You Dare Touch The Shogun's Wife!

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I alighted from the palanquin with my head still in the clouds. I went through the motions of the prayers and rituals without giving much thought to what I was doing. The recent events in the palace have distracted me so much. I was struggling to understand the people I encountered recently, it seemed like with Kaname's absence I was made to look at this era for what it exactly was. The concept of the harem went deeper than just a man having multiple wives, it was also shrouded in mystery and deep, dark secrets.

Although I was still unsure as to what Mami's reasons for coupling with another man were, something deep within me says that it had to do with the restrictions of being Kaname's wife. Sharing a husband is not an easy thing, especially since it is the husband who decides who he sleeps with and when. When neglected, the shogun's women have to accept their forced chastity or bite the bullet and look for sexual gratification elsewhere as a result. Just like what Mami was doing.

Based on what Ayaka has told me earlier, Kaname didn't seem at all very interested in his wives. She said he only visited the ooku thrice a week back then, but during one of our earlier conversations Kaname mentioned that his first night in my room was the second time he wouldn't be bedding someone ever since he became the great generalissimo of this country. Did it mean that he had other women on the side? If so, then that would be another unpleasant news.

Then there's also the concept of marriage. Political unions are the norm apparently. I asked Ryuko-san if she has known anyone who got married because of love, she wasn't able to answer me immediately as she was struck with overwhelming horror. She said that doing so will only lead to one's doom. It appears that the concept of love did not exist in this time. Or if it did, it wasn't a very popular one.

The temple had a garden made of arranged stones. It neither had a pond nor a stream but it still managed to bring the concept through its dry landscape. Despite the almost nonappearance of fall foliage, the garden was beautiful and gave you a sense of peace.

I sat by one of the benches built for admiring the view while Ryuko-san and the others kept their distance. My pensive mood was like a huge bubble shielding me from the rest of the world. It was only when a cold gust of wind blew that I decided that it was time to return to the palace. I got up, only to realize that a familiar face has silently joined me in my peaceful reverie.

"Hello," the unwelcome stranger said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "We meet again."

I didn't respond; instead, I began walking to where I knew my servants were waiting for me. The crunch of gravel could be heard as I made my way in my zori.

"Still not talking to me, I see," the man made a mirthless chuckle. "My beautiful lady, I mean you no harm."

I heard him following behind me, I instinctively placed my hands in the front of my robe. When I felt the dagger in my obi, a bit of my anxiety evaporated. I had a weapon that I knew how to use just in case. "I do not talk to strangers. Please stop following me."

"Such a melodious voice," he quickened his pace and was now walking beside me. "I wonder how you sound in bed."

I stopped and looked at him, I can only imagine how furious I looked at the moment. I wanted to cuss him off in both my mother tongue and in English!

"That caught your attention," he placed his hands behind his back. An evident smugness could be seen on his face.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked tersely.

"No, that was why I wanted to get to know you," he smiled, showing his teeth. "I heard from my servant that you got my little note yesterday."

I snorted. "So the cheap, unpleasant, and blatantly inauthentic note came from you? What a surprise."

His brows twitched before his forehead smoothened again. "You have quite a sharp tongue."

"I have every right to," I replied in my haughtiest tone. "I am the third wife of the shogun. I do not have to mince my words."

His lips curled into a devilish smile. He took a step closer to me, I stood my ground and gave him a look that showed my disgust towards him. "The shogun's third wife," he repeated. "I heard Kaname-sama took in another wife but I never thought she was this ravishing."

I just smirked in response, not buying his BS. I gathered my robe and prepared to leave but he caught one of my elbows. "You dare touch the shogun's wife!" I hissed. I took the dagger in my obi and pointed it at him.

Upon seeing the sharp short knife, his eyes widened in shock. However, he still did not release me and tightened his grip on my elbow instead. "My lady, I wouldn't be so rash if I were you. I adore feisty women but I'm warning you, I am someone you shouldn't cross."

I narrowed my eyes at him. I twirled the dagger in my hand expertly and, while grinning evilly, placed its tip near his neck. "This is not a warning but a promise, if you do not release me in three seconds I will slash your throat with this dagger without batting an eyelid. I do not give a damn about your identity, right now you have crossed my personal space and I do not appreciate it."

The man stared at me as if gauging the seriousness of my words. I started to count, "One.."

I felt him loosen his grip a little. "Two.."

For a brief moment, I saw a trace of his inner turmoil as he wavered between releasing me and risking getting injured. "Three.."

He let go of me abruptly, as if he was electrocuted. Despite this, I didn't retract my hand and continued to point my weapon at him. "Good. Now I don't have to sully my hands with your blood."

"Such audacity!" his eyes were glacial, it was the first time he showed a genuine expression. "Do you know the punishment for threatening the life of the crown prince!?"

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