Never Judge A Book By Its Cover

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Mami stiffened as soon as she heard what I just said. I did my best to keep my face straight and hide my smirk. I wanted to give the others the impression that she had the upper hand and that I was the lowly mistress. I still wanted her to retain her dignity even if we both know I was capable of retaliating, a subtle reminder that I was not and never will be a pushover. As expected, Mami was all bark and no bite. She never retaliated even when I purposely slowed my steps to give her all the time she needed to utter a riposte.


The temple was near the castle grounds so the maids and I just walked to get there. Ryuko-san guided me through the rituals and prayers as dictated by their religion. Before we left, I asked them to give me some alone time to utter my own personal prayers.

"May his mission in the province of Kai be accomplished without a hitch, but most of all, please ensure Kaname's safe return," I murmured before opening my eyes again. Then, remembering my mum and my old life, I shut them again. "Forgive me for asking for another request. Please take good care of mum while I'm away. I know she's currently worried sick, please send her comfort to ease her mind. I miss her, too, but I do not know how to return. I know You brought me here for a reason and I trust in You that everything will be okay. Thank You."


We returned to the castle to find my room looking as if a tornado hit it. I immediately looked for my bag and breathed a sigh of relief as soon as I found it safe in the little cabinet I hid it in. The maids cleaned up the mess, all the while discussing who would do such a thing.

"Even Lady Hinata's clothes weren't spared," Nanami sighed as she gathered my stained kimonos.

"Who would do such a thing?" Megumi wailed, her adorable face red and crumpled. "How could they do this??"

"We all know who is behind this cowardly act but we can't name names," Ryuko-san said. "The castle walls have ears."

"Don't take this to heart, everyone," I said as I joined them, trying my best to act calm despite the rage I was feeling inside. "Don't worry, this will pass."

"But we still can't help but feel worried, our lady," it was Yoko. "We mustn't let our guards down like we did earlier."

"The harem is a dangerous place," Aya nodded her head. "But don't worry, Lady Hinata. We were personally chosen by Kaname-sama to be your servants because of our strengths and talents."

"Yes!" Tsubasa agreed. "We won't let anything happen to her ladyship."

"Indeed," Ryuko-san looked determined. "We will protect you at all cost. I knew they were vicious, but I never thought they would act this fast."

I knew who they were talking about and decided to go along with our unspoken rule to not drop names. However, something about their words still intrigued me. "I'm interested to know why Kaname chose you. Believe me, I know how capable you all are, but it appears that there are things that I still do not know about all of you."

All six women looked at each other and smiled. Something about the look in their eyes told me that I was in for a very pleasant surprise.


I tapped my fingers on the low table as I took in what I just heard. Indeed, people aren't always what they seemed. One should never judge a book by its cover.

I looked at the women before me again as I think back on what they just said about themselves..

Tall and lithe Ryuko-san came from a family of samurais. She is very adept in both the naginata and katana. She has served Kaname's mother during her time in the palace until her death. She has helped raise him and was very ecstatic when Taneyuki-san personally came looking for her to put me under her care.

Cousins Aya and Yoko, who hail from the province of Iga, had shinobi[1] blood running in their veins. They came from a long line of mercenaries who were once so against the shogun and his rule. It wasn't when their uncle, the current head of their clan, worked hand in hand with Kaname in one of his secret missions in the adjacent area around the village of Koka that they saw how great a ruler he really was. As a form of thanks and sincerity, they were brought to the castle to supposedly serve Ayaka. However, Kaname had other plans and have assigned them other jobs until I came into the castle. They were both admittedly quite disappointed when they were relieved of their administrative duties in order to serve me, but they said that I have proven my worth ever since I was able to 'prank Kaname into submission.'

Tsubaki and Nanami, to my great surprise, are twins. Fraternal twins to be exact. Nanami is younger by three minutes than her sister. Both women are very knowledgeable in anything about poisons. You want to get someone killed without any trace or evidence? Call them. Fallen pray into some poisonous substance or you suspect that you've been a victim of poisoning? They'll concoct you an antidote as soon as they find out its origin. They grew up used to being called the witch twins because of their vast knowledge in toxicology.

Lastly, there's Megumi. Do not let her elfin face fool you. She is well-versed in the art of sleuthing and is a great actress. She can pretend to be an idiot and klutz or transform into someone sharp and ruthless if need be. She has different tactics in obtaining information about anything.. Or anyone.

Had Kaname foreseen this incident to happen? Was this why he has given me such capable staff from the very start? I was once again struck by how shrewd and advance in thinking he was.. And of course, how clueless I was for thinking that the palace is safe. I cursed at my naivety. Mami won't back down with just a few words. Of course, in a place where wives had to share one man, jealousy and malice and intrigue would always be prevalent. I have been manipulating Kaname ever since I came here, it was thoughtless of me to think that it was alright..

I ran my fingers through my hair. I was suddenly feeling impatient. I wanted to see Kaname again. I wanted to thank him for his thoughtfulness and care. I never realized how protected I was until today.


[1] Ninja.

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