Are You Trying To Seduce Me?

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I woke up very late the next day. Judging from the light that the windows were not able to filter out, it must have been already noon. I stretched slightly, I wanted to turn but Kaname's arms were wrapped around me like vine, he was breathing deeply on my ear. We fell asleep spooning after three more rounds of intense lovemaking. My cheeks reddened when my eyes caught the ornate dresser before me. It reminded me of the time he carried and laid me there last night... Oh, how I gripped its edges as I met his pounding hips.

I shook my head to banish the arousing memory. I unhooked one of Kaname's arms from my waist and turned to face him, I propped one arm and rested my head on it. I sighed as I traced his long lashes, I wished mine were as lengthy. He stirred and caught my hand before planting a kiss on its back. With his eyes still closed, his lips traveled from my hand up to my arm.

"Kaname!" I giggled as I tried to pull my arm back.

He opened his eyes, they were alight with mischief. "Good morning, my lady."

"I'm afraid it's already noon," I replied, trying to hide my disappointment. "Time for you to back to your quarters."

"No," he pulled me closer. "I'm spending the day with you."

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows.

"I told the ministry that I will return tonight," he explained. "I arrived a day early without informing them."

I immediately remembered what Shouta told me in the garden. "Why did you return early?" I asked even though I already knew in my heart why.

"To be with you," he replied. "I wanted to spend at least a whole day with you before resuming my duties."

My lips curled upwards, showing my delight. "Smooth talker," I accused.

"I'm telling the truth," he removed our blanket. "Hinata.."

With just the call of my name, I knew what he wanted straightaway. "Kaname, haven't you had enough?" I pushed him away as he situated himself on top of me.

"No," he admitted shamelessly. "I want you now, later, and in the coming years."

'Now, later, and in the coming years?' I didn't know whether I was supposed to laugh, cry, be touched, or be stunned. "You are so.. Shameless!" I had no words, to be honest.

He ignored my words. "You forced me to abstain, Hinata," he accused. "You have to take responsibility."

"What are you saying? Listen to yourself!"

He grabbed my chin and narrowed his eyes at me. "You also made me do a shameful act days ago."

"And what was that?" I lifted one brow. 'Where was he going with this?' I asked myself.

"You made me use my hand!"

I burst into laughter, he didn't look pleased. "Mr. Shogun, stop being ridiculous!"

"Hinata, I want you now," he caressed my face. "I know you want me, too."

"Are you trying to seduce me?" I asked when his calloused fingers moved to my collarbone and started caressing it.

"Yes, what of it?" he leaned down and kissed the valley between my breasts.

I almost bit my lip when he ran his tongue there. "K-kaname," I tried to push him off me but he grabbed my hips. "Not now, please? I'm hungry."

"I'm hungry too," his lips were now traveling down to my belly.

"I want food, okay?" I squirmed and tried to break free. "Your hunger is different from mine."

"That can wait," he kissed my curls. "I promise to be quick."


"Yes," he parted my legs. He was about to start orally stimulating me when I accidentally kicked him off of me. "Argh!" he exclaimed as he tumbled.

I got up and rushed to check on him. "I'm sorry! I only meant to push you away!"

He looked at me, completely astonished. "Did you just kick me?"

"I'm sorry," I apologized again before checking the area where I kicked him. "Where are you hurt?"

He avoided my touch and looked at me sharply. "Must you resort to violence?"

I stopped my frantic inspection and stood up. With my hands on my hips, I replied, "I said I didn't mean to add too much force! I only meant to push you away."

"With your legs?" he lifted one brow reprovingly, he was not backing down.

"They're significantly stronger than my arms," I reasoned. "Besides, I didn't have to do what I did if you just listened to me."

"How many times did you say no last night while meaning the opposite?" he stood up and crossed his arms on his chest.

I felt my face burn. "That's different!"

"Heh?" he smirked. He walked towards me and whispered to my ear, "How was it different? Your lips say no but your most sensitive part says yes, when I parted your legs just now your—"

"Stop!" I stomped my feet, I couldn't bear to hear the rest. I was completely embarrassed. "Don't you dare continue!"

He pursed his lips, trying to fight his smile. "Why? I was trying to prove my point. You're a liar, Hinata."

I inhaled and exhaled as I struggled to calm myself. "You are twisting things just to get what you want."

"I'm not going to deny that," he encircled me in his arms. "Didn't I tell you before that I always get what I want?"

Before I could make a retort, he caught my lips with his. I once again tried to push him away but he tightened his embrace. Because I desperately wanted to break free, I bit his lip while still taking care not to wound him.

"Ahh!" he gasped and let go of me. He went to the dresser to pick up a handheld mirror to inspect his lower lip. "Why are you so violent today?"

"Because you won't listen to me! No means no, okay?"

"You're really rejecting me?" he eyed me petulantly.



I looked away. I didn't know how to explain it to him without feeling self-conscious.

"Why?" he repeated, his voice flat. "You let me taste you once and I'm back to abstaining, is that it?"

"O-of course not.." I picked up a discarded blanket and wrapped myself with it. "I want you, too." There, I said it.

"Then what's keeping you from copulating with me? It can't be because your monthly cycle has arrived, I checked—"

"Shut up! You always say the most careless things!" I yelled, he was being too much. "Fine! You want to know!? It's because I'm sore! I'm sore down there! I feel like I just had my first time again! I want to fulfill your desires but I have to decline because I'm feeling raw!"

His jaw dropped lower and lower with every word I shouted.

"Are you now satisfied!? Do you now understand!?" I roared. When he nodded his head dumbly I turned and escaped to the bath. 'Idiot! Lustful idiot!' I screamed in my head as I sat down on the bathing stool.

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