chest and started humming. It was a cool and quiet evening, the only thing that illuminated the garden was the full moon. After finishing the bottle of liquor and eating the soft sweet miso dipped rice balls, we decided it was time to return to our room and retire.


The moment the screen door that lead to the garden closed, Kaname pulled me into a kiss. I recognized this kiss, it was hungry and burning with desire. His hands cupped my bottom and I felt his hardened member against my belly. For the first time in a long time, I felt my body respond. A different kind of warmth filled my body as I returned his kiss.

"Hina..." he breathed my name. "Can we please, my love?"

"Yes," I replied against his lips.

Upon hearing my reply, he lifted me and laid me on the futon straightaway. He was gentle and patient despite the obvious roaring passion in his eyes. As he worshiped my body with his, all my apprehension and insecurities vanished. When our bodies became one, a sweetness engulfed me as I called out his name.

"I love you, Hina," he kept saying as our bodies moved.

"I love you, too," I answered with equal sincerity. "I love you forever, anata..."

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