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Percy stared into the flames. Four months, he thought. It seemed so much longer. He closed his eyes and listened to the sounds around him. The crackling fire, birds, and calming breeze that blew through the trees.
"Hestia." He stated.
"Your senses have improved." The goddess agreed in a calm tone. He smiled and opened his eyes to see the beautiful woman in front of him.
"Thank you for coming." He replied. She smiled warmly.
"I told you Percy, I will always be their for you." Hestia sat down next to him. He glanced at her sadly. "What is it? Did you have another dream?" Percy shook his head.
"Hestia, I'm sure you can feel we're we are." Percy began "I want you to promise not to intervene with my plans." Hestia gained a serious look.
"No, you can't fight that monster. Please Percy, you can heal. I can become your patron and you could do things to help demigods." Hestia begged as she had dozens of times before. He shook his head, as always.
"My choice is final. I will fight Ladon." Percy argued. "This will be my last battle."
"Perseus, why can't you take the good in front of you!" Hestia yelled. "You still have people who care. Just because that dumb bimbo lied to camp and didn't see that you are perfect, doesn't mean you won't find someone else. Your dad, That son of Hades, That praetor, and the Lieutenant of Artemis. They still care." She scolded. Percy looked into her eyes.
"Promise you won't interfere in any way." He persisted. Hestia held back the tears she wished wouldn't come.
"I swear it on the Styx, I will not interfere with anything that happens on Mount Othrys." She yielded. He nodded his thanks.
"I am done delaying. It is my time to face Thanatos." Hestia held back a sob as she watched him stand and started up the mountain.
"Let me at least join you! No one should die alone!" She shouted. He turned and gave her a nod. She quickly followed. The two climbed until they entered the Garden of the Hesperides. The place was beautiful. Just as he remembered it. His gaze landed on the large hundred headed dragon curled around. The tree of golden apples.
"Ladon! Wake!" Percy shouted. The dragon's eyes opened, one pair at a time. One of its massive mouths yawned, filling the garden with the stench of acid. Percy drew Riptide. The dragon looked at Percy, who looked right back. Then, they both lunged. Sword clashes against scale with a ring! Percy jumped gracefully over three heads and landed a good blow to another. He seemed to be doing well, until the creatures main head clamped down on the young demigod's shoulder.
"Percy!" Hestia shrieked. Percy Let out a cry that didn't sound human. He landed in the ground and wreathed in pain. The wound sizzled and oozed green acid.
"Now, that pesky brat is out of my way." A dark yet powerful voice said. Hestia turned and came face to face with the Titan Atlas.
"You." Hestia growled.
"Thank you for making that little oath it not interfere with anything on Othrys. Now I can take the noble, virgin sister of Zeus to bed and she can't fight back." The Titan sneered. Hestia back against the stone wall knowing he was right. Fear flooded the goddess. The Titan pressed his lips to Hestia's. He held her still with a firm grip and fumbled with his pants using his free hand.
"Your going to love this." He whispered. Tears ran down Hestia's cheeks. She did the only thing she could think of. She yelled. She yelled for one person and one person alone.
"PERCY!" Just as the Titan was about to force himself into the goddess, he grunted In pain. His eyes seemed to bulge out of his head. A celestial bronze sword was impaled in his stomach from behind.
"Get away from her." Percy growled savagely before throwing Atlas into a wall. Percy took hold of Hestia's hand. "I-I free you from your oath." He said just as he collapsed and slipped unconscious. Hestia ripped a corner of her dress and tied the cloth swatch around his eyes. She turned, just as Atlas stood, Golden ichor gushed like a violent and powerful river from the wound.
"Ah, it's always more fun when they fight back." The Titan said with a dark grin. Hestia noticed the sadistic gleam in his eye. Fire swirled in the goddess's hand. The flames solidified into a golden, flaming sword. Her calm eyes flashed into storms as a aura of fire encased her. She began to grow taller and taller, until she was at her godly height. Atlas laughed as he grew two. With a single thought, Hestia erupted into her Divine Form. Atlas summoned his javelin. Hestia swung her sword and and the Titan's javelin disintegrated as he blocked it. Then energy pulsed from the goddess sending the Titan backwards. Powerful wind swirled like a tornado as a wall of fire surrounded her and Atlas. Atlas stumbled backwards.
"Y-You shouldn't b-be that powerful!" He stuttered.
"Your a minor goddess!" He yelled in fear. Hestia smirked.
"Please, f-forgive me!" He begged. The goddess sneered.
"Swear on Chaos itself that you will never leave your post holding the sky." Hestia growled. Atlas nodded.
"I s-s-swear on Chaos itself th-that I will never leave my post holding the sky." He breathed out. In a flash of fire, they were at the top of the fortress. Hestia looked at who was holding he sky. She gasped. It was his four daughters, the Hesperides. He walks over and took the burden from them. They all crawled away. Hestia walked up the Titan in her normal, human, form. With a swift and well aimed slice of her blade, she castrated him. He let out a pained howl and a string of Greek curses. Hestia turned to face the nymphs who remained on the cold stone floor.
"Our father has betrayed us." One of the girls said.
"Our loyalty to him is no more." The eldest girl said.
"You poor dears," remarked Hestia. She let her glowing hand hover over them. They glowed and healed. At that moment she disappeared and returned to the side of the hero who had captured her heart.
"Percy?" She asked while removing the swatch of cloth from his eyes. He looked at her and weakly drew a bloody hand to her cheek.
"H-Hey f-flame q-q-queen." He teased, using her nickname. Tears fell into his now cold skin.
"Please, Percy let me call Apollo." She pleaded. Percy smiled faintly.
"I-I love you." He mumbled. Hestia's heart stopped.
"Percy don't die, I love you too." She sobbed.
"I-I c-can't be ha-appy in our w-world. T-To much loss and to m-many wars. H-Hestia I love you, b-but, I c-can't loos anyone else." He said. Hestia slammed her lips to his.
"Percy, Forgive me." She said willing him to sleep. She drew the hero close to her and flashed to the Olympian throne room. "Apollo!" She yelled. The god appeared.
"What can I do for my favorite aunt..." he stopped when he saw Percy. "Percy!" He rushed over and began working on the demigod.
"Save him." Hestia mumbled.
"Sister what is the meaning of this?" Zeus asked as He appeared. Every minute or so a god appeared and noticed Percy.
"Percy!" Poseidon yelled.
"What happened?" Hera asked standing.
A small flame appeared in Hestia's hand and hovered above her Apollo and Percy. It began to show them everything. Everything accept her and Percy's admissions of love."
"Who freed Atlas!" Zeus yelled. Hera rushed over to Hestia to comfort her. She whispered into Hestia's ear as the Gods began yelling about blame.
"You love him?" Hestia nodded. "Don't worry, Percy is strong." Minutes turned to hours as Apollo continued to work on the teen. Hestia remained at his side and Hera at hers. Both goddesses had their reasons for being worried. Hestia had fallen for him, and Hera considered him a son.
"I-I've done everything I can. His wounds. They're to extensive." Apollo paused.
"And?" Poseidon, Zeus, Hestia, and Hera demanded in unison.
"H-He won't survive the night." The sob that had built it's self up, finally climbed out of Hestia's throat.
"We have to do something!" Hera shouted. She looked to her husband and Poseidon for agreement.
"The hero did want to die, why should we heal him?" Dionysus asked. He received glared from over half the room.
"Godhood?" Zeus asked the council. Everyone but three nodded, Athena, Dionysus, and Ares."
"Majority it is." He said. Zeus took his thunder bolt in hand and aimed it towards the ceiling. He fired, and the room shook. Suddenly, three woman appeared. They were old and hunched, and cloaked in robes of black. The one on the left walked with a staff that had the top of a spindle, the one in the middle held a string leading from the spindle, and the third held a a pare of old scissors. Non of their faces could be seen, only the withered hands that held each object.
"Percy Jackson." The first one, Clotho, spoke in a raspy breath. The middle one's string glowed before turning a sea green color.
"Immortality." The same fate that held the string, Lachesis, said. The last, who's name was Atropos, reached over and cut the string. As the scissors made contact, the string glowed. When she pulled away, the string was not cut, but remained glowing.
"Perseus, God of Time, Earth, Family, Loyalty, and battle." The three rasped in unison, then, like the the wind they were gone. Percy's wounds began healing. Hestia smiled.
"I'll take him back to my Palace. After he wakes and I explain everything, I'll send for you." She said. The gods nodded. In a flash of orange light, they were in her palace. She tucked him into a bed and waited.

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