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Silence filled the throne room, as no one dared speak. All that remained of the cursed King and his allies was his crackling weapon. Percy slowly walked over and picked the powerful weapon up. He moved to the center of the throne room.

"Who here believes Zeus should be expelled from Olympus?" Percy looked around the room and found the entire council, save Ares, raising their hands. He aimed the growling bolt in his hand at Zeus's throne. Textiles of electricity left the tip of the weapon, followed by a powerful beam of pure energy. The entirety of Mount Olympus shook as in seconds, the pure white stone throne of Zeus shattered into millions of particles the size of sand grains. A pulse was expelled from the spot where the throne had stood. When he turned around, Every Olympian and demigod in the throne room was kneeling.

"Hail, Perseus, God of Time, Earth, Family, Loyalty, and Battle, Lord of the Earth and King of Olympus." Hera said. The sound of cracking stone caused him to turn. Where Zeus's throne was, a new throne rose, one made of beautiful polished blue and white stone.

"Hephaestus, Zeus's weapon. Do you think you can reforge it? Putting a piece of the bolt in ever Olympian Council member's weapons?" Percy asked. The god of the forge nodded. "No one god should hold this much power." Percy explained raising the Lightning bolt. Hephaestus walked over and took the weapon from Percy. "Dad, Zeus will most likely flee to his allies in the sea."

"I will head down there immediately." The sea god said before disappearing. Hera stepped forward.

"Percy, I know you've a lot to do. But please can you try and find Hymenaios?" Percy smiled and nodded.

"How do I do it?"

"Sit on your throne, it will come to you." She explained. He moved to the large throne and sat. Power surged through him.

"Hymenaios." The name reverberated off the walls. Suddenly an image appeared above the fire pit near the middle of the room. A young man stood in a convenient store selling candy to a mother and her three kids. Hera smiled.

"Zeus made him mortal. Perhaps with a little help form the lake of memory he can regain his immortality." Hera muttered.

"Go find him, mom." Hera rushed over as he stood and kissed his cheek.

"I shouldn't be more than a few hours." With that, she was gone. Hestia walked over to him.

"I'm going to head home and help with Jillian." He kissed her cheek before she flashed away. Athena walked up to him slowly.

"Hello." She said causally.

"Athena." Percy replied. They both had a small staring contest.

"I will start working on plans for the defenses of Olympus." She disappeared in a grey flash of light.

"Do you think you're ready to rule?" Artemis asked as she walked forward. Percy laughed slightly.

"Honestly, no. I only hope I can do my best." Artemis nodded.

"Percy!" Annabeth called as she walked up to him and the Moon Goddess. "I need to get back to Camp. Zeus will no doubt try and rally demigods to his side. I think Jason and Piper are coming with me." Percy hugged her.

"Thank you Annabeth." She smiled before rushing off. One by one the gods disappeared doing their own thing. In that moment, Percy realized how lonely this new life was gonna feel. He slowly stood and took this chance to walk to the large park. The beautiful, serene view brought a sense of ease to him. He took in a long breath and closed eyes. He thought about how simple things were, back when everything was easier. After a few moments of silence he made his way to the edge of Olympus and looked down. The busy city, the people oblivious to the truth. It all seemed so long ago that he was one of them. He was beginning to understand why heroes turned into gods became jerks. It was easy to forget what it was like. Zeus was still a threat, yet he found himself wanting Hestia's presence. Love was confusing, but in his case, it was one of the few constant things in his life. A smirk formed on his lips as a thought crossed his mind.

"I guess I can do it now." He muttered. He closed his eyes and leaned forward off the edge. The wind rushed past him as he picked up momentum. Just before he entered the view of mortals he transformed into a shadow black hawk. An odd rush filled him, he began asking himself why he hadn't done this before. He dove down toward the street before changing corse back to Olympus. In his bird form, he landed on the porch of Hestia's palace. His bones cracked loudly as he became human again. He walked in.

"Daddy!" Alex cheered as she charged into the entry hall. He put on a firm smile and hefted her into a hug. "Horsy?" She asked. Percy shook his head.

"Not right now sweetie." She stuck her bottom lip out.

"B-B-But......" Tears began leaking out of the corners of her eyes. The sight caused Percy's heart to sink.

"You, little trouble maker have been spending entirely to much time perfecting you dad's pouting face." Hestia smiled as she walked into the hall.

"But I want a ride." Alex crossed her arms.

"Mommy, I'm mad." She stated as if her sassy look wasn't obvious enough.

"Oh, boy." Hestia placed a hand on her forehead. "Percy, your child is too much like you." She stated. Percy shrugged.

"I blame television. Maybe we should limit her tv time." Percy shrugged.

"NO!" Alex shouted. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She began hoping up and down. "I don't wanna miss my show."

"Fine. We won't take away tv time. How about you go see Jillian." Alex nodded and ran into another room. Hestia hooked her arms around Percy's neck.

"Jillian is recovering. But I don't think she'll ever be the same." Hestia explained.

"What about her being a vestal?" Percy asked.

"She lost her powers and immortality the moment Zeus took her purity." Hestia replied, looking down sadly.

"Make her your Champion." Percy offered. His fiancé nodded.

"I was thinking the same thing." She shook her head. "The girls are all in the living room, we were going to watch a movie. How about you join us?" Percy nodded and scooped her up bridal style before walking into the room and finding the Vestal's all where huddled together on the floor in front of the couch. He laid Hestia down on the couch and slipped in behind her. She positioned his arm as her pillow. As the first Harry Potter movie played, he ran his finger tips up and down Hestia's arm. Each brush sent a shiver into the goddess, but she didn't care.

"Mommy, Daddy, Why is Voldemort evil?" Alex asked. One of the older girls looked over and shushed her playfully.

"Your not supposed to say his name!" She teased causing everyone to laugh.

"The movie told you earlier." Another girl said. Alex shrugged confused but went back to watching the movie.

Author's Note- Sorry about the absence, I ran into writers block for this book, but will try to update more regularly.

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