You Shameless Flirt!

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Kaname followed me like an eager puppy, I turned my head to look back at him and I swear I could see a fluffy, black tail wagging behind him.

"Hina-chan!" now he was addressing me in a cutesy manner. "Chotto matte kudasai[1]!"

I hastened my speed, my hands clutched my pounding chest. That smile completely disarmed me, a reaction that I didn't see coming. He has beamed at me several times before but this was the first time my heart responded this way.

"Kaname, you shameless flirt!" I screamed in my head.

I was so engaged in my thoughts that I didn't notice that our little public display of affection has incurred the wrath of Mami. She, along with her long line of servants, watched in astonishment as the great shogun that was Kaname ran after a lowly commoner-turned-concubine like a besotted fool.


As per usual, Kaname spent his evening with me. We were eating a wonderful dinner of anago tempura[2], rice mixed with millet, three vegetable side dishes, and pickled radish. During my stay in the castle, I noticed that despite being at the top of the social hierarchy, Kaname did not go all-out with his meals. Of course, the food my maids make are delicious and plenty, it's just that they weren't as extravagant as say, when one would eat a full-course meal at a modern-day ryokan.

"Umm.. Kaname," I started to ask.

"Mmm?" he looked up from his rice bowl.

"Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm just curious," he nodded and put down his chopsticks to give me his full attention. "Do you.. Always eat like this?"

"Like what?"

"Umm.. Again, please don't get me wrong.. I just want to know whether you are always.. This frugal?" I almost didn't want to finish my question.

"Oh," he said, his face held not a hint of annoyance nor resentment at what could have been an easily misunderstood question. "Yes. In fact, I am known for my frugality."

"I see." I nodded. "Would you mind telling me why? You're the shogun, you're entitled to great things."

"Is the food not to your liking?" he looked worried. "Do you want some—"

"No, no! The food is great!" I hurriedly clarified. "I'm just curious. Nothing more, nothing less."

He stared at me for a long time before he spoke again. "Japan is quite mountainous, very much unlike our neighboring nations. Food is scarce and, although I am the Tenka-bito[3], I am not a decadent person. I know the hardships the working class have to go through in order to produce what little goods we have. I do not intend to put it all to waste by indulging."

"You're amazing," I praised him. I never thought he was this considerate.

He chuckled. "We practice a sixty-forty policy. The daimyos get sixty percent of the crops and what is left go to the people. I have heard of some lords skimming through this policy, leaving the working class with a meager twenty percent share. As someone who values fairness, I personally see to it that those greedy feudal lords get their comeuppance."

I was intrigued. "How?"

"I have a habit of disguising myself and living amongst the lower class for days, even weeks. I always make sure that I get to the bottom of things before I make my presence known. Those who bend the rules always pay."

Realization suddenly hit me. "You just came back from one of your missions when we first met, didn't you?"

"Mission?" he rubbed his chin with a thoughtful look. "I guess you can call them that. But to answer your question, indeed. I just finished dealing with such matters then."

I was in total awe of him! "You're amazing, Kaname! You're like a superhero!"

His eyes crinkled and his lips curved up in pleasure at my words. "I do not know what a superhero is, but from the way you said it, it must be a good thing. Thank you for the kind words."

I smiled back at him. "I'm just telling the truth! In fact, from this day onward, I am your biggest fan! If you were to have a fan club, I'll personally nominate myself as its president!"

"'fan club'? What is that?"

"In the modern world, a fan club is an organization for people who admire the same person. This person might be a well-known actor, singer, or a book author."

"And you want to be my fan club's leader?"

"Yes! I'll organize meetups and make sure to be up-to-date with your activities!" I said excitedly. "When you attend social gatherings, I'll be the first person to hold up an LED board that says 'We ❤️, Kaname!' Don't worry, as president of the club, I'll make sure that all the members remain well-behaved."

He reached out from the table to stroke my cheek. "You look even lovelier when you're excited, do you know that?" he sighed.

Startled, I didn't know what to say.

He continued this act of gentleness without saying any more. I closed my eyes and savored the warmth of his unanticipated caress. When I opened them again, I heard myself breathe out his name. "Kaname.."

Like a flash of lightning, the low table separating us was pushed to the side. I barely heard the clanking of china and the protesting sound of the table's legs against the floor because I was already engulfed by Kaname's attack.

Kaname expertly gathered me on his lap before curling a hand behind my head so he could capture my lips with his. He gave me a brief kiss which tasted very much of our dinner. When our lips parted, he buried his face on the crook of my neck and started making a sound of contentment that reminded me of a cat's purr.

I ran my hand on his perfect, even-models-will-be-green-with-envy, black head of hair and pulled him closer with the other. I thought this was as intimate as we could get but I was wrong. Kaname had other plans.

I felt his lips brush against my neck before giving it a lick. His warm, wet tongue caught me off guard, I instantly pushed him back. Kaname seized my wrists with one of his hands while the other one grabbed my waist possessively. He then continued to alternately kiss and lick my neck, my jaw, and then, finally my lips.

Like his previous kisses, it was slow and unhurried. Unlike what I experienced in the past, it felt like he was enjoying every moment instead of greedily devouring it.

"Mmm," I moaned against his lips as he deepened the kiss. My hands, which were able to break free from his grasp, were now cupping his cheeks. I kissed him back with the same intensity, not wanting to be outdone.

I felt the front of my robe open, my bare chest exposed. I didn't care at the moment, I let him explore and do his thing as his hand traveled from my shoulder to the valley between my breasts. As he curved his hand into the shape of one of my womanly mounds, I felt his lips curve slightly against mine. His fingers caught my hardened nipple and gave it a playful tug, eliciting within me a gasp heavy with pleasure. "Kaname," I whispered his name.

He let go of me abruptly, making me open my eyes. Seeing the look of evident disappointment on my face, he chuckled. "Oh, don't worry. We're not done yet. I'm not done yet with you, my Hina-chan."

He shifted me so I sat astride his lap. He then painstakingly removed my robe, leaving me naked save for my underwear. I didn't look away, my inner goddess indulged in the blatant admiration that could be seen in Kaname's face as his eyes traced every contour of my exposed body.

"So flawless.. I want to kiss every inch of you," he said, completely in awe. He looked up to see me watching him. "Not feeling shy?"

I shook my head. He grinned. He undid the pins and baubles on my hair, making it tumble down my back while some found their way on my chest.


[1] A formal way of saying "wait," chotto means "a moment" while kudasai's closest English equivalent is "please."

[2] Deep-fried salt-water eel.

[3] Ruler of all.

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