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(The song above is the lullaby for later this chapter. I used the nightcore version, because I am particularly fond of Nightcore's work.)

Hestia summoned a cradle and let Hera rock Atalanta to sleep while she tucked a passed out Percy into their bed.
"This will shatter him. More than the betrayal of his friends." Hera mumbled as Hestia sat across from her. The hearth goddess knew her sister was right.
"He needs his loyal friends." Hestia said.
"I'll fetch them. He shouldn't be left alone." Hera said. Hestia nodded as Hera disappeared. The goddess walked to her love's side and took his hand. Hours passed and sun rose. The baby began to cry. Hestia instinctively walked over and made a bottle appear in her hand. She scooped the girl into her arms and began feeding her. She hummed quietly. The door creaked open and Hera walked in.
"His friends are waiting outside." Hestia nodded and handed Hera, Atalanta. They noticed Percy stirring. Hestia rushed over and took his hand. His eyes opened slowly and fixed on Atalanta.
"It wasn't a dream." He groaned.
"Percy." Hestia said.
"I can't wait any longer!" A voice called from outside the door. The door busted open. Thalia Grace charged in. She saw her broken friend and stopped.
"Percy." His name hung in the air.
"Thals?" He asked.
"Miss Grace, That is quite enough. You can wait outside until Percy is ready for company." Hera barked. Thalia nodded and quickly walked out.
"You brought Thalia?" Percy asked the two goddesses.
"And Nico, Jason, Piper, and Reyna." Hera nodded.
"You need to be surrounded by friends." Percy sighed and nodded. Hera walked over to the door and opened it. The five walked in. Hestia still had a grip on his hand. The Queen of Olympus took a seat near the cradle and began humming quietly to Atalanta.
"Percy, what happened?" Thalia asked. He looked up at his cousin and met her blue eyes.
"My mom is dead." Thalia gasped.
"No, not Sally." She murmured.
"Why did you leave?" Reyna asked. Percy chuckled lightly as if it was cruel question.
"I lost everything. My girlfriend, my friends, all
Of camp told me to leave. So, I did. I went to Othrys, looking to die. I fought Ladon and Atlas, and would have died if the gods hadn't turned me into a god." He explained. "I left because I was betrayed."
MOTHER SAY! YOU HAVE PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT YOU!" Thalia screamed as she shook him before hugging him tightly.
"I'm sorry Thals." He murmured, feeling her tears on his shoulder. All his friends joined their hug.
"We're together. Nothing is taking that away." Nico said.
"Thanks." He mumbled. Percy was ripped from his thoughts when he heard a baby cry. Instinctively, he pulled out of his friends grasps, and walked over to Hera. He took his baby sister into his arms. She cried. He looked down at her and slightly swayed. He thought about his mother and sa good the familiar lullaby she use to sing to him. Everyone in the room watched with fascination.
"Hush now, my storeen
Close your eyes and sleep
Waltzing the waves
Diving in the deep
Stars are shining bright
The wind is on the rise
Whispering words
of long lost lullabies
Oh won't you come with me
Where the moon is made of gold
And in the morning sun
We'll be sailing
Oh won't you come with me
Where the ocean meets the sky
And as the clouds roll by
We'll sing the song of the sea
I had a dream last night
And heard the sweetest sound
I saw a great white light
And dancers in the round
Castles in the sand
Cradles in the trees
Don't cry, I'll see you by and by
Oh won't you come with me
Where the moon is made of gold
And in the morning sun
We'll be sailing
Oh won't you come with me
Where the ocean meets the sky
And as the clouds roll by
We'll sing the song of the sea
Oh won't you come with me
Where the moon is made of gold
And in the morning sun
We'll be sailing free
Oh won't you come with me
Where the ocean meets the sky
And as the clouds roll by
We'll sing the song of the sea."
Atalanta had stoped crying, causing Percy to smile. He looked up and found that everyone, even Reyna had tears in their eyes.
"That was beautiful." Hestia said. Embarrassed, Percy's cheeks turned pink. He didn't like to sing in front of people.
"Don't be embarrassed. You have an amazing voice." Hera encouraged. He shook his head.
"I really don't think so."
"Percy, that made me ten times more gay for you." Nico admitted.
"Thank you?" Percy said unsure.
"I'd say Apollo just got the boot for God of Music." Thalia laughed. Percy continued rocking his sister.
"So, what are you going to do about her?" Hera asked. "She won't be safe in our world." Percy's face drained of color. He knew she had no other family, he didn't want to let her go.
"I'm not sure."
"Artemis would take her." Thalia said. Percy laughed.
"So she can grow up hating men, and me?" Thalia looked down realizing he was right.
"I wish I could take her into the Vestal Virgins, but, there can only be twelve at a time." Hestia said sadly. He sighed knowing Atalanta couldn't stay on Olympus.
"I know what I have to do. I'll be back." With that, he appeared in front of a silver Palace. He knocked on the door. It opened. He looked at the twelve year old standing in the doorway.
"Perseus." She said in a mature voice.
"Lady Artemis, I need to speak to you." The goddess moved and allowing him to step in. They walked into a large sitting room.
"What is it?" Artemis asked.
"My sister, Atalanta...." he paused. "She has no one else. I am her only Family. She can't remain on Olympus, as she is a mortal. I can't send her to into the Mortal Foster care system. I need to be sure she is safe." Artemis nodded, knowing what he was asking.
"Yes, I will take her into my hunt." Tears rolled down Percy's face as Artemis took Atalanta from him.
"Lady Artemis, don't let her hate me. Please tell her that I do love her and only did this to keep her safe. He saw remorse flash the goddess's eyes.
"Alright Perseus. She will know that her brother is the only good man. What is her name?"
"Atalanta." Artemis nodded. After a sorrowing goodbye, he returned to Hestia's Palace.
"Percy, I sent your friends to the east wing, so they could rest." Hestia said. She saw his empty arms and rushed over. He collapsed into her as they both went to their knees. She held him tightly as he sobbed on his shoulder.
"She's safe." He murmured over and over again. Hestia nodded and stroked the back of his head.
"Shhh, it's all gonna be ok."

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