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Hestia woke to the comforting arms of Percy around her. She basked in the joy she felt when with him. Percy was her bane, he made her melt and feel an emotion she never had before. Eros, the Greek term for the love you feel for a sexual or marital companion. Percy shifted and began nuzzling her ear. The goddess giggled.
" I see your awake." He joked.
"Let's spend the day in bed." She stated.
"Ok, you want to watch a movie?" Percy asked. Hestia nodded.
"Let's watch Lord of the Rings." He smirked.
"Yes!" He cheered. He jumped up and quickly put the movie into the flatscreen tv. He then slid back into bed. She leaned against him, allowing him wrapped his arms around the goddess.
The three hour movie ended, Hestia had fallen asleep on Percy. He smiled and was about to fall asleep when the door busted in. He jumped causing Hestia to jolt awake. Four girls walked in, each brandishing a shining golden blade.
"Take your hands off out mistress." One of them growled. He glanced at Hestia who looked a little different. Her normally calm eyes were a touch more violent. Her youthful face was now stern. He unknowingly had his hand in hers. Before he could react, he was thrown against a wall.
"YOU DARE TOUCH ME!" She yelled. Percy groaned and looked up.
"Mistress, what would you have us do with the boy?" One of the girls asked.
"Charity, we will provide him with the worst punishment that a male could undergo." The goddess replied with a smile. Percy stood and wiped the ichor from the corner of his lip.
"Careful! He may fight back!" Charity yelled.
"I refuse to fight you." Percy stated, knowing the goddess before him was not his Hestia. It was her counterpart, Vesta.
"Weakling." The girl, Charity laughed.
"Hestia." Percy mumbled before the girl plunged a blade into his stomach. They flashed to a large room and strapped him onto a table.
"I...." he stopped as they began stabbing him with daggers. "Do what you want! I won't fight back!" He cried.
"Now, let us begin." Vesta stated. Percy breathed heavily.
"Hestia, I love you." He looked up and watched as Vesta shimmered. She was replaced by his loving Hestia. She rushed over and began freeing him.
"Vesta, I'm giving you three seconds to split yourself from me or so help me!" Nothing happened. "VESTA!" She yelled. Hestia shimmered and Vesta appeared next to her.
"What!" Vesta snapped. Hestia began emptying bottles of nectar over Percy.
"So help me if you ever hurt him again I'll send you to Oblivion!" Hestia roared.
"He was in our bed!" The roman goddess snapped.
"I let him! I LOVE HIM!" Hestia hissed. The girls stared at their Greek Patron in shock.
"Percy." She whispered as his wounds began to heal.
"Fine, sully our purity." Vesta stared with hate. She ushered the girls out of the room.
"Hestia, don't be....mad." Percy said sitting up.
"No, they hurt you."
"I don't care." He replied.
"But......" He cut her off by kissing her.
"Forgive them." He whispered. She pursed her lips and nodded.
"Vesta! Girls!" The roman goddess and twelve girls appeared.
"I love Percy. He is a part of my life. Can you be happy for me and accept him?" The girls nodded. Vesta shrugged.
"Just keep him away from me."
"Lady Vesta, I beg your forgiveness. I didn't mean to offend you. To show my apology is genuine, I pledge my service to you. Should you need anything, I will gladly do as you ask." Percy said. The Roman goddess stared wide eyed at Percy. The nectar had seeped into his skin, revealing his toned body. This caused Vesta to stare even more. She gulped.
"T-Thank you." She stammered. "I-don't see why you and Hestia can't be together. You seem like a honorable enough man." Vesta quickly rejoined with Hestia. All the girls looked at Hestia shocked. Percy noticed a blush form on Hestia's cheeks. The only thing was, he could tell the blush was Vesta's.

Hestia's PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now