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Hestia trembled as Zeus yelled at the council. She buried her face into Percy's chest. Hera now had tears that leaking from her eyes. His father lay in front of all of the council. The sea God's face broken and trident laying on the ground. Everything in Percy wanted to murder the King of Gods.
"Poseidon, you will learn respect! I am your King! But you dared to question my authority!" Zeus yelled. The god of lighting looked at his wife. "Stop crying!" Eventually only Hestia's sobs were heard. Zeus spun around. "Hestia, this is you final warning. STOP CRYING!" Hestia pressed herself closer to Percy as she tried to do as he ordered. But her attempts were unsuccessful. Percy stroked her hair.
"Shh, it's all gonna be ok." He said in a loving tone. One that she wanted to believe. Hades stood and walked over.
"Sit down!" Zeus yelled. Hades shot his brother a threatening look. He placed a hand on Hestia's arm.
"Sister, it will be fine." The love he showed stunned many of the council while Zeus glared. Hera stood next and went to comfort her sister. The three of them did their best to quiet her. After a few minutes she did calm and remained shaking in her love's arms.
"Look at what you've done!" Hera shouted. "You sick, evil, monster." Hera hissed at her husband.
"Hera, be very careful with what you say." He growled. The goddess returned to her throne. "Council is dismissed. For good." Zeus stated before disappearing. Athena glanced at Percy, Hera, and then Apollo. They all nodded discreetly.
A few hours later, the four plus Hestia stood in Athena's war room.
"Percy, your father is resting in my Palace." Apollo said. Percy nodded.
"So what else of the prophecy do we know?" Athena asked.
"The sea's Prince his path set,
Rising to Godhood his heart bet,
With love and loyalty he would reign,
The king of gods his curse to bare,
because of his father's past he will cause despair.
With the new King's rule peace will be short,
For new enemies rise in the south, west, east, and north. Under his rule the Greeks prevail with help from sand, and snow." Apollo recited.
(I'm no good at rhyming verses, so this is the best I could do.)
"So Zeus is cursed?" Hera stated.
"Or He is the curse?" Percy growled.
"I've only ever seen evil like that in one being. Our Father." Hestia said. Athena's eyes widened. She rushed out of the room and returned with a notebook.
"Hestia, your a genius." Athena stated. "I looked into curses from all ages of Greece and found none. But, a theory states that Gaia cursed Ouranos before they conceived Kronos. When Kronos deposed his father and ruled, the curse took affect I his blood. I think Zeus might have the same curse."
"He has been acting an awful lot like our Father." Hera murmured.
"Ok, how do we cure him?" Apollo asked.
"We can't. The curse is eternal." Athena frowned. "We could depose him."
"A coupe!" Percy shouted.
"That didn't work well last time." Apollo groaned.
"Yes but we didn't have a leader. Percy, you could lead the coupe and take the throne. All of us would follow you." Athena explained.
"You have allies in the council that would stand by you if need be. Not to mention, your not the youngest child of a youngest child. So it's highly possible the curse won't affect you." Hera Agreed putting the pieces together.
"I am just as mad at Zeus as you all. But my father made an oath that forbade is to interfere, when he went against Zeus. Now, you ask me to lead a coupe." Percy said.
"Consider it. But consider soon. If Zeus openly fought Poseidon, we're all next." Athena said in a worried tone. He nodded.
"Can you believe a month ago we were partying with mortals. Now we speak of war." Hestia laughed faintly. They all gave half smiles.
"That's one plus, we don't have to agenda that retched place." Hera smiled, after everyone disappearing.
Percy and Hestia appeared in their bedroom. He kissed her knuckles.
"Do you agree? Should I go against Zeus." Her lip quivered.
"Yes. But I don't want to see you hurt. It was bad enough for me to see my brother nearly fade. I can't loose you." She cried. He tilted her head to look up at him.
"Will you marry me?" She gasped. "I love you and couldn't live without you. Let me make you eternally mine while I will be eternally yours." He said. She nodded.
"Yes. Yes, I'll marry you."

(The Fates)

"His path is set, and not even our power can change it." Clotho said to her sisters as they watched Percy.
"We've waited years for him to be born and rise. It was always him." Lachesis Agreed.
"But the Curse of Ouranos is not the only thing that he must worry about." Atropos shook her her head. The large tapestry that showed Percy and Hestia shimmered black and became the bedroom of Hera and Zeus. The king of gods lumbered over his wife who was laying on the ground.
"You sicken me." He growled before picking her up by her hair and throwing her limp body onto the bed. Hera's head rolled back revealing her face, covered in Ichor, bruised and swollen. Clotho shook her head when she saw the bruises on the goddess's neck from a large hand.
"Perseus will not like this when he discoverers." Atropos said.
"War is coming sisters. Not just between the Olympians. But from forces outside of our control. Beings both older and younger than the gods of Greece." Clotho stated before the tapestry went dark.

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