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The palace was cold as he walked through the hall. After he closed the door he rushed to the living room. Hestia sat with the Vestal Virgins. Jillian laid on the couch wrapped in a blanket. Hestia looked up.
"I'm a failure." She whispered.
"What's wrong?" He asked weaving his way through the girls sleeping on the floor.
"I thought hiding was the way. If I kept Zeus away I and the girls would be safer. Jillian, she asked why I didn't out right fight Zeus. I took down Atlas, one of the strongest titans so Zeus should be easy." He voice wavered and her eyes gained a far away look. A tear rolled down her cheek.
"Hestia, it went against your nature. Your not hateful, or malicious. Your heart is pure and loving." Percy said. She pursed her lips.
"He came a few hours ago." Her voice was a whisper. "I thought he was you, so I lowered the barrier. Zeus busted in. He yelled and threatened. I tried to protect the girls peacefully. He attacked me. I was weak form the attack, I'm not sure how it had such an affect in me. But, I used the last of my power to barricade the girls. I attempted to flash Atalanta in with us, but I couldn't. Jillian left the barrier and ran to get her." Hestia looked down and began quietly weeping. Percy sat next to her and held her. "That bastard raped my girl." Hestia cursed. "If I had been stronger, I could've fought him."
"Zeus gets his strength from is lighting bolt. It is one of, if not the, strongest weapons known. You can't blame yourself. Even you have your limits."
"I don't care if my heart turns black as night. I will be there to fight him. He will die." Percy shook his head, thinking of choosing his next words carefully.
"Vengeance isn't the answer." He knew he couldn't tell her not to fight. It would only cause her more anger and spark another argument. "But, I will have your help fighting him. I'll send Artemis to help the other Olympians." Percy held every ounce of anger in him back, knowing it wouldn't help the situation. Hestia stroked Jillian's hair softly.
"What made you fall for me?" She asked him. "You know I was an eternal virgin."
"I don't know. Your kind, and true. You are the best of the gods. Love is confusing and unpredictable." Hestia took his hand.
"I love you Percy, I really do. But chaos help you if you ever betray me." Something dark was in her voice, it sent a chill down Percy's spine. Something was different. His Hestia wasn't completely there. It worried him.
"I won't my love. Your my Flame Queen and the only love in my life." He reassuringly said. Hestia turned and laid her head down on his shoulder. Both fell asleep quickly. A few minutes later Athena walked into the room.
"Percy." She whispered. He opened his eyes.
"Athena, I just got to sleep. Can it wait?" He asked. She shook her head. He slid out from behind Hestia and walked with Athena outside.
"Percy, I came cross an old prophecy." He noticed her grey eyes held an emotion he couldn't read. Once the door behind him closed she stepped up to him.
"What is the prophecy?"
"I lied." She said. Percy rubbed his face with his hands.
"Athena, I am very tired. I don't have time for nonsense."
"Percy I love you." She said. Percy stared at her for a minute before shaking his head.
"I-I can't deal with this right now. I'm half asleep, and am to tired to argue." He turned around and went to open the door." She grabbed his wrist.
"I can't stop thinking about you." She snapped. "Please, I haven't loved anyone like I do you. Please pick me." She begged.
"Athena, your better than this. You know I'm not going to leave Hestia." She slammed her lips to his. Percy shoved her away.
"Can you tell me you felt nothing?" She asked. Percy was quiet, knowing he did feel something small. His eyes darkened.
"You need to stop. I chose Hestia-I choose Hestia." The goddess of wisdom looked into his eyes.
"Percy....." Her voice broke. The door closed as he disappeared inside.
The kitchen was dark with the exception of the small light coming from the fridge. Percy pulled out a bottle of wine and a took a a large glass in hand. He filled the glass full and drained it in seconds. He moved to the window and looked at the sky.
"Sometimes, I truly hate my life." He muttered as he filled the glass again. The hours merged but as the last of the bottle settled in his stomach, the sun was rising. He was pulled from his solace when Hera appeared in the room.
"Percy, what's wrong?" She asked. He gave her a confused look. "I can feel your brooding from a mile a way." She replied. He shrugged. Atalanta began crying in her nursery. He walked into the hall way only to be stopped by his mother.
"Your drunk." She stated. He shook his head.
"I-I-I'm ok." He paused and nodded. "Maybe a little bit." She rolled her eyes.
"You don't need to take care of a baby while your hammered."
"I'm not hammered. I just had a few glasses of wine."
"How many's a few?" The goddess asked. He thought for a moment.
"One, two.....twelve." Hera looked at him disappointed.
"After I'm done taking care of Atalanta, I want you to sit a spill everything." A few minutes later Hera walked into the kitchen with the baby. She sat down across from Percy and nodded for him to begin. He rubbed his temples.
"I'm supposed to be planning a war, make sure I try not to offend any powerful god for they may betray me, and still keep my fiancé happy. Said fiancé wants her brother, my uncle, dead because he is evil and nearly killed my father who is his and her brother. He also rapped Hestia's high priestess, which just adds to the hate we both feel for him. Now she wants revenge even more so, and is begging to seem a little crazy, but that might just be her grief. I'm afraid she's gonna get hurt so I try and keep her safe only for her to get mad. Now my mother who is also my aunt and my fiancé's sister is being abused by my uncle. Everyone wants something and it's damn annoying. On top of it all, my uncles illegitimate daughter, my cousin, and the mother of my ex-girlfriend is apparently in love with me. So yeah, now I have to try and keep Hestia from acting angrily against that." He finished. Hera looked at him wide eyed. "Gods, my life is so screwed up." He added. Hera managed a small smile.
"I'm just happy we don't have thanksgiving dinner. Our family is confusing enough, but that just made it sound weird." Percy chuckled slightly.
"If feel like I'm going crazy." He stated. Hera placed her free hand on his right.
"If given the chance, would you go back and change any of it? Change the life you have now?" He shook his head.
"I love Hestia with all my heart and wouldn't risk jeopardizing my life with her."
"Than hold onto that thought. It will get easier." He took his sister while Hera began making breakfast.

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