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Hestia ushered her girls inside of her palace. Zeus looked at Jillian with a lustful eye. The goddess of hearth hid her anger and fear with a stern look. Once the last of the twelve were inside she followed and sealed the door. It glowed orange-yellow.
"M'Lady, we cant remain locked up in fear. We're playing into Zeus's hand." Jillian growled.
"Right now we don't have a choice. I'm not strong enough to take my brother head on." Alex laughed.
"You kicked Atlas's ass."
"Alex Lyla Jackson!" Hestia scolded. She looked down.
"Sorry mommy." The little girl murmured. Hestia sighed.
"It's ok, but you know better than to talk like that." Jillian looked at her sister/mistress.
"Alex is right. You are easily one of the most powerful Olympians. More so than Poseidon. You could take Zeus on." Hestia shook her head.
"I touched something when I fought Atlas. Something that brought me to the brink. I was heart broken, angry, in love, scared. It drove me to pure rage. I refuse to let myself become that, unless I have too." Jillian nodded.
"Percy!" A strained voice called. A woman appeared. She had blue eyes, mocha brown hair, and pale skin. On her brow, sat a tiara of rubies in the shape of a crab. She wore armor, dented, and was bleeding.
"Amphitrite, Great Chaos! What happened to you?" Hestia asked as she knelt to the nymph-goddess's side."
"An uprising." She grunted. "I barely made it out. Where's Percy?"
"A meeting with Athena. He should be back soon. Girls," Hestia motioned for the Vestals to help. "Let's get her laid down and start working on these wounds. After we are done, I'll send for Percy."
Athena paced around her war room, frustrated. Percy sat at the war table looking at a map of the four domains, Olympus, the Earth, Sea, and Underworld.
"I'm telling you it's only a matter of time. He's making outrageous decisions. Testing the very limits of the Ancient Laws." She growled.
"Athena, I am as worried and mad as you. My father is still unconscious, which up until now, we all thought impossible. Zeus commands forces in all but one kingdom, the Underworld. I fought Kronos and Gaia. I may seem dumb, but who came up with the wining strategy?" Athena sighed.
"What's gonna make you see that we need to fight him? I love that your strategizing, and commend it. But why do you hesitate to lead us?"
"Because, I can't lead people!" He shouted. "I'm tired of the lies and the betrayal. Everyone I've trusted has done it. Luke, Annabeth, Jason, Piper. I'm scared." He emotionally explained. Athena looked at him in shock. She had only seen him this vulnerable once, after his mom died.
"Percy, that's what makes you a good leader. You admit your faults. You choose not to do things alone, but will do said things, alone when it's required." She argued. Slowly, she walked to his side as he stood and looked over the map. Her heart beat rapidly. "You are the only being I trust more than my sisters and aunts. Artemis wasn't wrong. You are the only truly good male." Before he could push her away she pressed her lips to his.
"Athena!" He quickly shoved her away and took three steps back. Her eyes snapped away from him and to the map. Her breath was heavy. "You know I'm engaged!"
"Yes. That was a mistake." She stated. "I shouldn't have kissed you." Her lip quivered.
"I need to get back to Hestia." Percy said before disappearing.
"No, wait!" Athena called, but as she finished he had disappeared.
When Percy appeared in Hestia's Palace he found his stepmother sleeping on the couch. He looked into the kitchen and saw Hestia motioning for him to follow. As he did she got on her top toes and pecked his lips. He let the brief fire that stirred in him, at her touch, fill him.
"What's Amphitrite doing here?" Hestia frowned.
"Chaos has engulfed the ocean. Trition and Amphitrite, along with the the gods loyal to your father, have been fighting the gods Zeus wants to rule the sea." Percy nodded knowing the war raging in the deep. "They're loosing. Amphitrite was nearly killed and used the last of her energy to transport here. Her battalion was ravaged."
"What of Triton?"
"He and the others are safe for now. They're drawing all their strength back to Atlantis." Amphitrite explained. "If your going to unseat Zeus, you need to do it soon. By next week, Zeus will have the sea unless he is dethroned or your father wakes. Even then victory is unassured."
"Everyone seems to be wanting me to hurry up with this coupe." Percy stated. Hestia rested a hand on his chest.
"I swore I wouldn't pressure you into anything. But perhaps everyone's right."
"I'll think about it, tomorrow we will meet. Not just two or three of us. All." Hestia nodded, as did Amphitrite as she walked in.
"My thanks for the healing. But I need to get back to Triton." The Queen of the Sea disappeared. Percy held Hestia close to him. Guilt weighed on him.
"Hestia, I love you, which is why I'm telling you this." He began. "Athena was trying to talk me into launching the coupe. After I explained why I was hesitant, she kissed me." Hestia looked up at him. He could see jealousy flash her gaze.
"I thought your lips tasted differently." She said.
"Hestia, I shoved her away in seconds." The goddess nodded before kissing him. When he parted his lips briefly she deepened the kiss.
"I love you, and know you are loyal. Thank you for telling me." He smiled before cooling her up.
"Atalanta is with Artemis for the next few hours and the Vestals are in their rooms. Maybe you and I could...." he paused and traced his lips on her neck.
"Don't tease me. You and I both know that your not going to take me to bed until we're married." The goddess whined quietly.

Author's note:

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