Me Ni Wa Me O, Ha Ni Wa Ha O

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I was quaking with anger by the time the report was finished. Kaname took his sword from my hand. It was quick, but I felt the calloused pad of his forefinger give my left hand's purlicue a caress. I knew it was his silent reminder that I should calm down and leave it all to him.

"Do you remember now or do I need to extend further help for you overcome your sudden amnesia?" Kaname returned his sword to its scabbard. "I still have several reports I can make Taneyuki-san read aloud."

"M-my lord, I-I really d-don't know about t-this incident!" Tetsuna stammered. The two other daimyos looked at him with open disgust.

"Truth be told my leg is itching for another kick. Should I balance things out and kick you on the other side of your face?" he forced the man to look him in the eye using the tip of his scabbard before turning to me. "What do you think, Jin-san, should I send this man flying before depriving him of his title?"

"My lord, this humble servant thinks that those won't be enough," I said through gritted teeth, my hands were balled into fists beside me. "I think tying him on a running horse while naked would teach him the lesson he deserves."

A chorus of sharp intakes of breath followed my suggestion. I shifted my eyes and saw that the man named Tetsuna looked as though he was ready to meet his maker. He clutched his chest as if he was about to have a heart attack.

"If he survives the punishment, he should then be subjected to orchiectomy," I continued while still staring at the lecherous man. "The young lady lost something that could never be returned, I think it is only fair that Tetsuna-san loses something as precious as well. As the saying goes, me ni wa me o, ha ni wa ha o[1]."

"How dare you! Just who do you think you are!" the old man rose to his feet and ran towards me, his eyes were filled with hate.

I lifted my head as if accepting his challenge. I took a step forward with my right foot and turned my body so my feet are roughly shoulder-width apart. I then turned my rear foot toes to the side before standing up straight with my weight on the balls of my feet. I clenched my fists in front of my chest. When he was close enough, I pivoted my front foot as I swung my rear foot forward. Intending to add more strength to my kick, I swung an arm for extra power while making sure that the other was still protecting me. Once I have made impact, the sound of bones cracking could be audibly heard inside the room. I withdrew my leg quickly. When the old man fell on the tatami-lined floor his colleagues frantically checked his pulse. After a few seconds, they heaved huge sighs of relief. He didn't die from my kick, I only broke his jaw and knocked him out.

"He's still alive?" Kaname frowned and looked at me in fake reprimand. "That's too bad. Jin-san, next time I need you to be more ruthless."

"Hai," I lowered my upper torso and head to him in obeisance. Adrenaline was still coursing through my veins, it was my first time delivering a roundhouse kick on a human so I was pleasantly surprised to find out that my leg strength could knock someone unconscious when necessary.

"Kaname-sama, Tetsuna-san has been a feudal lord way before you became the shogun!" the third daimyo stood and pointed an accusing finger at Kaname. "You have no respect for your elder!"

"Pfft!" Kaname laughed heartily until his eyes brimmed with fat tears. "Stop spouting nonsense!"

"How dare you!"

"Of course I would dare! As the shogun, I answer to no one," Kaname's odd eyes were glacial. "Yes, you've held your positions for a long time but under my rule you have no say whatsoever to how I deal with you!"


"Guards!" Kaname called imperiously.

Suddenly, the room was filled with men wearing black shozoku. They appeared out of thin air, catching everyone save for Kaname and Taneyuki-san off guard.

"You know what to do with our dear guests," he said as he scanned the room to make eye contact with each guard. "Taneyuki-san, you heard what Jin-san said. Make sure it is executed down to the very last detail. As for the families that were affected, make sure to compensate them properly. I know how we cannot bring back what those women lost but please let them know that I am doing my best to rid this country of unwanted scum."

"I will, my lord," Taneyuki-san said grimly. He, too, did not like what these corrupt officials did to the lower class.

"Don't come near me!" the third daimyo yelled as the shinobis gathered around him.

"You once said you hate the deceit and treachery the ninjas are known for," Kaname said before walking towards the door, I scampered to his side when I remembered his instructions earlier. "Now that they're facing you head on, you tell them not to come near you. You old timers really confuse me."

With one final look at the three men, Kaname and I left the room.


Once we were inside his study, Kaname suddenly grabbed me and placed me on the center of his low table. Before I could even say anything, his mouth pried my lips open. His tongue coaxed my tongue to dance with his as he drowned me in his searing kiss.

My fingers curled on his hair and, although I know I should reject him because I was still mad at him, I kissed him back. The suddenness of our contact and the fact that I missed the feel of his lips on mine threw my rationality completely out the window.

When his hands found their way inside my robe, he struggled to free my bosom from the restraining cloth my head maid used to conceal them.

"Fuck!" he cursed when he had to break our kiss so he could successfully remove the soft fabric.

His mouth hungrily swooped down on one perky nipple, I arched my back in pleasure when his warm tongue swirled around it. My other breast was being treated equally well as he was fondling it expertly, he squeezed and teased its sensitive peak with deft fingers.


[1] Japanese for one of the legal codes in the Code of Hammurabi: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

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