Big Spoon and Little Spoon

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That night, I slept wrapped in Kaname's vine-like arms. It felt different.. Exciting.. And, if I were to be perfectly honest, romantic. To see us spooning first thing in the morning was a pleasant thing to wake up to.

I carefully rolled to face him, I didn't want to wake him up. Remembering what transpired last night, I couldn't help but smile. We didn't have sex but it was an equally magical evening. And those kisses we shared.. I almost wanted to melt. I closed my eyes as I cast my mind back to what happened..


Before our lips parted for the last time, I surprised Kaname by giving his lower lip a gentle bite and tug. As a result of my bold action, he had to leave the room for a while to 'relieve' himself. When he came back, he looked at me warily as if expecting me to pounce at him and go for the kill.

"I never thought you could be so dangerous," he said before extinguishing the candle he brought with him to the bath.

"I'm sorry," I said cheekily. "I couldn't help it."

"And here I thought I had the upper hand," he settled down on his futon. "Dangerous. You're a dangerous woman."

I giggled.

"You sure are enjoying this."

I sat up and continued to tease him. "Kaname, join me in my futon, please?" I purred seductively to his ear.

"Hinata," his voice was strained. "Don't push me. Go. To. Bed."

"But I'm cold, I need your strong, muscular arms to warm me." I added wickedly. Teasing him was starting to get fun.

"What do you want exactly?" his tone was accusatory. "First, you cry and accuse me of rejecting you. I explain my side and you calm down. You then call me grandpa and I punish you with kisses but did you learn anything from that? Oh, nooo.. You transform into this spoiled kid demanding for more and, thoughtless me, I comply. Next thing I know, you let out a surprise attack and I had to leave the room to relieve myself! Never in my existence have I used my hand for sexual release! Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was? Haven't you humiliated me enough?"

I laughed. He sounded so aggrieved. "Fine, I'll stop."

He exhaled. "Thank you. Now go to bed."

"I really am cold though."


"I promise I'll behave." I clapped my hands together as a lightbulb moment seized me. "Ooh, I know. We can cuddle. You'll be the big spoon and I'll be the little spoon."

"I'm not listening."

"Why are you rejecting me again?" I asked angrily.

"Don't twist things. I am just protecting myself."

I guffawed. "You're making me sound like a mustached villain trying to steal your innocence."

"I don't care."

"Kanameeee!" I pulled off his blanket and plopped down behind him. "Fine! You'll be the little spoon then!" I managed to wrap my arms around his narrow waist despite his protests.

"What are you doing!"

"This is called spooning." I said. "Don't you think we're like two spoons snuggling inside a drawer?"

"I don't know what has gotten into you, Hinata! Where has the woman who said she is nobody's property gone to?"

"You're overthinking."

"Or is this the real you?" he asked suspiciously.

"Kaname, just what is wrong with what we're doing right now?" I propped my chin on his shoulder while making sure I didn't break our cuddle.

"You are challenging my self-control! Any more of this and I will ram my body into yours without a care for what you're feeling. Trust me, you won't be able to stand up and walk in the morning. Do not underestimate my sexual prowess."


"You understand now? Let go of me then. Let me sleep peacefully."

I reluctantly let go of him and went back to my mattress. "I just wanted a cuddle, is that too much to ask?" I mumbled. "All he thinks about is sex, he doesn't even see the romance behind cuddling." I buried myself in the blanket and tried to sleep my disappointment off.

I was still feeling sulky when I heard some movements behind me. I didn't think much of it until I felt Kaname toss my blanket aside. "You should be the little spoon," he gave me a quick peck on the cheek as he cuddled me.

"Thank you," my lips curled upwards.

"You finally got what you want. Now sleep."


"Hehe," I chuckled as I remembered how things still went my way last night despite his protests.

Kaname continued to snore softly as I admired his sleeping form. At the age of thirty-three, he looked amazing. Every muscle in his body was toned to perfection. The front of his robe was slightly open, I shifted a bit to take a sneaky peek at what was hidden inside but stopped myself. Since when did I become such a pervert?

Seeing that it was still very early in the morning, I decided to go back to sleep.


"Hinata," I felt someone tap my shoulder as he called my name. "Wake up. It's time for me to leave."

My eyes fluttered open to meet Kaname's odd eyes. "Good morning," I smiled at him.

"Good morning, my lady," he kissed my forehead.

"Time for you to leave?" I asked as I stretched my muscles.

He nodded. "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" I frowned at his obvious mood shift.

"I have to be away for a while," he started to explain. "Conflict is brewing in Kai. I received intel that the daimyo there is suppressing the grape farmers."

"How long will you be away?" I felt my spirits plummet.

"A week, two at most."

"I see," I tried to hide my sadness by pretending to be fine. "You should get going then. An early start will guarantee an earlier arrival."

"Mmm," he got up and offered me a hand.

We stood in front of each other without saying anything. I wanted to ask him to stay but that would mean prohibiting him from doing his duties as the shogun.


I looked up and instantly regretted it. Kaname didn't bother to hide his emotions. It was obvious that he didn't want to go. "Y-yes?"

"Will you miss me?"

As he was being honest, I decided to drop my unaffected façade. "Of course. Ever since I came here, I spent my days with you. How could I not miss you?"

"Really?" he took a step forward but didn't touch me.

"Really!" I reached out to touch his face. "I will miss waking up next to you the most."

Finally letting go of his restraint, Kaname pulled me into his arms and kissed me with a fierceness he has never shown before. I kissed him back, wanting to communicate my feelings back to him.

"I will do my best to settle things quickly," he promised.

"I will wait for you."

He gave me one last kiss before leaving the room. As soon as the door slid shut, I crumbled to the floor. I clutched my chest. It was only a temporary separation but why did I feel so forlorn?

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