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"Kotaishi," Kaname used the tip of his katana's saya to lift Nagahito's chin up. "What do you have to say about what he just said?"

Nagahito looked at him with pure loathing but said, "What he said is the truth."

Everyone, myself included, did not expect him to confirm Iura-san's words. I watched as my husband's shock turn into satisfaction.

"And what about the rest?"

"I do not deny them as well. Although... There is one very interesting detail that was changed," he smirked. "I think you and Jin-san know what it is."

"Of course," Kaname chuckled, unfazed by his hints. "Care to tell the crowd what it is? I'm sure they're brimming with curiosity."

My initially shocked self slowly relaxed, things were going according to how Kaname predicted it. I looked around to see that everyone was indeed curious.

"Oh, it's nothing surprising. It's just that your personal guard Musashi Jin and your second wife Lady Hinata are one and the same," he was smiling evilly at me, anticipating to see a negative reaction.

"We're one and the same?" I laughed until tears fell from my eyes. "Your highness, has your perversion addled your brain?"

His smile never faltered. "Then would you care to remove your robe and show us your bare chest?"

"Of course," I replied before starting to undo my sash.

Nagahito looked at me in confusion, he did not understand my willingness to follow his words. When I was about to part my robes, a voice that was the exact copy of mine interrupted me.

"Jin-san, why are you stripping?" my kagemusha Hanae has arrived in my palanquin, amusement evident on her face. "Has the heat become so unbearable?"

All necks craned to see "me" alight from the litter. My younger maids helped make the show even more convincing by pretending to steal glances at Jin-san. Thankfully they still haven't gotten over the "attraction" they have for my other self because their flushed cheeks made our act even more believable.

"My lady," I bowed, acknowledging her presence. The rest who were beneath my status paid their obeisance.

Kaname walked towards Hanae and ushered her to the seat next to Mami's. She really has studied me well. She's got my mannerisms and expressions down, even the adoring smile I usually give my husband. My mind wandered to the contents of my jewelry box as I thought of what to reward her later...

"The kotaishi claims that you and Jin-san are one person," Mami "whispered" in her ear.

Hanae immediately feigned surprise. Her shoulders then shook as she covered her mouth to stifle her laughter. "So I'm a man now?"

"Seems like it," Mami laughed as well, her eyes ridiculing her cousin. "My only question is, how can a man bear twins?"

"What has happened to his brain?"

"Maybe like that guard said, his perversion has affected his thought process."

"Well maybe it's his way of saving himself, he clearly does not want to go down easily."

"What a lousy accusation, couldn't he think of a better one?"

"He's obviously an idiot! And to think he would have been the next emperor!"

"I shudder to think how the country will be under his rule!"

"I'm glad the tenka bito caught him, he is sick in the head!"

The crowd was once again abuzz. Hearing the jeers and contempt the throng of people had against their son, the emperor and the empress bristled once more.

My Soul Will Find Yours [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now